Christians May Not Join the U.S. Military

A new military policy threatens court martial to any service member who spreads their faith or shares it with other service members.  Under discussion is that this policy will also apply to military chaplains, rendering their presence completely moot.

For the time being,  Christians and those of any other evangelical faiths need to avoid signing up to serve in the military.

This egregious violation of civil rights will need to be addressed in the courts.   Meanwhile, the United States is left with diminished defense.

An Islam-Adherent Surgery Center in Chicago

Dr. Naser Rustom wants to build an outpatient  surgical facility in Chicago, which caters to the religious sensibilities of Muslims.  He intends to include general surgery, gastroenterology and pain management specialties within his facility.

This is an idea whose time has come.   Your friendly Pharmer would like to see a whole Muslim friendly Hospital spring up in the U.S.


The Government would be afraid to mess with the Muslims or try to force the institution and its practitioners to do things which violate the religious beliefs.

This might help set a new precedent for allowing religious freedom in general.  The Muslims are leading the way in conscientious objection to abortion in Europe.  They might do the same kind of thing here.

The question of the day is……… will a Muslim friendly health care institution find a cost effective substitute for the pork filled injections of heparin?


Lifenews: Australian Doc Might Lose License for Refusing Sex Selection Abortion

Victoria, Australia requires physicians to perform an abortion or refer for one whenever asked.   This includes cases in which women want to abort a baby because it’s a girl.

Yes, there is a big leftist war on women going on in Victoria, Australia.

Dr. Mark Hobart, in Melbourne is expecting to have to give up his license to practice medicine because he refused to cooperate in an abortion for a couple because they didn’t want to have a girl.

Hobart refused to give a referral for the sex selection abortion, Hobart has broken the law in his state, and he is expecting suspension or complete loss of his license.

In Victoria, abortion and the state’s war on women trumps any human rights.   Consider this if you have thought of moving to that part of the world.  The remaining medical professionals  are probably of decreasing quality as the ones who balk at killing are being removed from practice.

Hobby Lobby Will Defy Obama HHS Mandate

The family of David Green, which owns the 500 plus Hobby Lobby stores, with 13000 employees are likely to incur a half billion dollar cost, while waiting for their challenge to the HHS mandate to be heard in court.    Despite this huge financial threat to their company’s existence,  the Greens have decided to adhere to their religious convictions, and defy Obama’s demand that they fund abortive forms of birth control for their employees.

Prayers for the success of David Green, his family and his company.  They’re putting the commandments of God ahead of the commands of  the most pro-abortion president in history.

If the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops had felt this strongly about God’s commandment to avoid willful killing, there would NEVER have been an  HHS mandate at all!!

Federal Court Temporarily Blocks HHS Contraception Mandate for Private Business Owner | CNS News

“This is a big #^@&(N deal”…as Joe Biden would say.    A Federal court is blocking Obamanator’s HHS mandate for O’Brien Industrial Holdings, which operates several smaller companies: Christy Industrial Services, Christy Minerals Co., and Christy Refractories Co. The owner, Frank O’Brien is a Catholic, who wishes to adhere to his religious beliefs in operating his businesses.

The three judge panel of the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals granted a preliminary injunction which blocks the HHS mandates unconstitutional effects upon this privately owned company. Among the many lawsuits challenging the HHS mandate, this is the first decision rendered by a Federal appeals court.

Frank Manion of the American Center for Law and Justice is handling this case, which was first dismissed by a Federal district court judge before it was taken before the Eighth Circuit Court. The ACLJ has filed two other lawsuits against the Federal Government regarding the HHS mandate, and numerous Amicus briefs for other court challenges.

Federal Court Temporarily Blocks HHS Contraception Mandate for Private Business Owner | CNS News.

FLObama! It’s ART!!

Inspired by the latest artistic depiction of Obama as savior, Glenn Beck presents his very own work: FLObama, which features immersion of the presidential image in “countrytime” colored fluid, at 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, no doubt.

Watch for yourself.

Of course, Beck points out that the Obama Crucified -“Truth” artist, (Michael D’Antuono) the “Piss Christ” artist, and he, as the “FLObama” creator, all are making use of the First Amendment free speech rights.

We are waiting for the screams, wailing and gnashing of teeth coming from the left, as “FLObama”, aka “Obama in PeePee” is sold for its rather large asking price.

Update quoted from The Blaze:  “The popular online auction site eBay has yanked a piece of artwork done by Glenn Beck citing its belief that the project featured an Obama figurine floating in actual urine (it was not, however).”

“Bids can now be emailed in the subject line to the following email address set up by Beck: [email protected]


The Atheists will Force the IRS’s Hand Against Other Churches

FFRF Sues the IRS Over Churches’ Alleged Political Endorsements |

Atheism is an act of faith.  Its default belief,  without evidence, is  that the universes are self generating and self maintaining – in the absence of the Creator which they deny.

The IRS has been running away from dealing with free speech challenges by over a thousand pastors, on Pulpit Freedom Sunday, probably because they know they’ll lose.

It’s difficult for the IRS  to tell churches that they can’t keep non-profit status if they convey political preferences, with Cecile Richards of the NON- non-profit, Planned Unparenthood, so vigorously supporting and campaigning for the Abortionist in Chief, Obama.

Atheists are getting frustrated at the slow process of compelling complete fealty to the state.  Their Freedom From Religion Foundation, FFRC, is suing to compel the IRS to move against the churches and compel enforcement of the Johnson tax regulation from the 1950s, limiting the free speech of non-profits.

Forcing the hand of the IRS might bring about the early defeat and nullification of these IRS regulations.  It’s what the Pulpit Freedom Sunday Pastors have been hoping for: a chance to win back 1st amendment rights, and beat the tax-man once and for all.


Celebrate Pulpit Freedom Sunday

Pastors Prepare to Fight IRS Through Pulpit Freedom Sunday |

October 7 is Pulpit Freedom Sunday, in which the Alliance Defending Freedom and numerous other religious organizations are backing this effort.

Many of the pastors send tapes of their sermons to the IRS, attempting to trigger an audit.   The IRS has acted against non profits engaging in politically partisan activity before, but generally shy away before the issue goes to court. The agency fears losing the power to suppress speech by losing their case on constitutional 1st amendment grounds.

Knowing that the IRS does not go after Planned Parenthood for its blatant campaign activity for the Democrats, and Cecile Richards current tour of the swing states for Obama, should bolster the courage of any religious groups and churches which would like to engage in free political speech from the pulpit.

Some courageous Catholic Priests have taken on the task of defending the sanctity of  life in their sermons. This could be interpreted directly as anti-democrat speech since abortion is firmly entrenched in that party’s platform, and Obamacare includes a death panel, (IPAB).   These priests have therefore taken on the IRS, and the current administration itself.

Other members of  of United States Catholic Clergy might shy away from giving their own interpretations of scripture as it impinges upon politics, for fear of  chasing off their congregations. Some of them subscribe to the idea that it’s OK to vote for a politician who supports killing the unborn, the elderly and the disabled, so long as the candidate  promises to redistribute the wealth.  This type of confused thinking  has morphed  from Seamless Garment teaching of Cardinal Joseph Bernardin.

Besides Pulpit Freedom Sunday,  October is Pro Life Month and the Fall  edition of the 40 Days for Life,  is underway.

Don’t forget to Defend your Freedom with your VOTE on Nov 6th.