Bugs R Us: imported STDs

Obama had already removed HIV from the list of 8 communicable diseases that could impede immigration. Three more STDs which are now  on the welcome mat are:
-granuloma inguinale, (donovanosis) which is caused by Klebsiella granulomatis, an infection which locally destroys tissue as it spreads.
-lymphogranuloma venerium (Climatic bubo) caused by serotypes L1, L2, L2a or L3 of Chlamydia trachomatis. One end result of this disease is genital elephantiasis.
-Chancroid, (soft chancre) caused by Hemophilus ducreyi, which can cause swelling and rupture of inguinal lymph nodes. Only this latter one is monitored by the CDC.

The above three sexually transmitted infections have been fairly rare in the U.S. but are expected to rise precipitously in frequency due to Obama’s welcome mat.

What’s Making These Gurls Merge?

We have comedienne Chelsea Handler, abortionist Erin King, and the queen bee of the abortion mothership, Cecile Richards, and they’re all starting to look more and more alike. What do you suppose is causing this? Drinking the bloody ‘kool-aid’ of abortion?

cecile number 3
cecile number 3
Cecile number 2
Cecile number 2
cecile look alike CECILE500
cecile number 1

Government Health Care Incompetence on Display (Again)

Washington State has been persecuting  Stormans, a family owned pharmacy business, whose employees oppose dispensing the morning after pill on the grounds that it can kill humans early in development.  The U.S. Supreme Court rejected a hearing of their case, leaving them with the option of complying with Washington’s coercive, totalitarian stance towards those who try to practice health care, or run a business in accordance with their consciences, or losing their livelihood.

Since 2011, when the research was published showing that Plan B doesn’t work for average sized American women (due to their size), more states have been trying to coerce the dispensing of this bogus drug. This underscores government incompetence in the field of health care. When Plan B does work, it can operate by post fertilization mechanisms – killing the early embryo, and killing is killing, ‘no matter how small’. Research shows that it doesn’t work to delay or stop ovulation during the women’s most fertile day of the cycle, (after the luteal peak). Yes, if you’re small enough for Plan B (levonorgestrel)  to work, it can be an embryo killer (abortive).

Silver lining: The supremes at least didn’t rule that pharmacists in all 50 states have to dispense Plan B, which could have happened with this nutty court.  The Stormans could close down and bring up a business elsewhere, if they haven’t already been drained of the financial means to do so, by the onerous, and unjust state.   Unfortunately the state of Illinois, as well as the  federal government are currently  attempting to legislate that pharmacists must practice incompetently with respect to the dispensing of birth control to patients.

Here’s a related commentary, as well as the research pinpointing why Plan B is such a huge fail in America.


BREXIT……. Cause for Celebration.

After George Soros huffed, puffed and wheezed a threat to the global markets, UK citizens voted in favor of BREXIT!  They are rewarded with an extra special bonus as David Cameron has announced his intention to resign as prime minister.  Not even pounding rain and floods could keep the voters away.  Seventy two percent  turnout produced this miracle of UK independence from the European Union.  Markets are heaving and currency is fluctuating, but somehow the UK will make it through this new and welcome change.  Congratulations and happy Independence Day to the British people.

Happy Independence Day June 23, 2016
Happy Independence Day June 23, 2016

These Plots Won’t be Called Workplace Violence

It’s too obvious that something else inspires them.   29 year old Omar Mateen  swore allegiance to ISIS, in a call to 911 before he massacred a large portion of the crowd inside an Orlando gay bar. Prior to this time he had been employed as a security guard at a juvenile detention center.  His first wife had accused him of domestic violence, and he had been described as a “known quantity” to the FBI.

Meanwhile another person transporting weapons and explosive substances has been detained in LA.  He claimed to have been headed to the  Gay Pride Festival in West Hollywood.  The name of the second person is being withheld, but it is claimed  that the two incidents are not related.

Updates are taking place on Drudge Report and Breitbart websites if immediate and less massaged news coverage is desired.  CBS has published that ISIS has claimed responsibility for the attack.  The Gateway Pundit had pointed out that there was chatter from ISIS three days ago, predicting attacks on civilians in Florida.

Prayers for the dead, the injured and those grieving the loss of life at this time.   It is hoped that we can formulate a rational response to this act of terrorism, that respects the human right of people to protect themselves from being killed.

