Camille Paglia swings….. and misses

Op-Ed Contributor – No Sex Please, We’re Middle Class –

Sometimes the lib-lady gets it, but this time it’s a total miss.   Ms. Paglia tackles the flibanserin, female viagra pill issue, and concludes that middle class white values and ambition are a major factor in killing the sex drive.

Apparently she thinks that need to work for  a living, is bad for a woman’s libido, and she’s finding the main  work place with which she is familiar, to be stifling the desires of women.

Now hear this, Camille…….  the PILL (in general) stifles sex drive, and legions of couples have been leaving it behind for just  that reason.  Pharmer chalks a good deal of trouble to fooling with the chemistry, as well as culturally  marginalizing manhood.

In addition……. those dastardly incurable STDs have been ruining the romantic weekends and setting people off schedule.   Yes……. a hot and steamy  cruise is planned, and what happens???  A condylomatous bloom or herpes outbreak puts a big un-kink in the vacation!

The weekenders only appear spontaneous  in the movies, for your troops, Ms. Paglia.  And any actor will tell you,  that’s the farthest thing from reality.

Pssssst…… Doesn’t it all make you want to move Down on the Pharm?   😉

Learned it the Hard Way: No More Hookups

No hooking up, no sex for some coeds –

The media finds this acceptible since new secular organizations are reinventing the wheel.   And Lady Gaga sez it’s OK to be  “celibate” .  The reporter  doesn’t know that word  means “unmarried” and does not necessarily mean “abstaining from sex”.  But they’re really talking about the latter when they use the word “celibate”.

You see,  increasing numbers of college students are finding that hooking up is ultimately  depressing and destructive, particularly for the females, and ultimately also for males.

That most religious denominations of the world had understood this for eons, of course, cannot be acknowledged by such venues as CNN.

Drain Them Dry, Amy

The machanism of obtaining criminal restitution for those whose abuse has been used for video media production and distribution   seems to be a good way to fight child pornography. A twenty year old, anonymous woman, called “Amy” by law enforcement, is obtaining such benefit as a result of legal rulings against those caught with child porn.   Amy was abused sexually by her uncle when she was 8 or 9 years old, and resultant video from those episodes are now among the most heavily viewed child porn on the internet.

Amy is now asking for restitution in criminal cases of anyone caught viewing that porn, generating a whole new way of dealing with those who purchase and possess  the illegal materials.

Opponents of this mechanism state that restitution cases should be limited to civil cases.   Proponents cite the inability of these victims to pursue civil cases, and the additional means to penalize those who use and possess child pornography.

Pharmer’s first instinct is to nail child abusers and pornographers by any means available.   The trouble is that it will bankrupt the unwitting families of those who use kiddie porn.

The Social ‘Dys-proportionism’ of the Left.

The PC self esteem police are out in force,  blue and red lights flashing, to display their concern for the Obama girls.  It seems that Michelle, who leads the charge against obesity, had mentioned that the condition of her girls had touched off a little body mass index  (BMI) discussion with the pediatrician.

Michelle had the temerity to touch upon this personal experience while speaking at an Alexandria Virginia event initiating her campaign against childhood obesity.   Yes,  she mentioned the pediatrician suggesting that the girls might be getting just a little chubby.   The self esteem police are aghast……… fearing that the girls might be incited to binge eating disorders if Mama Michelle so much as mentions the issue of weight to them, or about them.

Far be it from Pharmer to rag on Michelle for this  supposed sin against the self image.  What Michelle  said  is fairly normal, and not a big deal at all.    However it illustrates just how whacked out society is.

There were none from the leftie  PC police mentioning the hugely  abnormal Gaffe of Obama,  speaking at the  Town Hall  in  Johnston Pennsylvania,  about his daughters, who were then  SIX and NINE years old.  In fact most of them, including this nut at the Politico,  considered his behavior acceptable.

“Look, I got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old,” he said. “I am going to teach them first about values and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby.”

It’s not a normal father who speaks out publicly of his daughters, acknowledging their single digit ages,  and mentions the possibility that they will be  made pregnant, and have abortions.

The lefties have been talking to themselves for so long, that they don’t understand the people who would object to kids having sex,  and getting pregnant at whatever age of minority.  So few of them are personally  involved in parenthood, that this raised no outcry among them.

It’s not likely  that the opinions of most religious  groups are of  much significance to Obama, but is he so deluded that he thinks he won the respect of a single adherent Muslim when he made the above  statement?

Much Jihad fever is fueled by the impression that Americans are immoral filth.  All of us will be paying, in  myriad ways,  for utter lack of proportion and  social dysfunction of the leftists.
