Drain Them Dry, Amy

The machanism of obtaining criminal restitution for those whose abuse has been used for video media production and distribution   seems to be a good way to fight child pornography. A twenty year old, anonymous woman, called “Amy” by law enforcement, is obtaining such benefit as a result of legal rulings against those caught with child porn.   Amy was abused sexually by her uncle when she was 8 or 9 years old, and resultant video from those episodes are now among the most heavily viewed child porn on the internet.

Amy is now asking for restitution in criminal cases of anyone caught viewing that porn, generating a whole new way of dealing with those who purchase and possess  the illegal materials.

Opponents of this mechanism state that restitution cases should be limited to civil cases.   Proponents cite the inability of these victims to pursue civil cases, and the additional means to penalize those who use and possess child pornography.

Pharmer’s first instinct is to nail child abusers and pornographers by any means available.   The trouble is that it will bankrupt the unwitting families of those who use kiddie porn.