The Early Embryo is Growing and Differentiating, but Gingrich Doesn’t Think It’s Alive Yet

Gingrich Breaks from Some in Anti-Abortion Community on When Life Begins – ABC News.

Newt doesn’t want to give up on embryonic stem cell research, yet, although the front running private research company, Geron has done so. It would be nice if he and the rest of the  candidates could commit to cease wasting public funds on  unethical research which has consistently failed to produce results.

The candidate probably does not want to get into the issue of the morning after pills and the birth control pills, and he’s willing to display ignorance of developmental biology in order to avoid this.  Gingrich might be afraid of losing the birth control pill users by acknowledging   that the life of a sexually reproducing organism begins when it really does.

He was also able to suspend logic, accept the fraud of global warming,  and sit down with Nancy Pelosi in a warm and fuzzy  Environmentalist Whacko ad.

The entire  government could start by acknowledging reality.

Rather than being mis-branded as “contraceptives” the various  hormonal B.C. products  should be called   ‘birth control drugs’, and carry the tag  “This product has multiple mechanisms of action,  and  might  (or is likely to) operate by stopping the life of an early human embryo.”

It Took Years to Teach Some ABC Reporters When Human Life Begins

2010 Campaign: Muted Debate on Abortion, Gay Marriage and Stem Cell Research – ABC News.

After a few news cycles over years,  and a barrage of commentary on  the poorly educated reporters who did not understand primary school level biology,  World News Tonight mentioned fertilization processes when discussing the (early) abortion  issues.   It took huge effort to evoke a  glimmer of comprehension about this crux of the abortion controversy.

Now these reporters are  fooling themselves into thinking that the conservatives have dropped social issues while taking up economic issues.

Wrong as usual.  This time they’ll stay wrong til it’s no longer relevant.    This connection is just too complex for the average alphabet network -journalist to understand.

When we take up the issue of Obamacare, we are addressing the abortion, euthanasia and embryonic stem cell  issues in a big way.   With Obamacare we are faced with health care professionals being coerced to participate in these practices, and massive loss of those workers as a result.  Surveys of physicians by Investors Business Daily,  and the New England Journal of Medicine have yielded the same result, predicting massive attrition in the event of Obamacare.   We are also faced with women being instructed to abort, and being  told that their children  will not have access to health care if they do not.   We are faced with the denial of care for the elderly and disabled in the name of cost containment.   The writings and vocalizations of Obama’s health care advisors are clear.

Repealing Obamacare IS THE BIGGEST SOCIAL ISSUE that has  grabbed  the attention of our  conservative movement.

My Way News – Health bill revives abortion issue for young women

My Way News – Health bill revives abortion issue for young women

Neither Beth Fouhy nor Jalena Woehr know when life begins :

“Everyone, if they step back from the hotness of the political environment, can acknowledge that nobody really knows when life begins,” Woehr said, adding many young feminists seek “a little more agreement that everyone wants fewer abortions.”

But the pro life people, who’s existence is not acknowledged in the above quoted article, do know. We learned it in biology class, or when studying embryology, or from our colleagues, friends and elders.

If Beth or Jalena knew we existed then they might feel somewhat self conscious about not having information which is possessed by the majority of adult Americans.

Pharmer does remember, after years of taunting reporters and journalists about the information they had failed to pick up in school, FINALLY seeing ABC acknowledge fertilization processes and the formation of the human organism during their evening time national news broadcast.

After thirty minutes of brow beating one can usually obtain an admission from the abortion supporters that the question is not about  information gathered by science about the  formation of sexually reproducing organisms. Rather it is more often about their personal RELIGIOUS belief about when human life accrues value. The most honest ones might assert their own moral authority for determining which and when humans may be killed.  Contemplating this  reveals the abortion proponents  to be very scary neighbors.

Learn   HERE  from Embryologists  when the life of a human organism begins.

And Note that THIS IS HOW LONG we’ve been aware of the the Beginning of Life for sexually reproducing organisms.

"[But] it was
only in 1876 that Oscar Hertwig [1849-1922] and Herman Fol [1845-
1892] independently demonstrated sperm entry into the egg and the
union of the two cells' nuclei."

Scott F. Gilbert: Developmental Biology. 6th Edtion. Sinauer
Assoc. 2000, p.185.