Petraeus Compromised from Within?

Someone has probably come to this conclusion, but Pharmer hasn’t seen it yet.

We have heard thatDavid Petraeus’s leaky girlfriend, Paula Broadwell spilled some classified type beans at the University of Denver.  She says that her ex boyfriend  David knew almost immediately that there was a TERROR attack on the Libyan embassy in Benghazi.

Meanwhile, her ex-boyfriend David had testified in a  closed congressional meeting that the attack on the embassy was inspired by that anti-Muslim video that almost nobody saw.

We also know that the FBI and people higher up in Washington knew quite  some time ago that David and Paula had been doing the wild thing, and that  David obsessively sent thousands of emails to Paula after their breakup, thereby making an utter fool of himself.

Heres Pharmer’s guess, just from the little news which has come out on the matter:

David Petraeus was  the real security problem, because he  compromised himself, and was in turn compromised  from within the Obama administration.  Obama’s Abysmal Foreign Policy was concealed with the help of Petraeus because they had the goods on him.  They could tell the world what a drooling old fool he was for Paula, and what was in all the humiliating emails he sent to her when she broke up him.  Therefore it wasn’t hard for the thugs in Chicago to get David Petraeus to lie for Obama to congress.   This lie very likely affected the outcome of the election.  Even  people who live for free Obama stash might have found this cover up of Obama’s Abysmal Foreign Policy too much to handle.

The conservatives that we have in Congress are still a minority.  We’ll have to wait to see what the majority of wimps think about this.

Kessler: FBI Investigation Led to Petraeus Resignation

“At some point after Petraeus was sworn in as CIA director on Sept. 6, 2011, the woman broke up with him. However, Petraeus continued to pursue her, sending her thousands of emails over the last several months, raising even more questions about his judgment.”

via Kessler: FBI Investigation Led to Petraeus Resignation–NEWSMAX.

The FBI investigation on this problem started last spring, with the agents expecting that Petraeus would be fired quickly, due to the compromising potential of the affair and the  above mentioned strange behavior.

This weirdness of wasting so much time with the thousands of  emails after the relationship (with biographer Paula Broadwell) was over, apparently doesn’t flag as unusual enough for a resignation request by the Obama administration.

The Petraeus security threat remained for almost a half year after it was apparent.

Thousand’s of emails!   If this is true, then the guy is completely crazy……. Who will believe whatever he has to say about Benghazi?  What a mess.

Jesse Jackson Jr. Wins Reelection From Mayo Clinic | NBC Chicago

Jesse Jackson Jr. Wins Reelection From Mayo Clinic | NBC Chicago.

As you might know, Jesse Jackson Jr. has been in a treatment center in Arizona, and in the Mayo Clinic, where he has been diagnosed with bipolar affective disorder, and gastro-intestinal problems.

More significant than the medical difficulties preventing Jackson from functioning at work, or campaigning, the FBI has launched a criminal investigation of Jackson’s financial improprieties. An Ethics committee is investigating his attempt to buy the vacant senate seat of Barack Obama.

These problems did not prevent Jackson from winning Illinois 2nd Congressional seat in a LANDSLIDE!

Around the time of Jackson’s June disappearance into the medical facilities, Raghuveer Nayak was arrested for multiple counts of fraud. Nayak had testified in Governor Blagojevich’s trial, that Jackson sent him to offer up to 6 million bucks for the Senate seat appointment.

With all this pressure from criminal investigations, Jessie Jackson Jr. might wish he had not ridden Obama’s coat-tails to an utterly effortless victory.

Massacres Not a Surprise to Authorities.

Massacres are useful for a government which desires more authority and control over the lives of its subjects. Therefore, there is a lack of motivation to use the data which is already available from their already authorized breaches of citizens’ privacy.

The FBI had been tracking Wade Michael Page, the perpetrator of the Sikh temple massacre, for 10 years. He is said to be member of a supposed white supremacist band, and the media, has labeled him as right wing, without actual knowledge. As we know, interviews of white supremacists in the past showed that many are democrat supporters, and therefore not right wing. Michael Page was demoted and discharged from the army.

James Holmes’ psychiatrist alerted the university police that her patient was a potential danger weeks before the Batman massacre took place. For a psychiatrist to get up the nerve to breach patient confidentiality, there has to be a huge indication that the patient is about to do something harmful to himself or others.

“Work Place Violence” perpetrator, Major Nidal Malik, Hasan, (Fort Hood Shooter) was passed up the chain in the Army by departments which wanted to get rid of him, then let loose at Ft. Hood, where the military personnel were not permitted to be usefully armed.  Both the Army and the FBI received sharp criticism in a Senate report for failure to act on obvious warning signs and reports that Hasan was radicalized, and a potential threat.

It’s   time for law enforcement to stop suppressing the free speech of peaceful protestors,  and attend to  the reports they are receiving about people who are truly capable of  mass killing. The politically correct ban on profiling instead has them checking the suprapubic catheters or breast implants of  travelers at airports,  and ignoring what’s in front of their noses.  Unfortunately they are subject to a government which sees terroristic attacks as useful for converting the citizenry into cowering sheep, unable to defend themselves.

FBI Informants Speak Out: Eric Holder’s DOJ Is Ignoring Child Sex-Trafficking Victims – Elisabeth Meinecke

FBI Informants Speak Out: Eric Holder's DOJ Is Ignoring Child Sex-Trafficking Victims – Elisabeth Meinecke. <---- CLICK !!!

Brandon Darby, and Dottie Laster have been dropped from informant status by the FBI, and Eric Holder’s office.
There is no interest in pursuing the sex trafficking of minors in the Obama administration, whether it involves illegal immigrants or U.S. born victims.

Read Mr. Darby’s town hall article and recall one of the reasons that this administration would not want to investigate sex slavery in America.

Remember when James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles busted ACORN for aiding and abetting sex trafficking of immigrant slaves? Remember ACORN’s loss of federal funding, bankruptcy, and splitting into many components with new names?

Rod Blagojevich’s lawyers want FBI transcripts of Obama interview

Disgraced former governor of Illinois, Rod Blagojevich has sent team Obama a reminder that he needs commutation or revocation of his sentencing.   His lawyers have requested access to the transcripts of FBI interviews with the Obamas,  Valerie Jarrett, Rahm Emanuel, and union bosses Thomas Balanoff and Andy Stern.

Yes, it’s just a little reminder that Rod is not to be forgotten for his silence thus far regarding the planned sale of one genuine, Illinois Senate Seat.  A strong display of gratitude from the White House is still expected