Is Morality Hardwired?

Babies know the difference between good and evil at six months, study reveals | Mail Online.

It’s worth the time to get a detailed look at these studies,  but the conclusions, thus far,  would  make sense to conservatives.

On the other hand,  lefties  would fight the suggestions that babies know right from wrong very early in life and that  under normal circumstances, it is hardwired to some extent.  It would make them feel abnormal, or as though they had a congenital defect.  (And you know what lefties think should be done to kids with untoward fetal diagnoses.)

The researchers  discussed in the  above linked article observed  that babies showed   marked visual and behavioral preference towards helpful or kind characters, and distaste towards badly behaved characters.


Pharmer subscribes to the idea  that programming to search for God is  hardwired into humans also……..