LifeNews Petition to Stop Pro-Abortion Mandate – Tell Obama: Stop This Pro-Abortion Mandate.

Click above to participate.

Pharmer took the opportunity to drop a letter at the White House site. It’s blunt, to the point, and written in the most plain language possible. The text is below:

Regarding the birth control, abortifacient meds, sterilization mandate:
I understand that now the First Amendment rights of all pro-life insurance company owners/employees will be violated, as well as all subscribers, including the churches and religious institutions. It’s just as Unconstitutional as the first mandate.

Long ago I knew this would happen with Democrats in control. Couldn’t convince the “faithful” then, but at least it’s easier now.
Health care professionals are being coerced to participate in abortion. The next step is to coerce women to abort, according to government’s demographic requirements.
Incidentally, Muslims are now the ones protecting conscience rights against abortion in Europe.

Planned Parenthood does not launder that much money for democrat elections. Surely, in 2008, more $ came from outside the U.S..
You guys work cheap.

*David Axelrod already had this email address in 2009 and surely there is no need repeat it in your collection. I hate spam.

Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 2012

bill_senate_healthcare_religious_exemption_013112.pdf (application/pdf Object).

Senator Marco  Rubio  (R) FL  has introduced a bill to  reverse the Obamacare mandate that religious health care and other institutions be forced to cover contraception, abortifacient drugs and sterilizations.    Above is a link to the text.

This bill unfortunately does not address the health care professionals themselves, who will have to leave their jobs in order to avoid participating in similar obamacare mandates.

It’s a good start, though.

Health plans ordered to cover birth control without co-pays – The Hill’s Healthwatch

Obama care mandates include forcing the coverage of birth control without a copay.  This will include religiously affiliated employers, which will have to comply within a year, or drop their health care plans altogether.  This seems to have gotten the attention of the US. Conference of Catholic Bishops,  which had previously supported obamacare against the better judgment of the pro-lifers.   Of course  they “had to pass the bill before they could know what’s in it,” as Nancy Pelosi has told us.

This means by summer of 2013,  you might be looking for new health care coverage if  you are employed at a religiously run hospital or health care provider.   What is more likely is that these entities will begin coverage of birth control….. same as in Canada and other socialized medicine countries.

This Obamacare mandate reveals the  high interest of leftists in sex with kiddies, the main set of people who couldn’t afford those generic BC pills.

This also feeds into the abortion industry, as the kiddies are highly non-compliant with their birth control.

Half of unplanned pregnancies are in people who were on some kind of BC.

Dependence on birth control feeds the abortion industry, says the data from long term birth control researchers such as Anna Glasier.    None of the birth control modalities are nearly as reliable in real world situations as  the theoretical claims put forth by the industry.

Obama is taking care of his own.

Silver lining??? It preferentially reduces the reproduction rate of lefties.

Even so, this pro-lifer is not participating.

via Health plans ordered to cover birth control without co-pays – The Hill’s Healthwatch.

Economic research  study of U.S. teen sex and birth control use from 2000.

Easy to read:  some reasons that the pills fail so often in the real world.

Rather than Helping to Mitigate Severe Drug Shortages, FDA Considers Placing Plan B Out On Shelves With the Condoms

FDA considers putting Plan B morning-after pill on drugstore shelves – The Washington Post.

The Washington post is linked up as an example of misinformation concerning the Plan B One-step morning after pill.

Plan B One Step is not 89 percent effective. No drug used as a morning after pill has that kind of efficacy, Ella (an analog of mifepristone, RU-486) is not 89 percent effective.
In general, the per use efficacy of these drugs is around 60 percent, which puts them in the same range as the WITHDRAWAL method.
The cumulative use efficacy of these drugs is abysmal, and they are not worthy of being considered as birth control drugs. Placing any of them over the counter is for the purpose of marketing more chemical and surgical abortions, by means of  birth control failures.   Planned Parenthood is in need of policies to bolster its sales of abortion.
The Obama administration is only too happy to facilitate.

The fact that over the counter morning after pills will cause a false sense of security in date rapists is not considered a significant problem to our progressive social engineers.

To learn more about Plan B from a pharmacist who is not selling the drug, go to page two of this website.   See  the links below for more drug info, as well as its multiple mechanisms of action.  Yes, the manufacturer has to admit  that it “may inhibit implantation” of the early embryo, “by altering the endometrium”.


Prescriber information for Plan B One-Step

Emergency Contraception does not reduce abortion rates.

Failed Social Experiment

Spanish study: trends in use of contraception and voluntary abortion 1997-2007

Selling the Pill

Catholic college sues Obama administration over abortifacient contraceptive mandate |

Catholic college sues Obama administration over abortifacient contraceptive mandate |

Belmont  Abbey College, represented by the Becket Fund,  is suing the Obama Administration over its mandate forcing  religious institutions to cover abortifacient forms of birth control.  The two most obvious mentioned in the above article are Ella and Plan B One-Step, but the actual list would properly  include all hormonal forms of birth control on the market.

The supposed religious exemption written in the Obamacare legislation is regarded as too narrow to include Belmont Abbey College, and it will need to choose between contraceptive coverage or offering any health care coverage at all.


Mississippi voters reject anti-abortion initiative –

Mississippi voters reject anti-abortion initiative –

The Personhood Amendment (26) in Mississippi was voted down on Tuesday.

