Romneys to Release Taxes | The Weekly Standard.
Romney’s charitable contributions for 2011 are more than DOUBLE his federal tax outlay, which was 14.1%.
Wake up in your Right Mind
Romneys to Release Taxes | The Weekly Standard.
Romney’s charitable contributions for 2011 are more than DOUBLE his federal tax outlay, which was 14.1%.
All of planned parenthood’s media is predicting pain and suffering for Komen Foundation, and saying that they picked a side on abortion just because they don’t want the controversy associated with paying for abortions.
There is a claim that planned parenthood made 650,000 dollars based on their media blitz against Komen in this messy divorce.
Komen must have been a very important lynchpin of the abortion chain’s public image for them to scream so loudly. Pharmer thinks they are lying about the backlash, however. Here’s why.
Way back when the Pharmer was creating controversy by defending the rights of health care professionals to avoid participating in abortion, planned parenthood sent out a mailer to all of its constituency. They were given the contact information and exhorted to send their objections directly to your’s truly. This generated exactly ONE emailed response. A single lonely planned parenthood supporter worked up the energy to their convey outrage to this rural dwelling pharmacist.
For this reason, when planned parenthood claims to be getting huge financial response to Komen’s request for a divorce, in today’s economy, Pharmer says B.S..
It’s not true.
Planned parenthoods public relations diarrhea might serve to bring more contributions to Komen from the pro-life set.
Update: Komen reports its donations are up 100% over the last two days.
Congresscritters are being pressured to obtain campaign funds for their beleaguered fellows in vulnerable elections this fall. Such is the pressure coming down from Pelosi, that Eleanor Holmes Norton left the following (probably illegal) voicemail with a lobbyist and past contributor.
This is, uh, Eleanor Norton, Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton. Uh, I noticed that you have given to uh, other colleagues on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. I am a, um, Senior Member, a twenty year veteran and am Chair of the Sub-committee on Economic Development, Public Buildings and Emergency Management. I’m handling the largest economic development project in the United States now, the Homeland Security Compound of three buildings being built on the uh, old St. Elizabeth’s hospital site in the District of Columbia along with uh, fifteen other, uh, sites here for, that are part of the stimulus .
I was, frankly, uh, uh, surprised to see that we don’t have a record, so far as I can tell, of your having given to me despite my uh, long and deep uh, work. In fact, it’s been my major work, uh, on the committee and sub-committee it’s been essentially in your sector.
I am, I’m simply candidly calling to ask for a contribution. As the senior member of the um, committee and a sub-committee chair, we have (chuckles) obligations to raise, uh funds. And, I think it must have been me who hasn’t, frankly, uh, done my homework to ask for a contribution earlier. So I’m trying to make up for it by asking for one now, when we particularly, uh, need, uh contributions, particularly those of us who have the seniority and chairmanships and are in a position to raise the funds.
I’m asking you to give to Citizens for Eleanor Holmes Norton, PO Box 70626, DC, 20024. I’ll send you a follow-up note with appreciation for having heard me out. Thanks again.
It’s illegal to imply or connect favors or penalties -coming from congress- to campaign donations, as has been done in this telephone message.
Thanks to Andrew Breitbart and the kind contributor of the recorded voice mail, which can be heard at Big Government.