No news here. The long standing practice of FOX news to pay off accusations of sexual harassment has been featured once more. Apparently it’s time for the network reshuffle the lineup. Business is as usual.
Just think of this as analogous to delaying the revelation that the morning after pill doesn’t work, until after the forces of “planned unparenthood” rolled out their employee training program and marketing of IUDs. Or else think of all the other public figures downed by moldy 40 year old accusations which had been common industry knowledge.
As long as a person supports abortion, any sexual expression, advance, imposition, assault or rape is forgiven by the left.
The entertainment industry is rife with much more extreme behaviors than those specified in the accusations against O’Reilly. This might be why they were able to garner a hundred celebrity signatures on the guitar that Planned Parenthood is raffling as a fundraiser.
What’s the Pharmer policy? If you accidentally surf to a FOX news story online, do your best to avoid triggering the ads, as with any other untrustworthy alphabet news network.