Ginger White says she had a 13 year Fling with Herman Cain. Herman Cain says he knew this woman for that period of time, but did not have sex with her. Also, Cain scooped the news stories by announcing the new eruption before the interview with Ms. White aired. We’re hoping for some voice analysis services on these interviews too. White has had some trouble paying the rent lately (multiple eviction notices) and perhaps needs an opportunity to make money from a book. Hopefully she is a good writer, and can handle a plausible 13 year stretch of good times with Herman.
In the order of appearance:
Georgia Woman Claims 13-Year Affair with Herman Cain:
Lefties are going to produce a sexual accusation from every woman with whom Herman Cain was ever associated, unless he gives up. It is bringing some significant free ad time to the candidate however, and might eventually work in his favor as people tire of the efforts.