Obama Administration Approves First Direct Taxpayer Funding of Abortion Through New High-Risk Insurance Pools

CNSNews.com – Obama Administration Approves First Direct Taxpayer Funding of Abortion Through New High-Risk Insurance Pools.

This funding is really in addition to the federal money going to bribe Kenya to accept abortion, with much more to immediately follow.

Bart Stupak should be so proud.  Carol Keehan of CHA ought to  be jumping for joy.

160 million dollars of federal tax money  will go to start a new high risk insurance pool in Pennsylvania which will pay for any legal abortion.

Now will the prolifers who voted for Obama finally believe what we’ve been telling them for  years.

As usual, Jill Stanek has done the digging on the PA high risk unsurance plan and exactly which abortions will be covered: anything legal in that state. Sex selection abortions are excluded. The plan says that elective abortions are not covered, but those determined to be necessary by the woman’s abortionist are covered. You know what that means.

Ken Blackwell Reminds Us of Obama’s Lie about Federal Spending on Abortion

Yes, We Kenya!.

The example, given in the above linked article, is the US bribery of Kenya,  encouraging a pro-abortion alteration of their constitution in order to open the spigots of funding from abortion loving countries.    Joe Biden was sent on that particular mission to degrade one more African nation.

From the memory division of the Pharm  :

Here’s a Toothless Executive Order- Look at the Last Line C

Planned Parenthood: Obama executive order for Stupak is meaningless

Some Believe that Free Elections are a Thing of the Past in the United States

FOXNews.com – Ex-Official Accuses Justice Department of Racial Bias in Black Panther Case.

If you will recall,  members of the Black Panthers were charged with deterring voters from polling places during the 2oo8 elections.  Video evidence was provided.  This led to federal charges against the group as follows from the story:

“The Bush Justice Department brought the first case against three members of the group, accusing them in a civil complaint of violating the Voter Rights Act. The Obama administration initially pursued the case, winning a default judgment in federal court in April 2009 when the Black Panther members did not appear in court. But then the administration moved to dismiss the charges the following month after getting one of the New Black Panther members to agree to not carry a “deadly weapon” near a polling place until 2012.”

J. Christian Adams  the former Justice Department Attorney is now leveling charges that the department shows  persistent hostility towards civil rights cases involving Black defendants and White victims.

The above mentioned Obama administration agreement which  apparently allows  the Black Panther representative to resume carrying a deadly weapon at polling places in 2012 is significant  cause for concern.

Get a closer look at this leader of the Black Panthers in Philadephia for whom the Justice Department dropped charges. He advocates killing White people and their babies as a means to get freedom. Pharmer wonders if this guy has noticed Obama’s affiliation with Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry which is exterminating nearly half of Black babies in the U.S. Is that getting freedom for him? The problem with congenital haters is that their actions and output make no sense.

Nurse News

Keeping track of the pro-life nurses…….

Remember  Cathy Cenzon-DeCarlo, who sued Mt Sinai Hospital in New York this past summer for coercing her to participate in an abortion procedure under falsely represented circumstances ? Though no medical emergency existed,  this nurse was threatened with loss of her job and nursing license if she did not assist with the procedure.

Cenzon-DeCarlo, with the Alliance Defense Fund  has initiated a second suit against the hospital  in the State of New York, in addition to the initial Federal lawsuit which is on appeal, based on violation of her rights of conscience.

Meanwhile, eight more nurses  have received an apology from Nassau University Hospital in Long Island for disciplinary action after they refused to take part in non-emergency abortion procedures.

Calgary U Students Face Expulsion for Pro-Life Display

Calgary U Students Face Expulsion for Pro-Life Display.

That graphic Genocide Awareness Project  display is just too much for Calgary University to take.

What had  not been seen as  too much to take in Calgary — is infanticide.  Here’s a blast from the past: an old Alberta Report article about the goings on at Calgary’s  Foothills Hospital.

Back to the present,  it appears that the pro-life  students who are hosting the GAP display at Calgary University might be expelled for their efforts, but appear to be willing to take that chance.   It might be up to the university to decide if the effort to suppress the students will be worth all  that  negative publicity which prolifers will give them, free of charge.

The Politics of Maternal Mortality

The Associated Press: Lancet: Sharp drop in maternal deaths worldwide.

Editor of the Lancet,  Richard Horton, despite pressure from advocacy groups seeking UN grants,  published a paper on Sunday  showing a marked drop in worldwide maternal mortality rates.

Advocacy can sometimes gets in the way of science,  Horton said, indicating his disappointment at the pressure.

Maternal deaths fell from a half million yearly in 1980 to about 343,ooo in 2008.

Delay of the story until after the UN meetings was sought, as it was felt that this good news would impede the ability of various groups to obtain funding for their various methods of preventing births, which includes, of course, abortions.

Lifenews notes that Ireland, a country with pro-life laws in place,  has the lowest maternal mortality rate, while Nepal,  a country with abortion on demand, has one of the highest rates.

Maternal mortality Increased by 42% in the United States between 1980 and 2008, according to the study.  During this period,  federal law permitted abortion at all stages of pregnancy.

The study by Christopher Murray and colleagues at Washington State was funded by……… believe it or not, Bill and Melinda Gates.

Pharmacist charged after he allegedly forces girlfriend to miscarry | stargazette.com | Star-Gazette

Pharmacist charged after he allegedly forces girlfriend to miscarry | stargazette.com | Star-Gazette.

Pharmacist Orbin Eeli Tercero, on the run after “allegedly” forcing the abortion of his unborn child, has been apprehended in New York, and will face multiple charges in his home state of Pennsylvania.

In brief, Tercero was engaged to one woman, but had a second mistress on the side whom he made pregnant. He is charged with using misoprostil, a prescription-only, prostaglandin analog to produce a miscarriage of the mistress’s 13 week old unborn baby, without her consent.

This is one more example of circumstances under which abortion is not a woman’s choice, but she is made to have one anyway.

Perhaps this pharmacist will be back in practice in time for Obamacare. Given his attention to medical and personal ethics, he’d probably fit right in.

Time to Get Real About Obamacare (reprised)

MEDIA ADVISORY, March 11 /Christian Newswire/ —

Filling up my email inbox are huge numbers of requests from various pro life organizations to sign petitions which demand removal of abortion from health care.

Very briefly, this is the explanation for an inability to sign on to most of these.

The premise from so many groups is that the problem of the Democrat health care plans will be solved with language removing abortion funding from the bill.

Many people incorrectly assume that removing funding will remove the abortion mandate. This is not so. Mothers will be coerced to abort unborn babies with untoward fetal diagnoses in any government run system, because there will be the threat of no health coverage for such kids. Health care professionals will still be coerced to participate in this and other unethical activity. This is the reality in other socialized medicine systems which lack funding for the care of premature infants, and those with significant congenital disabilities.

Denial of care at other points in development, with respect to early diagnosis using imaging, severe illnesses, and terminal illness, is also a sad reality in other government run health care systems, as well as the one planned for America.

Finally there is the problem of turning over our health care autonomy to an entity which is known to be corrupt. This is not a smart move. The control over our health care will be used by the federal government to control other aspects of our lives, including expression of religious beliefs.

Sorry to the pro-life liberals, this pharmacist (whose insights stem from health care experience), is ethically constrained from signing on to any aspect of the killer-government controlled health care.

Karen L. Brauer MS, RPh is president of Pharmacists for Life International, the most fully pro-life pharmacists’ organization. Find our politically incorrect site at www.pfli.org, and KB’s personal blog at https://themorningafter.us. Pharmacists for Life International truly makes no profit, and all officers and staff are volunteers.