How to Know the Attack on Indiana RFRA has Nothing to do with Civil Rights.

Tim Cook of Apple has been whining about Indiana’s RFRA, but he has been selling his products in countries which have a policy of killing people for being homosexual.  It’s quite blatant.

Google shows 2 Apple stores, a couple of Mac stores and Best Buys in Indiana
Google shows TWO Apple stores, 3 Mac stores and Best Buys within the entire state of   Indiana.


Apple Stores in Tehran There are more Apple stores in Tehran than in the entire state of Indiana.  This might be some kind of favoritism, or perhaps a death wish.  Does Cook fantasize about being snuffed by a big, strong, radical Islamist who thinks homosexual people should not be allowed to live?  That is just too weird, so what else could fuel his oddly inconsistent behavior?

Most likely, Cook will do anything to secure power for the leftists, but he really is playing with fire. Anything could happen to him once the Islamists or the leftists no longer find him useful.

Gay conservatives, and those who respect their right to life, are asking Tim Cook to account for his agenda and his display of apparent hypocrisy. 

Indiana Legislature Guts its Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

Dialing the phone number for Governor Mike Pence’s office gives a ‘mailbox full’ message.  So Pharmer wrote another letter asking him to veto SB 50, which guts the RFRA, and is worse than no RFRA at all.

Memories Pizza, up in Walkerton  IN had to close for the time being, due to the leftie plus gaystapo hate and death threats, but have gotten huge love from people donating at Go Fund Me.  The family intends to reopen their pizzeria.

Visit Louder with Crowder to see what happens when  a Muslim Baker is asked to make a cake for a same sex wedding.

Crowder also drives home the very important point that the leftists intend to impose their will on those who believe differently, and leave no room for dissent.

muslim bakers say no to same sex wedding cake

Twitter of HS Golf Coach Shows Threat to Burn Down Pizzaria

Jess Dooley, who coaches golf at Concord High School, Elkhart Indiana, owned the now defunct twitter page below.
She is now suspended from her job while this Klan-like  threat of violence is being investigated.

Memories  Pizza, in Walkertown, IN  gained public attention with an announcement that they would not cater same sex wedding ceremonies.

Such petulant behavior is not unexpected from the left.

Golf Coach Jess Dooley of  Concord High School Klan Gaystapo
Golf Coach Jess Dooley of Concord High School is former owner of this Twitter page.

Leftist Persecution of Christians: The Barronelle Stutzman Story

Barronelle Stutzman, Washington florist, being persecuted for her religious beliefs
Barronelle Stutzman, Washington florist, being persecuted for her religious beliefs

The Attorney General of Washington State wants to destroy the Floral business of Barronelle Stutzman, as well as take her home and personal assets because she does not believe in same sex marriage. Though she provided many other floral services for customers of the homosexual persuasion, she drew the line at doing same sex weddings because she believes that marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman.

Click HERE to see a video of her story. She’s being represented by the Alliance Defending Freedom, a public interest law organization which defends the constitutional rights of individuals.

So far, a state judge is ruling against Barronelle Stutzman, but her lawyers are appealing.   This case could eventually move to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Perhaps the Washington State  Persecutor of Christians,  Attorney General, Bob Ferguson will eventually  be  held liable for all legal fees and any damages to Mrs. Stutzman in this case, when it eventually comes to a conclusion.

Highest respect and prayers for Barronelle Stutzman for her steadfastness in adhering to the dictates of her conscience.

Go Fund Legal Help for Barronelle Stutzman (Arlene’s Flowers)

Help the Stormans Family, Pro-life Pharmacists

The Stormans Family  has been battling the coercive leftist abortion supporters for YEARS, regarding their right to refuse to dispense certain types of birth control which have abortive mechanisms of action.  They won their case at home, but are being soaked for legal fees as their First Amendment case is being appealed to the 9th Circuit Court.  Read more about the appeal  at LifeNews.

There’s a Go Fund Me campaign to help out this family, and allow them to stay true to their religious and ethical beliefs as they practice pro-life pharmacy.

