Abortionist in Chief, Using Children as Props, Announces 23 New Gun Control Edicts

Obama signed 23 new executive orders, expanding federal control over the distribution and tracking of guns.  Congress is also expected to deal with new legislation, as a solution to the governments utter failure to enforce the existing legislation.  The fact that the cited gun violence is concentrated in the areas with the strictest gun control has been ignored, thus revealing that the new legislation is not about protection or safety at all.

As the Abortionist in Chief pretends to be pushing gun bans for the sake of the children, take some time, surfing links below, to review some of his killer classics:

Obama Selling His Daughters for the Abortion Cause Again.
Remember how he didn’t want his daughters to be PUNISHED with a baby?

Obama on Abortion: to the left of most abortionists

President Barack Obama’s Pro-Abortion Record: A Pro-Life Compilation | LifeNews.com.

Opposing the Born Alive Infants Protection Act of Illinois,


Boom! Pharmacist Shoots Back At Attacker

Pharmacist Protects Himself From Gang By Shooting Them.

A pair of intruders barged into the back entrance of Bryan Lee’s Pharmacy in Madera, California, spraying bullets as they went. Lee’s mother, Sophia, who works at the pharmacy, was hit in the leg. Lee returned fire, hitting one of the attackers, Aquilla Bailey in the face and torso and leg, according to news reports. Bailey is now dead, and the second attacker has been apprehended in Fresno.
The privately owned pharmacy opened as usual, the day after the shooting. This is the third robbery attempt which has been thwarted at Lee’s Pharmacy in the last 15 years.
A news video is temporarily available at the links.

News Shorts from the Right.

FPS Russia is a top YouTube channel for gun enthusiasts,  with about 3 million subscribers.  It’s co-owner, Keith Ratliff was found dead in rural Georgia, this past Thursday, with several of his weapons still around him. Ratliff, also the owner of a custom weapons business, leaves behind a wife and two year old son.  Police are treating his death as a homicide.    Read more at the Daily Mail. 

John Noveske of Noveske Rifleworks in Oregon, lost his life in a vehicular accident on Jan 4.  This American entrepreneur leaves behind a family and a company of dedicated firearms makers.

A story to warm your heart:  The Blaze tells us that the  Fox Five have retaliated against Gawker for publishing the names of lawful gun owners in New York City.  They announced the name, phone number and email address of Gawker founder, Nick Denton on their program.

The NRA has acquired 100,000 new members after the Sandy Hook shooting according to the Politico.

Obama Threatens Gun Ban Edict

Like so many dictators before him, Obama is threatening to bypass congress for his gun ban. The instrument for conveying Obama’s threats is Joe Biden    As usual, a crisis is being used to strengthen central governmental control.

Obama knows that Congress is too weak to stop him, and he doesn’t pay much attention to the judicial system.  The  rest of the government is too afraid of being called racist to enforce the law. More significantly,  these individuals are too afraid of being killed to lead opposition to Obama’s edicts.  Remember, we sent Chicago to Washington D.C., and now we have to pay the consequences.

Pharmer notes that only the citizenry  (subjects) will have to go without personal protection.  The governing class will retain their armed guards.

Journal News Hires Armed Guards – Will Their Names Get Published Also?

The Gannett owned Journal News of New York published a map showing names and locations of gun owners in Rockland and Putnam Counties. This fueled a vigorous backlash, including bloggers publishing the names and addresses of that news rag. A flood of negative mail and commentary has deluged the leftie press, shocking Editor Caryn A. McBride. As a result, the Journal News now has hired ARMED guards from New City’s RGA Investigations Company.

Pharmer is amused.

Obama Sells Gun Control By Assuring Us that Government is Incompetent to Protect Us

Obama’s explanation for the American lives lost in the Benghazi embassy is “sloppiness…. not intentional”.  Listen to more, for yourself, if you are feeling bulimic today. Hillary fell down, hit her empty head, and is unlikely to ever appear before Congress to explain her part in the debacle. No one from the Obama administration has lost their job as a result of this neglect. Requests from security forces leaving Benghazi last August, and repeated requests from the embassy itself, for more security, were rebuffed by the CIA and the White house. Calls for help during the attack were met with direct refusals to assist, and orders to neighboring security forces to stand down. After the attack, no American personnel were sent to investigate for weeks, and CNN reporters freely roamed the premises, picking up classified documents. This odd lack of concern is what fueled the popular idea that Obama has been sending arms to Al Quaeda, and no one involved in that mission was to survive.
But Obama tells us that he had no ulterior motives, he’s just incompetent, and he doesn’t mind letting the entire world know it.
That should be reassuring to everyone who’s thinking of giving up their guns to government buy back programs, and supporting new and useless gun bans.
It took police about 20 minutes to respond to the school shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary, which is NOT a remote area. Teachers and children in public schools are unarmed and unprotected as a matter of public policy.
The government has shown us again and again that it lacks the ability and resolve to protect us from violent and crazy people.
Is your life worth protecting? Please understand that the government is unwilling or too incompetent to help you with that. It’s a job that you’ll have to do yourself, if you think you’re worth it.

