Republican Primaries: Santorum Surges and Bachman Suspends.

Michele Bachmann Drops Out of Presidential Race – ABC News.

After finishing last in her home state, Bachmann has left the Republican presidential race.

Bachmann would have been fully capable of functioning in the role of President, but had difficulty in projecting that competency to the public.

A health care type of analogy:   Bachmann is a  “pharmacist”  and Palin is a “nurse”.   It would have been much easier for Palin to be elected.

The real winner in Iowa is Rick Santorum, even though Mitt Romney edged him by 8 votes or so.

Iowa is not a conservative state.  It has enough of a leftist base to allow for gay marriage, and to be the first state to adopt telemed  abortions.  Also in Iowa it is permissible for Democrats to vote in the Republican caucuses.

For Santorum to have done so well in that state is significant.

Republicans Still Allowing Media to Choose Their Candidates

Herman Cain Ending GOP Campaign | Herman Cain Quits Presidential Race | Video |

The Republicans are still looking to the leftist media and Chicago machine  to choose their political candidates for them.

The possibility of reforming that party from within looks quite a bit more bleak as of today.

Herman Cain giving up his campaign  presents a significant  argument for killing the GOP and starting up an entirely new party.


Getting to Know Ginger White

Former Business Partner: Ginger White Never Mentioned Herman Cain – ABC News.

Ginger had a bad breakup with  partner Kimberly Vay who ran a spinning (bicycling training) business with her.   This lead to a libel lawsuit filed by Vay  over a defamatory email sent by Ginger White to her clientele and others, giving supposed reasons for the  dissolution of their partnership.   Ms. Vay eventually prevailed in that lawsuit which was filed in june 2011.

Vay said that White never mentioned Herman Cain to her during any time of their association.  She declined to mention whether she thought White was telling the truth, and merely said:  “When you see the details of my lawsuit, they will speak for themselves”.  Vay saw fit to petition for  a restraining order against White, but a final decision on this  was never reached.

It seems that self destruction is not a new thing to Ms. White.

Presidential Race: Mitch Daniels is Out, Herman Cain is In

No go in 2012: Ind. GOP Gov. Daniels not running.

Mitch Daniels cites his family interests as a reason for not running.  Another reason would be having to answer for appointing  that Loser Indiana Supreme Court Judge Steven David, who cancelled the fourth amendment  here in Indiana.   Pharmer think’s that was the final nail in the coffin.

Herman Cain, on the other hand, will be running, and this particular Indiana resident thinks today’s news  is fortunate.   Cain is a viable conservative candidate who  has a much better chance in the race than Daniels, for his ideals, speaking ability, and lack of political baggage.