Op-Ed Contributor – No Sex Please, We’re Middle Class – NYTimes.com.
Sometimes the lib-lady gets it, but this time it’s a total miss. Ms. Paglia tackles the flibanserin, female viagra pill issue, and concludes that middle class white values and ambition are a major factor in killing the sex drive.
Apparently she thinks that need to work for a living, is bad for a woman’s libido, and she’s finding the main work place with which she is familiar, to be stifling the desires of women.
Now hear this, Camille……. the PILL (in general) stifles sex drive, and legions of couples have been leaving it behind for just that reason. Pharmer chalks a good deal of trouble to fooling with the chemistry, as well as culturally marginalizing manhood.
In addition……. those dastardly incurable STDs have been ruining the romantic weekends and setting people off schedule. Yes……. a hot and steamy cruise is planned, and what happens??? A condylomatous bloom or herpes outbreak puts a big un-kink in the vacation!
The weekenders only appear spontaneous in the movies, for your troops, Ms. Paglia. And any actor will tell you, that’s the farthest thing from reality.
Pssssst…… Doesn’t it all make you want to move Down on the Pharm? 😉