Hospital Aborts Wrong Twin in Horrible Mistake | The Stir.
From Australia comes a story of a woman who decided to abort one of her twins due to a untoward fetal diagnosis of a heart defect. (In the pre-Obama care U.S. there are still corrective options for fetal heart defects.)
Due to an error, at the Royal Women’s Hospital in Melbourne, the healthy twin was killed instead. The mistake was discovered at 32 weeks gestation, at which time the twin with the heart defect (according to the article) was delivered by “emergency” c-section and then killed.
The article’s author commiserates with the mom who has “lost two children”.
These two children were not lost. They were both willfully killed.
The governmental health care administrators might wish to consider the cost of post infanticide mental damage to the mother, and compare it to the cost of fetal or neonatal cardiac repair, or even the cost of keeping a newborn comfortable if he or she has a fatal defect.
Such are the consequences of sin, multiplied several times over. Who will make the Obamacare collective accountable for this, in all its grandoise "transparency"?
Here’s a good defense of abortion rights from an atheist perspective:…