Nancy Giles of CBS is Stuck on Stupid

Oh the Melissa Harris Perry-Show, the lefties got stuck in the projection of their own racism upon others, AGAIN!.

Harris-Perry displayed a demographics chart and stated that news of the demise of white people is overstated.
Nancy Giles, of CBS, then offered up the following:

“It’s been weird to watch white people report on this. You know when you just showed that graph of the decline of the numbers, I thought — maybe that’s why they’re trying to eliminate all these abortions and stuff. They’re trying to build up the race.”

Yep, Giles is STUCK on STUPID, particularly in light of the fact that U.S. Blacks are currently aborting almost half of their babies, and Hispanics abort at approximately three times the rate of Whites.

So WHO gets saved when we stop abortions?????? HMMMMMMMMMMMMM??

Giles is trying to claim that her statement was a joke. Quite a career in comedy she has ahead of her.

Problems for the Republican National Commitee?

Maybe the RNC should read this. One leftie theory is that Pharmer is not the only one who left the republican party in 2012. If things were anywhere near the way they had gone in the past, a double digit lead among independents, with the first digit being usually a 2, would have made Romney the winner. Understand that the leftie media does not want to recognize that the tea party exists, so they will continue to use the term “independents” to describe them.

“State polls showed Romney winning big among independents. Historically, any candidate polling that well among independents wins. But as it turned out, many of those independents were former Republicans who now self-identify as independents. The state polls weren’t oversampling Democrats and undersampling Republicans – there just weren’t as many Republicans this time because they were calling themselves independents.”

via Adviser: Romney
"shellshocked" by loss – CBS News

As is apparent, Romney fell shy of McCain’s vote number by about 3 million, and Obama missed his 2008 mark by 10 million.
Who stayed home? Pharmer will watch for the number crunchers to churn out their results and guesses. She’s already aware that some were so angry at the republicans for choosing another moderate that they refused to participate in the presidential election.
The storms probably bit into Obama’s numbers since they affected blue states, which are ill prepared for such eventualities. This of course would not affect their electoral outcome.

Wild Bill is calling the Church People and Tea Partiers to action. Pharmer likes his utterly blunt style.

Another Motivation for the Tea Party

There have been numerous theories concerning the motivation for Supreme Court Justice John Roberts to excuse the Obamacare insurance mandate penalty as a TAX, and allow Obamacare to continue its job of destroying personal freedom and the U.S. economy.

Here’s a theory that Pharmer has not heard yet, and it seems fairly plausible. Supreme Court watchers suspected from the way the decisions were written, that Roberts had originally opposed the insurance mandate, and that he changed his mind.

Pharmer suspects that Roberts was influenced by old establishment Republicans seeking to galvanize the Tea Partiers behind Romney.

This judicial precedent has inflicted widespread damage.

What should be the response? Conservatives will probably have to choose Romney in order to get rid of Obama. That’s an emergency.

The Tea Party should stay very active in removing crusty old establishment Republicans from their government posts at the National, State and Local levels in all subsequent primary elections. Pharmer intends to assist in this continuing effort.

7/2 Update:  CBS claims to have sources ‘revealing’ that John Roberts changed his opinion one month prior to announcing the Supreme court decision.  There is a claim that Justice Kennedy tried hard to bring him back into line with the conservative judges.

Of significant mention is the treatment by many that Roberts’  insistence that the commerce clause does not justify the insurance mandate is significant in the decision.   In actuality, Roberts opinion on this is a Dictum, and, as such,  it has no value as judicial precedent.  Roberts provided exactly zero judicial  protection against the further encroachment of government on our liberties.

The self flagellators  wish to hang on Roberts’ words that the Court has no job to protect the people from their bad choices of governmental representatives.  (Perhaps he desired to have George W Bush, who appointed him, classified as a bad choice.)

Roberts must  bear  personal responsibility for his own  bad decision,  and  Tea Partiers  hope to place it on the ash heap of history.

Blow Up Your TV!

Direct from the Drudge Report, the bold news type  is a quote.  So credit Drudge for that.

Thank you to the millions who are no longer watching the big three.   It’s better picking your own news from the net.    Pharmer  is also not reliant upon “fairness”  and balance from FOX news.  For example,  it is notably restricted in its coverage of pro-life matters.


WEEK MARCH 29, 2010
NBC 7,750,000
ABC 7,070,000
CBS 5,160,000

WEEK MARCH 30, 2009
NBC 8,740,000
ABC 7,950,000
CBS: 5,970,000

ABC, NBC, CBS Pantsed again

Bozell Column: Our Deficit-Enabling Media |

Read up as the hypocrisy of the big three networks  (all having completed layoffs of  their own workers for financial reasons)  is exposed.

All three are decrying the effort of Sen. Jim Bunning to enforce the recently passed  PAYGO legislation,  which requires that any new spending be offset by eliminating an equal amount of old spending.    He’s held up the latest unemployment spending,   saying that it needs to come out of the old TARP funds in order to be adherent to the new law.

While ABC attacks Bunning, for example, it has just recently fired 400 of its own employees, as a cost cutting measure.  HEARTLESS!  CBS has also cut back just recently, while NBC did its  major chopping of staff  in 2008.