In Time for 2nd Debate, Hillary Takes Responsibility for Security at Benghazi

Clinton: I’m responsible for diplomats’ security –

Hillary is taking the blame for the death of U.S. ambassador to Libya in Benghazi, saying that the diplomats’  security is the job of the state department.

This is in tune with Biden and Obama’s attempt to absolve themselves from blame for removing U.S. security from the Libyan embassy, and for refusals to heed requests from ambassador Chris Stevens, who was  killed there.

Prior reports that Stevens was raped before he was killed came from (Lebanon news) which credited the AFP.   The AFP complained to Tayyar  and the news page in Arabic, as well as video claims have been scrubbed from the internet. No one wants credit for initial reports that Stevens was raped before, during or after he was murdered.

The Washington Times is keeping this view of the Google Translated article.  If this link  disappears, notify the Pharmer in comments, because it can be restored.


Obama’s Bid for Middle East Surprise

The Dems have made a dangerous and ill conceived bid to deflect from their disastrous domestic policy by stirring up conflict in the Middle East.

The apology coming from the Cairo Egypt embassy, timed to coincide with Islamist 9-11 celebrations, was likely for the purpose of producing a pretext for violence. The extremist-Islamist responses, that any sane person would expect, are now underway. Lefties are pretending to be shocked that there would be violent backlash resulting from such incitement to violence. It is likely to be much more than they are prepared to handle. That Obama has been backing away from Israel (encouraging that country to DROP THE BIG ONE in desperation) is evidence of complete disarray in his administration.

During this time, Obama is AWOL at such important events as campaign stops, fundraisers and a Letterman appearance.
His schedule is very busy, and he has no time for Binyamin Netanyahu, the leader of Israel, a country which strategically has often acted as a U.S. outpost in the Middle East.

It’s Jimmy Carter, pre-Reagan, all over again, only WORSE. Let’s hope that Mitt Romney steps up to the plate and takes this opportunity to present his foreign policy plans, and assure the world that a more competent leader is taking the helm of the U.S..