Gay therapy ban ready for enacting – Washington Times

Gay therapy ban ready for enacting – Washington Times.

California will likely be banning therapies for children and teens which seek to discourage homosexual orientation. SB 1172 is heading to Governor Jerry Brown’s desk for signing. He can either choose to sign it, veto it, or allow it to take effect without his signature by Sept 30.

When this bill passes in California, sex and gender role changes, as well as surgical changes, to opposite sex will be supported, while being encouraged to align the role to one’s physiology will be prohibited. The economy of that state will suffer additional deterioration as a result.

It remains obvious to health care practitioners that many homosexual practices are physiologically taxing, and cause additional need for health care services. From a biological standpoint, the fact that gay practices do not promote continuation of the species will not go away.

California is ill equipped at this time to support the economic and health care burdens which are imposed by its current, unbalanced approach to issues of human sexuality.