Winnebago County, IL Health Dept Sued for firing Pro-life Nurse

Nurse Sandra Mendoza has been forced out of her 18 year  position as a pediatric nurse with the Winnebago County Health Dept in Rockford, Illinois.   This situation stemmed from the decision by Dr. Sandra Martell to have all of the nurses trained to refer for abortion and handle distribution of faulty birth control such as Plan B to unsuspecting patients who don’t know how ineffective it is, and that it can have an abortive mechanism if it ever works as planned.  Ms. Mendoza conscientiously refused to enable the killing of unborn humans, and subsequently found herself no longer employed by the health department.   She is bringing suit based upon the Illinois Health Care Right of Conscience Act which prohibits discrimination against health care workers who object to abortion and refuse to promote or participate in that act.

The contact form for the Winnebago County Health Department is linked HERE for your convenience, if you would like to politely address the way that Dr. Sandra Martell chooses to run her department.

This violation of Sandra Mendoza’s civil rights comes prior to the passage of Illinois Senate Bill 1564, which seeks to overturn certain protections of health care workers who have a conscience, and refuse to enable the  killing of  humans.  This bill has not yet been addressed by Governor Bruce Rauner, who can be contacted HERE.

Illinois Review

Sen Cory Booker Puts Medical Incompetence on Display With Bill to Force Pharmacists to Dispense Birth Control

Senate Bill 2960 has been introduced to the 114th Congress by Sen Cory Booker, (D) New Jersey, to force pharmacists to dispense all drugs and devices approved by the FDA to “prevent pregnancy”.   Many of these drugs work by multiple mechanisms, and a section of the bill forbids  informing patients of the possible abortive mechanisms, labeling this as deceptive.  Another section of the bill invites patients to sue the pharmacist who does not give them birth control.   Clinical reasons for refusing to dispense are supposedly allowed, but pharmacists will need to be prepared to  pay lawyers, court costs,  fines, and argue these reasons out in a courtroom.  A desire to avoid dispensing drugs which can act by abortive mechanisms, is not considered a valid reason for refusing to dispense birth control.

The morning after pills are addressed in this bill as drugs which must be dispensed, although they are ineffective in half of American women, who are too big for the dose to work, and poorly effective in additional portions of the female population. If they do stop pregnancy, this is more likely to be accomplished by mechanisms which occur after fertilization than beforehand.

Interestingly,  Sen. Booker’s bill seems to allow  that if a pharmacy does not stock any birth control in the normal course of business, it is not required to distribute the drugs.  Conversely, if your pharmacy has some birth control pills, you would be expected to dispense these AND the fairly useless, morning after pills.

Lawsuits will abound if this bill passes, as its medical and regulatory basis is very poor, its constitutional basis is absent, and it leaves pharmacists liable to legal repercussions, even if they adhere to the letter of the law.  Displaying  medical and legal incompetence along with Cory Booker are Senators Baldwin, Blumenthal, Boxer, Brown, Feinstein, Franken, Gillibrand, Hirono, Kaine, Markey, Menendez, Merkley, Murray, Sanders, Shaheen, Warren, Whitehouse, and Wyden.

Pharmacists, check out S. 2960, and see if you think it’s time to leave retail pharmacy to the robots.

Bugs R Us: STD edition

Bummer.  Another Drug Shortage.  This time Bicillin L-A, the top drug used to inject sufferers of syphilis who come into the ER, is in shortage.   It’s  particularly important for pregnant ladies infected with the little corkscrew Treponema pallidum, as babies being born with the bug is the absolute WORST. Yes, it seems amazing that benzathine penicillin still works on syphilis after all of these years, and wouldn’t it figure that somehow Pfizer can’t make enough to meet demand.  A ‘manufacturing delay’ is cited.

How about that Zika virus??  Now it is claimed that it can be a sexually transmitted disease, passed by just about any kind of sex.

Listen up.  HIV isn’t impressive enough to chill people down just a little bit with with their risk taking behavior. Do you think they’ll care about Zika virus?  Naaaaah.  No one is going to give up SEX for that, however there is one bicyclist Teejay Van Garderen, who has decided to stay home from the summer Olympics in  Brazil this summer because his wife is pregnant, and he doesn’t want to risk transmission.



United Methodists quit Pro-abortion Church Group

The United Methodists have ended their relationship with the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice.   This is especially good news for yours truly who had to keep her youngest kid home from school mission trips  in protest of this unholy association.  This decision was reached at the Quadrennial General Conference meeting in Portland by a vote of 425 to 268 (a landslide).

The rationale behind the decision calls the RCRC a “one-sided political lobby that opposes all disapproval or limitation of abortion.”