Mom Delivers Baby in Toilet of Kings Mill Hospital, UK

The latest in a collection of tales from the world of socialized medicine:

Mother gives birth in hospital toilet bowl as midwives ‘ignore calls for help’ | Mail Online.

Sharon Willoughby and Richard Sum are considering action against Kings Mill Hospital  in Nottinghamshire, for a maltreatment they and their baby recieved this past November.

Their baby, now 10 weeks old was delivered into a toilet after Willoughby’s cries for help were ignored by staff.  They had given her labor inducing drugs, but, the patient says, she had not been examined for progress of the birth.

Sum fished the baby out of the toilet. Their cries and pages for help went unanswered for 15 more  minutes  because the nurses ‘thought she was asking for tea’.  Sum  helped baby and mom back into the hospital room, then had to leave them to summon assistance.

Willoughby required  a transfusion due to blood loss, and remained in the hospital for three more days.

New York’s Union Death Panel

We’ve been hearing that New York city spent a much longer period locked in by snow than was necessary, due to an intentional work slowdown by protesting union workers.

A group of supervisors with the Sanitation Dept. is under media fire for partying in a van, drinking beer, next to stranded snow plows and vehicles.  Reporting that they had run out of fuel, the guys decided to kick back and enjoy each other’s good company.  That the supervisors felt they could do this reveals something about the chain of command in New York City.

Highlighted in the news were the deaths of an elderly person and a newborn baby who could not receive medical attention during the paralysis of transportation.

The New York  union death panels deserve credit for hundreds of uncounted deaths, and perhaps the inaction of city government was purposeful.

New York is a bankrupt city,  heavy with dependents needing medical and other tax payer assistance.   The fastest way to be rid of these people is to allow natural disasters to take their toll.  Exacerbating problems by inactivity and unresponsiveness of course increases the number of “natural” deaths.

Your friendly Pharmer knows exactly what happens in a hospital during a snow storm.  The rate of new admissions, particularly through the emergency room drops off precipitously.  This  extends for as long as transportation remains  blocked by the weather.

Do people stop having traumatic  injuries, chest pains, diabetic keto-acidosis, psychotic episodes, suicide attempts, births, strokes, and other emergent medical conditions just because it snows?   Of course not!   They simply go unattended and many of them die.

The news will not tell you about Bloomberg’s New York, Union, Death Panel,  which has likely stripped hundreds, or even thousands  of dependent human individuals from the welfare, medicaid, and social security rolls, by delaying cleanup.

That’s one way to deal with a financial crisis.  Expect more of it, especially if health care becomes both government controlled and unionized.

Planned Parenthood and Obama Administration Train FBI to Harass Pro Life Protesters

Obama Admin Targets Pro-Lifers in FBI Training Forum With Pro-Abortion Orgs.

Carrying anti-abortion signs and passing out leaflets has become classified as violence.

Linked HERE is the resource guide prepared by Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion groups for the August seminar at FBI headquarters in Portland, Oregon.

When Obama said that abortion would be at the heart of his health care plan for America, he meant it.

A blast from the past to remind everyone that Obama is most distinguished among politicians by his support of the late term variety of abortions.

Someone this devoid of conscience would have no trouble jailing protestors for their exercise of free speech.

MRIs still less available in Canada.

Miracle mom: Mayo surgeons cut her in half, cleared out her cancer – Winnipeg Free Press.

Once you read the story from the Winnipeg Free Press, the possible consequences of delayed diagnosis due to the inavailability of medical imaging in Canada become apparent.

Best of luck to this upbeat Mom, Janis Ollson who is bent on surviving and succeeding despite the traumatic surgery she has undergone to remove a tumor (chondrosarcoma) in her spine.

Other notable details are that the ground breaking  surgery, of course, took place in the United States, at the Mayo Clinic.

Click that top link.  This story is worth a read.

It Took Years to Teach Some ABC Reporters When Human Life Begins

2010 Campaign: Muted Debate on Abortion, Gay Marriage and Stem Cell Research – ABC News.

After a few news cycles over years,  and a barrage of commentary on  the poorly educated reporters who did not understand primary school level biology,  World News Tonight mentioned fertilization processes when discussing the (early) abortion  issues.   It took huge effort to evoke a  glimmer of comprehension about this crux of the abortion controversy.

Now these reporters are  fooling themselves into thinking that the conservatives have dropped social issues while taking up economic issues.

Wrong as usual.  This time they’ll stay wrong til it’s no longer relevant.    This connection is just too complex for the average alphabet network -journalist to understand.

When we take up the issue of Obamacare, we are addressing the abortion, euthanasia and embryonic stem cell  issues in a big way.   With Obamacare we are faced with health care professionals being coerced to participate in these practices, and massive loss of those workers as a result.  Surveys of physicians by Investors Business Daily,  and the New England Journal of Medicine have yielded the same result, predicting massive attrition in the event of Obamacare.   We are also faced with women being instructed to abort, and being  told that their children  will not have access to health care if they do not.   We are faced with the denial of care for the elderly and disabled in the name of cost containment.   The writings and vocalizations of Obama’s health care advisors are clear.

Repealing Obamacare IS THE BIGGEST SOCIAL ISSUE that has  grabbed  the attention of our  conservative movement.

Obama Administration Approves First Direct Taxpayer Funding of Abortion Through New High-Risk Insurance Pools – Obama Administration Approves First Direct Taxpayer Funding of Abortion Through New High-Risk Insurance Pools.

This funding is really in addition to the federal money going to bribe Kenya to accept abortion, with much more to immediately follow.

Bart Stupak should be so proud.  Carol Keehan of CHA ought to  be jumping for joy.

160 million dollars of federal tax money  will go to start a new high risk insurance pool in Pennsylvania which will pay for any legal abortion.

Now will the prolifers who voted for Obama finally believe what we’ve been telling them for  years.

As usual, Jill Stanek has done the digging on the PA high risk unsurance plan and exactly which abortions will be covered: anything legal in that state. Sex selection abortions are excluded. The plan says that elective abortions are not covered, but those determined to be necessary by the woman’s abortionist are covered. You know what that means.

A Death Panel of One

Pro-Life Advocates Call Obama Pick Donald Berwick a One Man Death Panel.

David N. O’Steen  minces no words in calling Obama’s new Medicare and Medicaid Czar a one man death panel.

It is most gratifying to see more and more people catching on to what the Pharmer already knew….. socialized medicine = rationing, and death for the most vulnerable people.

This appointment of Donald Berwick bypasses senate approval, which would likely be difficult for such a flagrant proponent of rationed care.

From Lifenews:

“Berwick’s advocacy of the decimation of American health care is long-standing. In a 1994 Journal of the American Medical Association article, he wrote, “Most metropolitan areas in the United States should reduce the number of centers engaging in cardiac surgery, high-risk obstetrics, neonatal intensive care, organ transplantation, tertiary cancer care, high-level trauma care, and high-technology imaging.””

Toilet brush ‘blunder’ death | The Sun |News

Toilet brush ‘blunder’ death | The Sun |News.

Pharmer collects  UK socialized medicine disaster stories, which are legion,  and here’s a doozie.

A woman fell in the bathroom  (too much drinkie) and six inches of a toilet brush handle had become embedded in her buttocks.

A series of  medical visits since 2005 yielded repeated misdiagnosis and no appropriate treatment. Finally things got so bad, the woman submitted to a surgery which resulted in her death from blood loss.

Read up!