Media Bids to Drop Two Republicans with One Shot

Perry’s Link to N-Word Place Name Puts Campaign on Defensive –

Put on the same boots you wear to the barn before you click above.

The Leftie media is having  orgasms over a story that an old hunting property Leased  by the Perry family had the nasty N-word written on a rock.  Apparently the property had that in its name long ago, before that family leased it.

None of these media people have ever managed large property, so they pretend to  think the Perrys should be certain that all the words, and graffiti on the vast acreage are  obliterated at all times.

Obviously running to maintain the remote, leased property was not first priority to the Perry family,  but they apparently  had sense enough to paint over the rock  years before the media caught wind of it.

It is suggested that  one can see the word if one looks through the paint job  from time to time.  Who knows?  The stories vary and the claims are not substantiated.

In order to shoot down the second Republican, they asked Herman Cain about it, and he replied as would be reflexive for any candidate addressing a question about the  non-issue.   Given the story that he was told….. Cain  said that  the word is insensitive and should have been taken off a long time ago.

Now there are a bunch of people  crying that Cain pulled the race card.  The second Republican is  nailed, just after he won another straw poll.

Whether or not this manipulative   ploy is effective depends on how many people pay attention to the lame stream media anymore.