Ralph Shortey Introduces Oklahoma Bill Outlawing Use of Aborted Fetuses in Food Industry | TheBlaze.com

Ralph Shortey Introduces Oklahoma Bill Outlawing Use of Aborted Fetuses in Food Industry | TheBlaze.com.

Over at the Blaze this Oklahoma legislation  to forbid the use of  fetal tissue seems strange, but Pharmer is glad that they decided to call attention to it.

This Oklahoma bill is addressing an existing problem, and is worthy of attention. Perhaps Oklahoma citizens who are cognizant of the embryonic stem cell and fetal cell  derived technologies can assist with the language of the bill and regulations stemming from it.


http://cogforlife.org/fetalproductsall.pdf Cogforlife.org has been tracking the production of medicinal, vaccine and food products cultured, produced or tested using embryonic stem cell derived technology. The group monitors which cell lines are utilized, and the origins of those cell lines.


http://www.neostem.com/ Neostem is an adult stem cell research corporation which is committed to obtaining the benefits of adult and umbilical cord stem cell usage while avoiding the ethical liability of using tissue from purposely killed humans.

Pharmer fired off  a letter to Senator Shortey, in the hopes that he might re-craft the bill to include human embryos in the language.   It