Why You Should Not Trust Statistics Coming From Abortionists

It appears that abortions of babies diagnose with cleft lip/palate, are 10 times as common as the UK health department reports.

The British Department of Health gets its figures on the abortion of babies with congenital anomalies from forms that abortionists fill out at the time of the procedure.

Eurocat  (agency which monitors congenital abnormalies in 23 countries) tracks a foetus from the time that he or she has been identified with an abnormality, with the initial data coming from those who make the diagnosis.  The fate of the fetus is then connected with this data.

While the UK Dept of Health recorded 14 abortions due to cleft palate in that country from 2006-2010,  Eurocat logged 147 such events in the UK.

During the same period, Eurocat also caught 250 babies  aborted in the UK for club foot.  The UK dept of health stopped recording this figure as a separate category after 2002, when they only recorded 2 cases.

The Eurocat number of abortions for Down syndrome in 2010 was 886, compared to the Dept of Health number, 482.

Abortionists are said to avoid filling out the reason for abortions on the forms either to spare the mother’s feelings or to avoid backlash from controversy over eugenic killings.

The UK Telegraph has some PAST related articles:
Twenty-six babies aborted for cleft lips or palates
Government secrecy on cleft palate abortions
Baby that survived abortion rejected for ‘cleft lip’

Mothers Refusing Prenatal Testing to Protect Babies with Down » Secondhand Smoke | A First Things Blog

Mothers Refusing Prenatal Testing to Protect Babies with Down » Secondhand Smoke | A First Things Blog.

Count the pharmer as one who dodged the prenatal testing, finding it to generate more negatives than positives.  All of my pregnancies would presently be categorized as high risk.  There was no testing for alpha-fetoprotein, nor any subsequent testing for anomalies.

Perhaps after the post-hippocratic, “witch-doctors” tire of polluting  the healing arts, the prenatal testing will become more useful for those of us who would NOT treat human afflictions by killing the patient.

Expect that with Obamacare,  moms will be told that that their children with disabilities will not be covered by health insurance.  In this way, women will be coerced to abort.

Women will attempt to protect their babies by not accepting any prenatal care whatsoever.

Keith Olberman, Just another Failure of the Education System

Over at Newsbusters, Noel Shepherd caught excessively liberal Olberman displaying that he has no understanding of the causes of birth defects, and those listed as being influenced by prior abortions.  Boy-Keith was trying to imply that the association of abortions with some birth defects suggests  that Palin might have had an abortion.

Abortions can cause damage to the reproductive tract, most particularly increasing the problem of incompetent cervix. This leads to premature births, and the related congenital problems associated with prematurity. There are also some troubles associated with failed attempts to abort medically.

Down Syndrome is most often the result of trisomy 21, (three copies of 21st chromosome). This follows a nondisjunction event, during meiotic division to produce the gametes (sperm or oocytes) , unevenly allocating three copies of that chromosome to a resultant human individual. The entire chromosome need not be involved, There is Robertsonian translocation in which the critical part of the 21st chromosome might be attached to the 14th chromosome for example. This can be displayed phenotypically as down syndrome. There is also a minor mechanism producing Mosaicism, in which uneven chromosomal distribution occurs in cell divisions of the developing embryo.

You can see from the above mechanistic explanations that these have nothing to do with prior abortion events.

The imperfect chromosomal distributions occuring in the cell divisions are associated with pregnancies later in life, and this was the case for Palin’s fifth child, Trig.

Olberman has displayed that he has NO idea what causes Down syndrome, and was too lazy to check before he made a fool of himself.

Anyone with energy and Olberman’s email address,  feel free to forward this to him, if it so amuses you.

In a routine internet search for the news, I followed a link to a fascinating New York Times article “Palin fuses motherhood and politics in a new way”. The author, Jodi Kantor carefully avoids the more obvious abuse of Sarah Palin by the media, concerning her ability to simultaneously serve as mother and public official. However this quote caught my eye: “In just a few months, she has gone from hiding her pregnancy from those closest to her to toting her infant on stage at the Republican National Convention.”

As a prolife mother, I feel it’s my place to explain to reporters another significant reason why a woman, sharing my beliefs about abortion, might conceal a pregnancy when there is an untoward fetal diagnosis. Each time a mom like us mentions that her unborn child has been diagnosed with a disability, she risks hearing the suggestion that she ought to abort. This suggestion might come from coworkers, friends or even family members. With it comes a piece of information that we’d rather not know: someone we care about believes that it’s OK to kill a baby prior to birth. It’s a sad bit of news, each time it happens. Even having a few kids in rapid succession as I did, later in life, can bring this kind of information.. But moms who obtain a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome are expected to abort, and 80 to 90 percent of them actually do.
I dodged most of the problems of prenatal diagnosis and the information it could have brought about people in my life. I refused the alpha-fetoprotein tests each time. It was necessary to sign a release form, since physicians (including those with don’t do abortions) need protection from the lawyers of patients who change their minds. Obstetricians are real lawyer-bait.

Other prolife moms might want to consider this. The prenatal testing isn’t mandatory, For now, it remains your Choice, whether or not to have it. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.