Live Action: Planned Parenthood LIVE and undoctored: Three More Clinics

Here is a THREE PACK of videos from three more Planned Parenthood’s in Virginia from Live Action. Quotes accompanying the videos come from the script and site, AFTER the undercover actor identified himself as a manager of underage sex workers. All three videos are unedited, full length, even including a trip to the bathroom by the pimp, with sound effects.

Roanoke Virginia: Planned Parenthood staffer to the pimp: “From the age of 12 up, for birth control,
you can just come in and do that. You don’t have to have a parent,

Charlottesville Virginia: Planned Parenthood Staffer to the pimp: “Anybody here can help you. Everything
here is confidential. We can’t give any information out.”

Falls Church Virginia: Planned Parenthood Staffer to the pimp: Planned Parenthood staffer: “We don’t necessarily look at the legal status, like I said. Abortion appointments do require photo ID. It’s
nothing as far as records. It’s just photo ID that’s ever going to be required.”

There is evidence online that people who work to save kids from sex slavery have become disgusted with planned parenthood. This is as it should be. Here’s an example. Be sure to read the statement in that article from Dottie Laster, a foremost U.S. authority on the matter of child slavery.   Here’s an excerpt:

“After viewing the Planned Parenthood video my first thoughts were of the victims I have served over the last 8 years. Specifically the women and girls — their horrendous statements of rape, gang rapes, torture, branding, starvation, extortions, assault and their reports of repeated forced abortions and miscarriages due to the trauma they received. I have often wondered where these multiple abortions took place and how medical professionals had not seen the extensive trauma to their bodies, spirits and souls.”

Live Action has “ACORNed”* planned parenthood and much of the mainstream media in a single operation.

Pharmer thanks them for their service to our country.

There will not be the use of the searing images associated with sex slavery in this article as an impetus for readers to help spread the word.  Below are some links for people who need a little booster to help stop an entrenched group of corrupt businesses which have fostered and profited from much human misery.


I’m Not Buying It

Polaris Project

Courtney’s House

Salvation Army

* ACORNverb– to systematically use technology and effective undercover agents to expose the inherent corruption inside an organization, establishment or institution.

As Promised MORE VIDEO: Live Action Nails Virginia Planned Parenthood

More help is supplied to a Pimp in managing his underage (14 and 15 yo) sex slaves.

Judicial bypass or travel to Washington DC are given as possibilities for getting around Virginia parental consent laws. IUDs and Nuvaring are suggested for the young girls who could not remember to take a pill every day.

Here is the full footage video used to make the above short version.

Live Action Full Footage Video at Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood had protested that Live Action’s sting video at one of their New Jersey Facilities was a hoax, edited and misleading.  So the full footage video has been made available.  It exists in two segments at YouTube.
Part 1

Part 2

Here’s where to locate the Live Action AUDIO after You Tube removes it. DOWNLOAD MP3

It was the job of the pro-life blogosphere to make this information available as widely as possible so that the mainstream media could not ignore it without looking stupid. Pharmer dutifully submitted it to Drudge and Rush Limbaugh, as well as featuring it, (as has been done from Live Action’s early days). CNN has picked up the story.

Wandering over to Jill Stanek’s, Pharmer picked up this nauseating Quote from Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schulz, D Fl., who equates the Republican attempt to stop the tax payer funding of abortion with extreme disdain for women. From CBS News:
“In an interview with Hotsheet, Democratic Florida Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schulz called the bill “nothing short of a violent act against women.” She equated denying federal funds to a rape victim with the “hijacking of a woman’s independence.”

“I don’t know how anybody could suggest that there is any rape that is acceptable,” she said. “I just think it sends a very clear message direct from the heart of the Republican party to women in America about exactly how Republicans feel about women.”

Pharmer would like to give Schulz a taste of her own medicine. Amy Woodruff of Planned Parenthood, (Perth Amboy facility) and the many more which have been revealed, and are yet to be revealed, exemplify what Congress-hag Debbie Wasserman Schulz D Fl. thinks of of GIRLS: that it’s OK to enslave them for sex, and to utilize our tax dollars to conceal these crimes.

Perhaps if more people pick their ‘favorite’ pro-abortion politicians and stick their names to these videos, for example, Dick Durbin, Obama, the phony Steve Driehaus, Nancy Pelosi they will begin to rethink their political strategy and curb their UNCIVIL Rhetoric (and lawsuits) aimed at pro-life people.

After first claiming that the Live Action films are a hoax, planned parenthood has since fired manager Amy Woodruff. Fired for a hoax???? “Under the Bus”, Amy.

Watch for more Planned Parenthood sting. This is nowhere near the end of the story.

Live Action NAILS another Planned Parenthood

Lila Rose and Crew at Live Action have another Special Planned Parenthood Video for YOU. This time, Amy Woodruff, the Office Manager at a New Jersey planned parenthood has very blatantly set up business with a pimp for his bevy of underage, illegal immigrant sex slaves. As you watch, remember that one third of planned parenthood’s income is YOUR TAX DOLLARS!

