Obama is unable to disagree with Castro’s criticisms of the U.S., and he’s amassing great photo ops, such as pic in front of a Che image, and this one…….. a classic.

Wake up in your Right Mind
The shock is that the New York Times would publish the fact that ISIS is using birth control and abortion to maintain their sex slaves in a rape-able state. It seems that the cultural upsurge of anti-rape sentiment (particularly among younger people) has overcome even the left’s love of abortion!
Why does it take 100 years for leftists to admit what we knew all along? Birth control and abortion have always been used to keep women as sex toys which are capable of maintaining a comfortable temperature and texture. Through natural means, women could have much more effectively promoted themselves as valued member of society and advanced their own self determination.
History has been made. The New York Times has admitted the obvious.
Both domestically and abroad, abortion and birth control have been used to keep women as a permanent underclass at best, and tortured sex slaves at worst. ISIS has driven the point home in a way so graphic that the most hardened, cynical, leftist media venue is unable to ignore it.
The next step is for the the NYT to admit the main reason why the regime is importing all of those children without their parents.
(The New York TImes article, by Rukmini Callimachi, appears in print 3-13-16 in their New York Edition, as ISIS’ System of Rape Relies on Birth Control and is also found online.)
So many people of all political stripes seem to forget about the value of freedom of speech and religion when it’s their turn on top, and they have a chance to crush their rivals. The Evangelical Atheists have been all about squashing public displays of Christianity for decades.
It’s time to remind them that their turn is coming. Russia and the old USSR used to be an Atheist, Commie Paradise. But times are changing. It seems that Vladimir Putin has been finding his Orthodox roots. It’s no longer cool to advertise abortion nor gayness in Russia. Here’s a story which you might take with a grain of salt, because it’s from that “news” dumpster called NBC. A reporter, called Alexey Eremenko, claims that a Russian is facing possibly a year in prison for claiming, on social media, that there is no God. Viktor Krasnov is said to be on trial in Stavropol, Russia, for “offending believer’s feelings”, after having undergone a month of mental health testing. Perhaps Atheists are now considered crazy in Russia.
The enforcers of political correctness, who feel more powerful and alive when they’re suppressing opposing ideas, should remember that times change, and the next ideas to be suppressed will be their own.
There is the wailing and gnashing of teeth at Bloomberg Business over abortion clinics going belly up. These businesses are not able to survive compliance the regulations that are imposed on REAL outpatient medical facilities. They’re closing at a rate of more than 30 per year. If you have ever seen the quality of patient data passed from an abortion clinic, you would know that adherence to basic standards of health care is not routine in that industry.
A free waaaaaaaaaaambulance ride is proffered to reporter Esmé E Deprez, whose distress at the loss of babycidal, dismembering, parts-selling businesses is apparent in the language of her article.
Not seen in this Bloomberg coverage is a mention of ATTWN, the organization which is vacuuming the abortion industry of employees, and helping these awakened people find real opportunities and healing.
Normally this would be time to recognize the contributions of Supreme Court Justice Scalia and his efforts to forestall the slide of the U.S. into the scrap heap of civilization. However, the circumstances and timing of his demise leave many questions, and a sense of foreboding for our future. Most pro-life people are mourning this loss of a significant supporter of the human right to life.
Prayers for Antonin Scalia and those he leaves behind.
This is probably for the Chinese New Year, which starts today, 2/8.
It’s the year of the Monkey.
Waiting for the people of political correctness to lose their minds because it’s February in the USA…. 😛
NEWS FLASH! The CDC is recommending sexual abstinence for a specific group of pregnant women. You won’t believe your eyes, but here it is, in a quote from a Feb 3, 2016 press release:
“Until more is known, CDC continues to recommend that pregnant women and women trying to become pregnant take the following precautions:
Pregnant women should consider postponing travel to the areas where Zika virus transmission is ongoing. Pregnant women who must travel to one of these areas should talk to their doctor or other healthcare professional first and strictly follow steps to avoid mosquito bites during the trip. Until we know more, if your male sexual partner has traveled to or lives in an area with active Zika virus transmission, you should abstain from sex or use condoms the right way every time you have vaginal, anal, and oral sex for the duration of the pregnancy.”
Mind you, the causal link between Zika virus and microcephaly has not actually been established, but this doesn’t stop the latest media hysteria. Lefties are using this latest wave of fear to push (late term) abortion into South America. (It could be that they need more body parts for whatever research or industrial, or energy producing purposes.) But isn’t it odd that suddenly ABSTINENCE is considered to be possible??
When a guy steps forward, and takes a huge personal and social risk in order to live according to his conscience, he deserves recognition and credit. Joseph Sciambra probably gets death threats since deciding that human life, health, dignity and the Spirit of God is infinitely more important than preference of sex, how much of it, and where to put it.
Your friendly Pharmer has concurred with this conclusion for a very long time, and wants people to live a full life here and beyond. Therefore, Mr. Sciambra gets a boost, prayers and best wishes. Check out what he has to say HERE.
TIME’s UP! We’re gonna BURN!
Algore predicted the world’s end by fire (global warming) On Jan 27, 2006. He said we had 10 years left, which gave Rush Limbaugh a big laugh. He’s had a countdown on his website, linked to the front page for 10 years. Today he’s got a special graphic moved to the top of the page.
There’s a party where Pharmer works tonight to celebrate WARMAGEDDON. Be sure to take some time to laugh at Algore, and pray that the world survives leftist economic and social policies.
UPDATE 2-27 We’re still HERE!!
Check out this special vid while you can.
On the left coast, it’s a mystery……. how are more people getting STDs? Apparently the City of Angels is now crawling. Reporter Soumya Karlamangla, of the Los Angeles Times is thinking that the dating apps, so effective for arranging quickies, might have something to do with it.
It’s easy. More people will do it with anyone, anywhere, particularly in whacky Los Angeles. STD testing kits are touted as a means to prevent the spread, but it’s one thing to get your home test for “buggs”, and another thing to obtain effective treatment. Either venture, the purchase of the test, and seeking the treatment, has both cost and stigma attached, and it has long been noted that those testing positive may not return for the cure. Additionally many of the STDs are never cured, and often last much longer than marriages.
Consider the possibility that mutual STD tests might become a part of foreplay for a new couple, who want to make sure that they have matching infections. The medically literate sometimes like to use the euphemism “STI” instead, since sexually transmitted INFECTION somehow seems gentler to them than sexually transmitted DISEASE.
Pondering the accelerating spread of STDs, it’s sort of understandable that so many of the Japanese simply don’t want to bother with sex anymore. That society is literally starting to check out of life.
Hey! How about sticking with one partner?