Please understand  that the primary drug in question, levonorgestrel, or Plan B One-Step is now an over the counter drug.  The entire environment of practice regarding this drug entity has changed while the Stormans legal battle has been going on.   In addition, it has been established that Plan B is ineffective for American women of average size. ( Learn more at the Chemical Abortion page of this blog.)  The pharmacists who refuse to dispense Plan B have effectively  been protecting these women from being sold a bogus “remedy”.  The point of continued legal persecution of this family is moot.

Your friendly Pharmer is coughing up some $$$ to help the Stormans family, and invites you to do so too

. Read more about the initial case  HERE.

Stormans - Family of Pro-life Pharmacists


African Woman Writes Letter of Thanks to Meriam Ibrahim

After her trial of persecution for her faith, Meriam Ibrahim was finally been released from Sudan into Italy, where she has received the blessing of Pope Francis.

Obianuju Ekeocha, has penned a letter of thanks to Meriam Ibrahim for her courage in staying true to her faith and enduring the abhorrent conditions of childbirth in a Sudanese prison. See it at Culture of Life Africa. An excerpt is below.

“On behalf of all African women, I thank you Meriam Ibrahim, for showing the world the indomitable courage that is at the core of authentic femininity. I say this because your pain and persecution were tied so firmly to your femininity. And so your triumph was a most powerful witness to life, to motherhood, to marriage, to love and to faith.

You are indeed a true picture of faith and virtue, a true symbol of strength and resilience. You are, in my humble opinion, a real woman of substance, an African woman of substance and your story fills my heart with courage and audacity in my own vocation to defend our African culture of life,marriage, motherhood, faith and family, no matter how difficult, no matter how shameful and no matter how painful for me.”

Obianuju Ekeocha is also known worldwide for her open letter to Melinda Gates, written in 2012, protesting the billionaire elitist’s  penchant for telling Brown women how many babies they should have.  That letter can be found HERE, and is excerpted below.

“Amidst all our African afflictions and difficulties, amidst all the socioeconomic and political instabilities, our babies are always a firm symbol of hope, a promise of life, a reason to strive for the legacy of a bright future.

So a few weeks ago I stumbled upon the plan and promise of Melinda Gates to implant the seeds of her “legacy” in 69 of the poorest countries in the world (most of which are in Sub-Saharan Africa).

Her pledge is to collect pledges for almost $5 billion in order to ensure that the African woman is less fertile, less encumbered and, yes, she says, more “liberated.” With her incredible wealth she wants to replace the legacy of an African woman (which is her child with the legacy of “child-free sex.”


Supremes: Obama Can’t Force Companies to Pay for Birth Control

Congratulations to Hobby Lobby and Conestoga Wood Specialties Corp, first for filing lawsuits to protect their religious freedom, and second for defeating the Obama Administration before the Supreme Court.

The courageous owners of these two companies objected to being forced to pay for forms of birth control which can have prominent interceptive (early abortive) mechanisms of action.  In a 5 to 4 decision, in which Justice Roberts and the conservatives upheld religious freedom, (and naturally the leftists did not), the two companies are excused from paying for birth control which people could most certainly provide for themselves by other means.  At issue were Plan B, Ella, and the indwelling coathangers otherwise known as IUDs.

This decision appears to be protective of closely held, for-profit corporations, but appears to  exclude non-profit entities such as Little Sisters of the Poor.

Naturally the idea of religious freedom for Christians is causing the lefties to curse, swear, and threaten lives and property of their ideological opponents.  Violence has always been integral to leftism.   Those people are anything but compassionate.

German Researchers have Discovered Who Will Recycle Jews as Focus of Hate

Researchers Were ‘Very Surprised’ to Discover Few Right-Wingers Sent Anti-Semitic Hate Mail, but Here’s Who Did |

When lefties need to manipulate society in order to take control, they single out a scapegoat group upon which frustrated people can focus their hatred.

The NAZI’s used the Jews for that purpose, and it seems that it’s going to be “Deja Vu All Over Again”.

A German group has corroborated what yours truly has observed.  It’s not the right wing extremists who currently express hatred of Jews.  It’s the Intelligentsia: those ensconced in professional and academic positions as a result of their political correctness.  They sense impending economic destruction and they’re taking out their frustration on the Jews and Israel, (because they’d be afraid to take any other responsible groups to task for the world’s troubles).

Oddly, there are some leftie Jews who seem to relish the abuse.  That’s just too weird.