Amy Woodruff’s Planned Parenthood in N.J.

Amy refers the youngest sex slaves to Metropolitan Medical Associates in New Jersey, but those people appear to have already taken down their website, or moved it. What’s left is a google cache.

Abortionist Loses License, Killed Woman in Failed Abortion |

Practitioner Loses License, Killed Woman in Failed Abortion |

Andrew Rutland, a 67  yo  Los Angeles abortionist has agreed to give up his license for the second time.  This time his troubles result  from killing patient Ying Chen in a failed abortion attempt.

The patient suffered cardiac arrest, subsequent to the administration of anaesthesia medication,   was hospitalized and died six days later.

Overdose of anaesthesia was blamed for the death.  One could not expect abortionists to know the vagaries (pharmacogenomics) of dosing drugs to patients of various sizes and different races. Of course that info is vital to avoiding overdoses, but those practitioners are not held to the standards of usual competency. Pennsylvania abortionist Kermit Gostnell had similar troubles with dosing the anaesthesia in patient Karnamaya Mongar, who died after repeated doses  of meperidine caused a heart arrhythmia.

Rutland had lost his license the first time after the death of Jillian Broussard, a newborn whose spinal cord he severed during a forceps delivery.

Ying Chen’s family has filed a wrongful death suit against Rutland.

Media is Not Letting Go of Abortionist Kermit Gosnell

It’s the anniversary weekend of Roe V Wade, the March for Life is Monday, and the media really has its hooks into Kermit Gosnell.

They’re wringing their hands over the deaths and mutilations of his female patients, and wondering how the state failed in its oversight of the action for 30 years.

Meanwhile it’s party time for Obama, who’s thrilled as can be that Roe V Wade usurped the states rights to regulate and prohibit abortion.

Obama’s schedule for the week of Jan 23rd does not include an address of the pro-lifers when they’re in town.

Abortionist Gosnell, the Disaster that Keeps on “Giving”

The disturbing  practice of  Philadephia abortionist Gosnell  appears to be a public relations disaster that keeps on giving.   Jill Stanek has sunk her teeth into this story, and is chronicling his many violations of  the minimum standards of abortion practice. She is now addressing the fact that  an outside agency (National Abortion Federation)  had observed  Gosnell’s unsanitary and unsafe  facilities, and failed to report them.

Pharmer would also like to bring up the fact that nearby hospitals had to be receiving Gosnell’s patients, and their ER staffs had to be aware that he was an abysmal practitioner.    Botched abortions,  incomplete abortions, infections, etc. all find their way into the neighboring hospitals, and after a time, the causative agent develops a negative reputation with police, paramedics, EMTs and emergency department staff.   One of the dampening influences which prevent such abominations from coming to the attention of authorities is fear of HIPAA sanctions.  Was this, (as well as the isolation of  other  hospitalized patients  from their social support system), an intentional thing, or an unintended consequence of HIPAA regulations?

Abortion is a self feeding system of negativity that drives standards of care downward in every institution that it touches.

People who  do abortions  represent the substandard of health care.   Abortion has invaded obstetrics and gynecology, and every institution which is touched by abortion has experienced decreased quality of staff and decreased quality of care.

Both abortion and euthanasia are cheap and easy ways to remove problems by eliminating the victims.   Innovation in medicine has been driven by compassion for people who suffer with certain disorders and illnesses.  When those people are killed off through abortion or euthanasia that impetus for innovation is removed. Additionally the killing erodes public trust in health care professionals.   The force of life and creativity is attenuated and humanity devolves.

Washington to Hear Bill Soon Attacking Pregnancy Centers |

Washington to Hear Bill Soon Attacking Pregnancy Centers |

A bill HB1366, designed to close crisis pregnancy centers is being heard by the Washington State legislature at this time.

Very simply, the bill adds medical regulations to the crisis centers which are applicable to no other facility, and opens the centers to lawsuits filed even by those who have never visited the facilities, nor have suffered damages.

It would appear that Democrat Sen. Rodney Tom, the sponsor of last year’s attempt to pass this bill, thinks that removing free services for moms who want to keep their baby a bright idea.  Coercing more abortions, by removing the alternatives,  was  his  way to deal with the current economic crisis.

Sponsors of the current HB 1366 are representatives

Clibborn, Walsh, Appleton, Goodman, Darneille, Moeller, Green, Carlyle, Fitzgibbon, Frockt, Reykdal, Roberts, Jinkins, Pettigrew, Cody, Pedersen, Van De Wege, Liias, Jacks, Maxwell, Dickerson, Ryu, Lytton, Ormsby, Seaquist, Hasegawa, Upthegrove, McCoy, Eddy, Sells, Haigh, Springer, Hunt, Tharinger, Kenney, Santos

Yes, these are working links.  Email to your heart’s content.