Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani Reportedly Freed After Three Years in Iranian Prison |

Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani Reportedly Freed After Three Years in Iranian Prison |

After three years, Iran has finally set Christian Pastor Joucef Nadarkhani free. He was acquitted of apostasy, but convicted of evangelizing to Muslims. The three years he already served in prison were considered enough for the latter charge.

Some are celebrating that justice has been served. Pharmer is very happy that the Pastor Nadarkhani won’t be executed as originally planned, but three years in prison for preaching is not justice.

Cops: LGBT Volunteer Shoots Family Research Council’s Security Guard

Cops: LGBT volunteer shoots conservative group's guard – CBS News.

Floyd Corkins II has been arrested for the shooting of a security guard in the lobby of the Family Research Council, a socially conservative group based in Washington DC.

Corkins has been a volunteer at the LGBT Community Center in Washington DC for about a half year. Apparently the FRC’s stance on gay marriage, and in support of Chick-fil-A had served as an irritant to the shooter, although his motive is officially said to be unknown.

The security guard, who has been called a hero by the D.C. police chief, has been hospitalized, in stable condition. He had been shot in the arm when he stopped the gunman in the lobby. He then wrestled the suspect to the ground. The FBI is said to be investigating the incident.

Chick-Fil-A Lines on Appreciation Day

You can click on the photo gallery below to see a collection of crowded Chick-Fil-A restaurants on Aug 1. Americans are responding to a statement that Chick-Fil-A does not represent Chicago values, and efforts to prevent restaurants from being opened there and in Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and San Francisco.
All over the U.S. the 1600 Chick-Fil-A restaurants have been enjoying booming business, and even some referrals from competing fast food places, on this  Appreciation Day.

WLS 890AM Photo Gallery.

Click here for some Commentary at Hillbuzz concerning the Tamminator’s pilgrimage to Chick-Fil-A at the University of Minnesota. The place was packed despite school being in summer session, and massive construction occurring outside. The Tamminator, who believes in the First Amendment, sez: “Freedom is delicious!”

Catholics Launch Fortnight for Freedom

Starting June 21 and running through July 4th is a two week period of prayer and education to counteract the Obama healthcare mandate and its threat to religious freedom.


Fortnight for Freedom Bulletin Insert

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Gets A Clue.

Speech by a Bishop Who had a clue early on. (Archbishop Chaput moved from Denver to Philadelphia to clean house.)

Coverage at The Blaze

Video from Washington DC Archdiocese

Kathleen Sebelius is the Beta Version of Sandra Fluke

Both the Beta and the marketed version of the Birth Control Gurl program are equally worthless with respect to output content, but as you can see below,  Kathleen Sebelius, the Beta version, delivers the output haltingly as though there is a misconfiguration of  the audio output device driver.

Watch the fun as Congressman Trey Gowdy questions Sebelius on her efforts to examine the constitutionality of the HHS mandate.

Obama is following the path of Hitler and Stalin, Says Bishop

Archbishop Daniel R. Jenky, Peoria, Illinois, speaks up about Obama in a sermon:
“Hitler and Stalin, at their better moments, would just barely tolerate some churches remaining open, but would not tolerate any competition with the state in education, social services, and health care,” Jenky said. “In clear violation of our First Amendment rights, Barack Obama – with his radical, pro abortion and extreme secularist agenda, now seems intent on following a similar path.”