Raylan Alleman at the Fix the Family website has gotten some press on The Blaze, stirring up quite a bit of controversy, over his negative view of college for women. Most are foaming at the mouth over the perceived sexism but a few have noted that Alleman has a point, when he calls College for girls a “near occasion of sin”.
Possibly the concise list of concerns provided by Proverbs 17-12NLT (commenting on The Blaze) are a driving force of this Catholic group’s negative view of college. See below:
Most of the schools are a negative overall influence on women AND men. Your friendly Pharmer determined that none of her kids would go to the IVY league, (Parents, don’t pay for that!) and am sending them to institutions which are not so screamingly leftist. Her kids have been prepared for encounters with “the other side”, and its general intolerance of conservatism.
What’s interesting is that people are ‘going off’ on this Catholic group as extremist, but would not castigate the Amish (one of the fastest growing religious sects in the U.S.) for an even more contrarian view toward higher education.
Proverbs 17-12NLT‘s last point is a huge, and it applies big time to women who gravitate towards the non-math oriented fields, which drive them into lower paying jobs, and inability to pay the ginormous college debt.
Think of Raylan Alleman as turning a little bit Amish as you read through his list of why parents should not send their daughters to college. It might help with tolerance of another family oriented culture, the conservative Catholics. There is quite a bit of practicality in the list from the standpoint of those who would naturally want to live a conservative or family based lifestyle. He finds college education to be forming a kind of prison for women, because the time and money investment of it will drive the parents who fund the education to limit their family size, and the women themselves to do the same, or skip having a family altogether. Alleman’s number one reason “She will attract the wrong types of men.” He’s talking about lazy drones. Pharmer has listened to the tales of working women and their marriages for years. Nurses, those compassionate types, who want to help and heal the sick, seem often to suffer from marrying “Mr. Wrong”, a guy who contributes little to the family life, and thinks that his wife should work hard at a job, come home and take care of him full time also. Alleman states that women wish to build a family might think more deeply about what kind of man they will marry.
Women with a practical mind might want to balance their future desires by educating themselves in the construction skills of domestic life, as well as a lower cost, technical education that can bring needed income. Domestic engineers (formerly called housewives) are constantly making, building, and fixing things, as well as people. It is highly skilled labor, and that’s what is currently in precariously short supply in our industrialized world.
Your friendly Pharmer supports women’s freedom to ignore the expectations of feminazis, and choose to major in the field of domestic engineering.