The leftists have invented a False Racial Controversy out of some comments made by Cliven Bundy, the famous Nevada Rancher. It’s totally bogus, but, just as expected, weak minded republicans are denouncing Bundy, because this is what the lefties tell them to do. We really need to get rid of these politicians, and unfortunately that seems to include Rand Paul. It has now become racist to say that the stupid government policies are are screwing up the lives of various minority people.
Click THIS, or the pic to hear what Cliven Bundy really said: that for Blacks, living on government subsidies is no more freedom than when they were picking cotton down South, and is possibly worse, due to destruction of the family structure. He also gives some interesting comments on immigration. Of course some buzz words are there, and no brainless acolyte of political correctness could pass through them to hear the real message. In addition, the destruction of family is high on the leftist agenda.
The lamestream media managed some editing, so that the Republicans would denounce Bundy as fast as Pavlov’s dogs salivated. They never fail to disappoint.

UPDATE: Rip Curl at Truth Revolt has provided text and a bit of commentary on the media editing hack job of Cliven Bundy. The NYT has acted similarly to NBC, editing the 911 call by George Zimmerman, to smear him as a racist. This is defamation.