“So Long Captain Kirk: A Personal Reflection” | Irish Rover.
Above linked is some detailed commentary on the firing of Bill Kirk, the Associate Vice President for Residence Life at Notre Dame.
LifeNews, a prolife news source raised the possibility that he might have been booted in connection with a protest of the Obama commencement speech, though other possibilities are discussed in the above linked article.
(Pharmer, an Indiana resident, had previously sent assurances to the Notre Dame administrators, that none of her offspring will be attending that institution. There’s no use in spending extra bucks for a brand name, once the substance behind the brand has been lost.)
Bill Kirk was fired because his approach to Student Affairs was draconian, not because he was pro-life. Many professors and administrators joined the Obama protest; contrary to other reports, Kirk was not the only administrator who protested Obama's appearance.
Ultimately, the folks at ND decided that a new direction was needed at Student Affairs. Bill Kirk's water-boarding approach didn't exactly live up to Notre Dame's Catholic approach to student discipline and guidance. Hence the change in personnel.
after 22 years?
He did not hold the same position for 22 years. He was promoted to his last position in 98 or so under Malloy's presidency. Complaints went through the roof year after year.
Jenkins became president in 2004 and did not really shake things up or change things. He works very slowly and methodically.
Kirk was very good at what he did, and he gained the trust of many people. But after a while it became clear that sometimes he went a bit too far.
If indeed he were fired over his pro-life activities, then he would have been fired last year, after Obama's appearance. And we'd be seeing the departure of other administrators who attended those demonstrations.
You should do some research on ResLife, Bill Kirk, and student and alumni complaints over the years.
After 12 years…… The business world is so much faster.
Back to reading the original article, which states that prolife sources are questioning the firing, wondering if it is connected to the Kirk's prolife activities.
Also referenced are other reasons supplied by the Solomon article, which mentions a sudden and unexplained firing, possibly related to the desire to treat the athletes the same as other students.
That certainly would be bad for the income of this small institution, as not much can be expected behaviorally from the majority of athletes. This has been the case for generations.
This author scrubbed Notre Dame from the college list for the kids years ago, as the religious educational moorings, for which one might have paid the extra tuition, have eroded. For this reason, further research would not be a prudent use of time.
Jenkins' Notre Dame is just another little university.
For normal Americans, Obam-u-nomics, including the government takeover of student loans, has hugely changed the educational prospects and means for our children. We will be very careful to get the most bang for the buck.
Waterboarding? Draconian? Gimme break, all the typical hate speech libs love to use on those who dare disagree with them.
We can safely bet the pharm that Kirk was PHASERED, set to kill, by Jenkins for likely sticking to authentic Catholic social teachings, including pro-life principles.
Let it go libs: when in charge, the left is always the most merciless and dictatorial….