Different Justice for Leftist Elites, vs Common Folk

Andrew K.  Despres was expelled from Fitchburg State University for possession of pot  and what is said to be other minor infractions.  Subsequent to this, he misbehaved,  by going, without permission, into the school grounds to collect his belongings.  This  caused police to finally notice his punked out, fake .308  Ammo Belt, and throw him into jail.

It will take  the Fitchburg cops a good while to figure out that the ‘fashion’  ammo belts are very fake and don’t have primers and powder.  People can get them at punk/emo stores such as Hot Topics, or on Ebay.  While  supposed “ballistics testing” is done  to determine that the ammo is totally non-functional,  Despres is held in jail, pending someone in his family selling off something big to make $ 50,000 bail. 

By contrast, David Gregory, certifiable member of the Elite Leftist Class, is probably going to skate, though he violated Washington DC law by possessing and displaying a large capacity ammo magazine on his show, Meet the Press.  This upper class leftie  even had prior warning from law enforcement not to show the magazine.  Expect Gregory to not even have to pay a fine for breaking one of the types  of gun ban that he  advocated on his show. 

This is just one more example of the difference between the Little People of America and the Elite class, with respect to application of the law.   Look for increased disparity in Obama’s Amerika.

Update:  Despres spent a week in jail before his bond was reduced to $500 dollars.    David Gregory is said to have gone on vacation.

Update……. Yep, David Gregory was excused by the D.C. attorney general, Irvin Nathan.  He’s above the law, like so many other lefties.

This Had to Happen after New York’s Journal News Published Names and Addresses of Gun Owners

Fury After Paper Publishes Names, Addresses of Legal Pistol Owners in New York | TheBlaze.com.

Pistol permit holders in two New York counties experienced the honor of having their names published in the Journal News, and with it, the increased likelihood of having their guns stolen.   A map indicating the locations of neighborhood gun owners was published, which included handgun owners, but excluded those who only owned long rifles or shotguns.

Naturally the gun owners were displeased at the prospect of being targeted for home invasions by those who would like to steal guns for possible use in criminal activity. One commenter at The Blaze Blog pointed out that the Roanoke Times in Virginia had published names and addresses of concealed carry permit holders, including that of a woman who was hiding from an abusive ex-husband.

The natural result of the latest  action of the Journal News was retaliation, and there was only a short wait for the fun to start.

Bloggers have published the names and addresses of Journal News employees and editors on a map, leaving out the freelance writers.  New Yorkers can learn Where Are the Journal News Employees in Your Neighborhood.  The journaLOSTS have been given a taste of their own medicine.   Perhaps this will serve to discourage any future targeting of lawful gun owners by the press.
See the full sized map here, and the work of another blogger amassing names and addresses here.


Leftie Caught Up in Gun Restrictions Which He Advocates?

Cops told NBC not to use gun clip – Katie Glueck – POLITICO.com.

David Gregory displayed a large capacity gun magazine on his NBC Meet the Press show this past Sunday.  It appears that he has violated Washington DC gun regulations which “ban” such equipment.  NBC is said to have contacted DC police before the show, and were told that it was not permissible to have such a magazine for display on the show.

Thinking themselves above the local laws,  the NBC leftists defied this directive from the police.  Officer Araz Alali told the Politico that they’re investigating the matter.

Don’t hold your breath in expectation of the Washington DC law being applied to their pet leftists.

Bloody Christmas Eve: 7 Shot in Chicago

In one of the most heavily gun-controlled American cities, 7 people received lead injections on Christmas Eve.
Obama won’t be visiting Chicago to mourn the injuries and loss of life. These victims are not kids of well to do suburbanites or potential political contributors.  For the most part, they represent  the group that the Democrats rely on as “voter stock”.
Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s solution for the ineffective gun control in Chicago is more gun control laws.

Bloody Christmas Eve: 7 Shot in Chicago.

Did you know that Obama’s kids’ school has 11 armed guards?