coming from Mary Anastasia O’Grady of the Wall Street Journal. The New York Times implies some complicity between Pope Francisco and the military dictatorship in the “Dirty War” of Argentina, largely by leaving out vital information.
It is similar garbage to that of the lefties tying Pope Pius XII to the NAZIs, after he helped 800,000 or more people get away from Hitler. The New York Times contains too much misinformation to be regarded as a serious news source.
So just trot over to the WSJ and learn that the Pope is getting smeared by the lefties at home, as he is by the lefties in the United States. Apparently they’re displeased by his social conservatism. The commie pinko marxists aren’t happy with him in Argentina, because he’s not toeing their line either.
The lefties are micturating lava. That’s a big PLUS sign for Pope Francisco.