Mother of Mercy H.S. on Al

Islamophobia in the US, April 30, 2011: Bullying Targets Muslim and Arab Students in New Jersey Schools.

The above linked news page addresses  Muslim relations in the U.S., and the  issue that some innocent people are paying a social price for the actions of other controversial or terrorist groups.

A few articles down on the page…… Mother of Mercy H.S. in Cincinnati makes the news for it’s reach-out to CAIR, a controversial group ( favored by only 11 percent of U.S. Muslims,) which has been under Justice Dept scrutiny for  financial ties to known terrorist groups.

Memorializing Pakistani Minister for Minorities, Shahbaz Bhatti

An interview with Minister Bhatti prior to his assassination, on March 2  which a colleague shared with the media after his assassination by Islamic extremists,  and which was  disseminated by Al Jazeera English.

“I have struggled for a long time for justice and equality. If I change my stance today, who will speak out? I am mindful that I can be assassinated any time, but I want to live in history as a courageous man.”   -Shabbaz Bhatti

Pharmer adds a little assist to accomplish the minister’s wish.

Contact information found at  Lifesite News.

Embassy of Pakistan, USA
3517 International Court NW
Washington, DC 20008.
Phone: 202-243-6500, Fax: 202-686-1534
EMAIL: [email protected]

High Commission for Pakistan in Canada
10 Range Road
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 8J3
Phone: (613) 238-7881-2 lines, Fax: (613) 238-7296
Email: [email protected]


Such A Cranky Gurl – Maria Fotopoulos

Maria Fotopolous, a transplant from Oklahoma to California, and professional writer, was caught Hot Flashing by Izzy Lyman over at Breitbart. Displayed there is a pic of Maria which looks as though a tetanic contraction of the uterine myometrium might be in progress. Maria is cranking off at the Duggars for their prodigious reproduction rate.

Ms. Maria  has not  always been so ragged-out though. You can see her in some better moods at her turbodog50 Twitter home and her Turbodog Communications business site. Not all of her writing is as whacked as what we saw in this article she wrote for the California population controllers. It’s fair to say that in some cases she has shown a respectfulness of religion. But she’s in no mood for the faith expression of the Duggars, which acknowledges God as being in charge of the reproductive output.

A toxin has poisoned Fotopoulos’s brain, and may perhaps be  potentiated  by a personal sense of failure in the reproduction department.    This Toxin exacerbates  the  Greenie Dogma  that the earth cannot sustain its current population, though it  could be packed into the state of Texas,  and will be in actual decline by 2050 or sooner.  Such whacky doomsday faith has caused her to see Margaret Sanger, (who comes complete with murderous, eugenics  agenda)  as a force for positive change.

So one must wonder………. who put the PCP in Maria’s kombuchu tea  last  week??

The Thought of Losing all that Federal Money Caused Vanderbilt to Drop It’s Abortion Policy for Nursing Residents.

Voila! Vanderbilt drops abortion demand.

Yes…. 300 million bucks in Federal money — could have been held back from Vanderbilt had it continued using its application form, which was worded in such a way to prevent pro-life nurses from applying to its women’s health care track.

That, and the publicity provided by the Alliance Defense fund and allied pro-lifers was a bit much for the school.  This news was all over the place

Vanderbilt’s application letter has been modified so that it no longer contains the demand of nurses to provide care for women who are undergoing  abortions.

Vanderbilt has been trying to save face by claiming that the letter didn’t really mean to coerce participation  in the abortions themselves.    (Experienced health care professionals know that it would have.)

Nursing residents should expect a hostile work environment from those who run the woman’s health care track inside of Vanderbilt, since they are the origin of that application form.  They will not like having had to modify it,  likely at the behest of those higher up, who could not stand this publicity, nor the thought of losing the federal grants.

Any overtly pro-life health care professional will experience some form of negative backlash in  the majority of health care institutions.

People who know they should have stood up for the sanctity of human life  often  resent those who actually do.  You’ll find some of these people in surprising places.

It doesn’t matter that Vanderbilt’s woman’s health division of the nursing school has rescinded its demand.   Pro-life nurses who enter there might want to keep a lawyer on their speed dial.

Thanks to the Alliance Defense fund for attending to the Vanderbilt case, and for sharing this information.

Meri Kurisumasu

Yes, it’s just fine to say MERRY CHRISTMAS! in Japan, so you shouldn’t have to worry about saying it in the U.S..

Christmas is sort of a special day for lovers in Japan, but is also celebrated in the homes. KFC has made itself a big niche for Christmas dinner, believe it or not.

The Obamas balked at displaying a nativity scene in the White house this year, but they are perfectly acceptable  in Japan.   It’s not necessary for them to be Christian to have curiosity and respect for the story of the birth of Jesus.   Below is one from Kokeshi designs.

While we’re wandering to Japan, to find religious tolerance of Christianity! here’s another look at Japan’s pro-life  Jikei hospital in Kumamoto prefecture.  They’ve got a crisis pregnancy hotline, and the stork baby hatch.

Taiji Hasuda, president of the Jikei hospital’s parent company,  brought forth the idea of this baby hatch, dubbed konotori no yurikago.  It is modeled after similar ones in Germany, as a means to reduce abortions, and prevent abandonment of babies in unsafe conditions.

Are any Japanese speakers finding the  cool homonym in Hasuda-san’s first name?