ColoradoRep. Joe Salazar: Rape Defense for Women

Call boxes, “safe zones”, whistles are the Joe Salazar (Democrat Colorado State Rep) plan for women’s self defense against rape.
You don’t know if you’re about to be raped……
That stalker might not be wanting to harm you. You have no way of knowing. Women should not have guns for self defense.
Women are not to be credited with the ability to identify an imminent attack, says this representative of the women’s rights party.

Under consideration is a Colorado Bill, 13-1226, to further target educational institutions for crazy shooters, by prohibiting concealed carry on Colorado college campuses. Existing Colorado law allows concealed carry for people over 21 years of age, after training classes.

Dr. Suzanna Hupp Reminds Us How A Massacre is Stopped

Dr. Suzanna Hupp lost her parents in the Luby massacre in Texas in 1991, and has been a concealed carry advocate ever since.  She unfortunately had not been carrying on the fateful day she was in the restaurant with her parents.   The video below (a classic!) is her original testimony before Congress  a couple of years after the event.    Go HERE to see a C-span video of her more recent testimony this past Monday. 


MSNBC Has ZIMMERED the Gun Debate- Caught Editing the Video Again

NBC has been the mouthpiece of the left for decades. Your friendly Pharmer was personally caught up in this, long ago, having an hour-long interview turned into a soundbite in a shill for Planned Parenthood. After that interview, all other interview requests from NBC were refused, including their nationally syndicated evening news.

No one should be using NBC or MSNBC as a news source, because their output is fictionalized by heavy and biased editing.

John Nolte of Breitbart has decided to recognize the singular efforts of Eric Wemple at the Washington Post ! for recognizing and reporting on the latest transgression at NBC.
For his efforts to fairly investigate a claim by MSNBC, that the father of a child killed in the Sandy Hook shootings was heckled while giving testimony, Eric Wemple gets links of his coverage:

Was Newtown father really heckled?

MSNBC ‘reviewing’ Newtown ‘heckled’ video

Here’s why Newtown victim’s father was NOT heckled

MSNBC, Huffington Post respond to ‘heckling’ issue

Hannity compares ‘heckling’ case to Zimmerman tape edits

The short of it is that MSNBC edited another tape to portray conservatives and 2nd Amendment supporters as insensitive troglodytes.  They did to all of us collectively, as they did to George Zimmerman, and likely it will have similar  unjust and disastrous consequences.

The proper response to MSNBC  is to stop looking at it, do not click their ads, and try to avoid supporting their known advertisers.  Give MSNBC the corporate “death penalty” for its transgressions.

Unedited Video:


Here’s a collection of NBC editing efforts on behalf of their leftist agenda.

“Whatever Happened to Common Sense?” – E.T. Williams

Elmer (E.T.) Williams is a modern day prophet, verbally flogging Americans  for their political sins, and dragging them back to the land of common sense.  Check out his Blog.  From there you can surf his videos, pick up his books, and tune into “the Doctor of Common Sense” on blogtalkradio.

Like Pharmer,  Mr. Williams has concluded that the two dominant political parties are not getting the job done, and he’s entertaining the probability of a third party alternative.

Watch: Mr. Williams processes the Fast and Furious gun running debacle for the Obama Supporters:

15-Year-Old Girl Shot And Killed In Chicago, Kenwood Neighborhood Park

On Jan 21, Hadiya Pendleton performed with her high school band at Obama’s inauguration.  On Jan 29, she was shot dead in Vivian Gordon Harsh Park of Chicago, a likely unintended consequence of the gang-related shootings which are common in that city.  Pendleton was not believed to be gang affiliated  but some of the teens standing near her under the canopy  were likely members.

15-Year-Old Girl Shot And Killed In Kenwood Neighborhood Park « CBS Chicago.

Putting Chicago’s problem in perspective: the killings that city vastly exceed the U.S. death toll in Afghanistan.

We await Obama’s response to the rampant and deadly violence in his blue home city, with the strict gun regulations.

Meet Rabbi David Bendory of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

‘The Purpose of Our Organization Is Plain and Simple: To Destroy Gun Control’ — Meet the Jewish Group Behind That Mantra |

Orthodox Jewish Rabbi, David Bendory, heads up Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership.   He’s acutely aware of the gun restrictions which preceded Hitler’s genocide in WWII Germany.  Raised in leftie Essex NJ, guns were not part of his upbringing.  His views changed drastically after visits to Israel, where heavily armed  guards are everywhere, and after the 2008 Islamic terrorist attacks in Mumbai, in which Jews were among those specifically targeted.

Membership in the rather small gun owners organization has skyrocketed in the last 18 months under the stewardship of Rabbi Bendory.  Learn more about gun toting Jews and their views HERE.

Surprise: Obama Goes Shooting ‘All the Time,’ He Claims -Breitbart


Surprise: Obama Goes Shooting ‘All the Time,’ He Claims.

He says the shoot-fests happen at Camp David.

It’s Man’s Country.

Pharmer is wondering where  Matt Drudge, Jerome Corsi and Kevin DuJan will run with this.

Here’s one answer…..

Breitbart tries to keep it clean.

such a super soaker


UPDATE….. We are laughing at New Republic for trying to pawn off a fake photo of Obama wielding a shotgun, and almost keeling over.  Could this have been their idea of what happens to him after firing?  Caught at The Weekly Standard.

This gun is tooooooo big for Barry

MORE UPDATE: Insiders who have seen Obama’s limited shooting at Camp David state that he could not have appeared more UNcomfortable handling a gun. He put himself through a 5 minute ordeal during a traditional shooting event (The President’s Cup) with the Marine guards.
See that report HERE.

Barry can’t let it go UPDATE:   White House provides that Once in a lifetime shot of Obama firing a shotgun.   The pic has so many caveats and restrictions attached that the media might not be showing it for long.

Party at Twitchy– users are photo-ENHANCING Obama’s pic.  Fun stuff HERE.

Jessie Duff’s Gun Lesson for Voters

Watch as This Woman Proves She Knows More About Guns & Marksmanship Than You (Probably) Ever Will | Video |

After you watch this, you’ll know much more about guns than most of your politicians who presume to regulate them.   The major take home point is that the proposed legislation will have more effect on  guns which shoot small caliber bullets, and not those which would clean out a room, or put a huge hole in a target.  Obviously the regulations are not intended for protection.  Overall, the government wants to remove access to the guns which are easiest for smaller people to manipulate and shoot accurately.