This amendment defined the beginning of life according to what is understood in biology for over 150 years.   Opponents feared that it could have led to laws and regulations to ban hormonal birth control and fertility treatments, since these things often operate with a mechanism to stop embryonic human life. The amendment itself contained no specific language involving bans or restrictions. The CNN article referenced above is incorrect in this regard, as it re-used scare tactics used by abortion supporters to oppose the amendment.

The admission of the ethical problems associated with birth control and certain fertility treatments comes late from promoters, many of whom formerly denied, concealed or obfuscated  the possible effects of embryonic or fetal demise.


‘Darn Tooting!’ Obama Brags About HHS Reg Catholic Bishops Call Attack on Liberty |

‘Darn Tooting!’ Obama Brags About HHS Reg Catholic Bishops Call Attack on Liberty |

Obama discussed his health care debacle with his fundraiser audience in St. Louis, creating a permanent record of deception regarding health insurance.

Insurance companies have highlighted coverage of mammograms for years, but in his comments, Obama pretended that his plan would put coverage where there had been none.   Quite the opposite.  With his administration came  a sudden reversal of  medical opinion: USPSTF says women do not need annual mammograms anymore.

Most (socialized) countries no longer offer annual mammograms for women  because their health programs cannot afford it.

“Insurance companies can no longer discriminate against women just because you guys give birth”.  (A little sex confusion from Obama  the orator.)

What Obama was really discussing is the birth control and abortion coverage.   The insurance companies are being forced to cover birth control (including the  forms with abortive mechanism).   Surgical abortion coverage is also in the pipeline despite many denials to the contrary.

To bridge the abortion gap, the FDA approved Ella in Aug 2010.  Ulipristal acetate is an analog of mifepristone, RU-486, now marketed as a morning after pill.  Doses can be accumulated to provide for abortions at home, many of which will be completed at hospitals out of necessity.

In this way, the Obama administration has co opted the cooperation of every hospital in the practice of abortion.

After years of ignoring these warnings about the government coercing participation in abortion,  the US Catholic Bishops have been awakened to deal with the problem.

On their website is a request for people to urge their congressional representatives to  legislate a reversal of this aspect of Obamacare.

The bishops face an uphill battle after the issue of abortion and birth control has been downplayed for so many years. Use of hormonal birth control is rampant among Catholics who were raised in a vacuum of information concerning Catholic teaching on the matter, as well as the means by which the drugs operate. The Bishops are now trying to persuade people who use the pill to tell the government not to have it covered in the health care plan.

Stanek weekend question: Why would a group promoting emergency contraception encourage men to buy it? – Jill Stanek

Stanek weekend question: Why would a group promoting emergency contraception encourage men to buy it? – Jill Stanek.

Found at the backupyourbirthcontrol site was encouragement for males to buy emergency contraception for their sex partners.  There seems to be huge support and encouragement people to have sex with those whom they don’t really like.  Jill Stanek’s weekend question got right to the heart of the matter, and bears repeating.

Plan B One-step (levonorgestrel 150 mcg) is the form which is available over the counter, and which may be purchased by both males and females.
Here is a Blast from the Past from pharmacy academics who favored the availability of the original Plan B  for use in  underage females.  This was the intended result of bringing the drug over the counter.
(If you read the entirety of  THIS article, you can appreciate the utter incompetence of one of the academics referenced in the Blast from the past link.)

It’s  important to remember that these morning after pills are NOT very effective.  The efficacy  is about 60 percent per SINGLE use.   Used repeatedly, the drugs are an absolute joke for preventing pregnancy.  Encouraging reliance upon the morning after pills (Ella included) is really an efficient  way to sell surgical or later forms of chemical abortions.   Encouraging guys to believe that the pill can increase their access to sex is a smart marketing move for the abortionists.  It also places the health and well being of girls and women at risk, since males can give them the drug without their consent.

It is a public service for Jill Stanek to have asked this question about the marketing of morning after pills to males.  This question needs to be repeated whenever and wherever possible, to highlight the rationale behind the morning after pills.

Ella  (ulipristal acetate, analog of RU-486 mifepristone) is available for morning after use by an ONLINE PRESCRIBING process.   It’s easy to obtain fraudulently and doses can be accumulated for later chemical abortions initiated at home.   This mechanism was allowed by the FDA in order to make up for the shortfall of physicians willing to do surgical abortions.

The only positive aspect of this scenario is that it is ultimately self-limiting.  Enhanced by the immunosuppressive qualities of the progestins, Chlamydia trachomatis and other STD organisms can help to prevent further propagation of people with this socially destructive mindset.

New bill could prevent pharmacists from denying contraception prescriptions to customers –

New bill could prevent pharmacists from denying contraception prescriptions to customers –

Two legislators, Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., and Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y are pushing a bill to deny pharmacists the right of conscience with respect to dispensing hormonal birth control.

Scroll one article down to see what Pharmer had to say about Sebelius pretending that the rights of conscientious objectors would be respected in the Obama birth control plan.


As Promised MORE VIDEO: Live Action Nails Virginia Planned Parenthood

More help is supplied to a Pimp in managing his underage (14 and 15 yo) sex slaves.

Judicial bypass or travel to Washington DC are given as possibilities for getting around Virginia parental consent laws. IUDs and Nuvaring are suggested for the young girls who could not remember to take a pill every day.

Here is the full footage video used to make the above short version.