Is University Education Becoming a Waste?

Censorship in American Universities….

One of the interesting claims of this film is that the those with university educations live in the tightest echo chambers, while those who don’t attend university tend to have more diverse associations, and access to people with differing views.

Anti-Islam Filmmaker Donated Million Dollars To Obama Campaign

Freedom of speech has a high price tag during the Obama administration.

Anti-Islam Filmmaker Donated Million Dollars To Obama Campaign.

This highly clickable article by John Nolte highlights what netizens could surmise: that an almost unknown film that had been on YouTube for months, could not have suddenly touched off the 911-associated attacks on U.S. embassies around the world. It was much more likely that Obama had caused offense by repeatedly spiking the ball regarding the killing of Osama bin Laden, and particularly by doing it again at the democrat national convention.

Nolte points out that the little California film maker forgot to pay off the ObamaPAC fund raising machine. His competitor, Bill Maher, who skewered the Muslim faith in his film Religulous, has been exempt from blame by the administration. His film is better known, with much wider circulation. But Maher paid a million dollars to the Dems, so he’s exempt from blame for the current sad state of our foreign relations in the Muslim world.

In response to the claims that films cause terrorism, John Nolte is now demanding that the Obama administration get Sony to stop the release of Zero DarkThirty, the upcoming movie that celebrates the killing of bin Laden.

PayPal Investigates Traditional Family Groups Following Request from All Out

PayPal launches investigation of pro-family groups following homosexual complaints |

The leftie censors are at it again…. wanting PayPal to stop doing business with several groups who oppose promotion of the gay lifestyle and gay marriage.

PayPal is now looking into those groups.   All of these net businesses and forums  are pressured to eliminate “hate speech”, which for lefties connotes  any and all forms of opposition to their ideology.

Click for  a petition to request that Pay Pal not cooperate with the censorship effort. 

There’s an internet rule:  ‘Censor not, lest ye be censored’.

What results for PayPal  is a strict business decision. Which group is bigger?  The censoring group, “All Out”, or those of us who value internet freedom in general?

Watch Lifesite News or this blog to see if these Traditional Family  (anti-gay marriage) groups get kicked from PayPal.

** Note 9/15 article from Citizen link. The above article is from 9/16. The situation is not yet settled.

Pastors Need Not Fear IRS

Another Wave of Pastors has sent their politically charged sermons to the IRS and have received no response.

David Barton, of the Wallbuilders believes, with good reason, that the IRS will not attempt to remove tax exempt status from these churches because they know they’ll lose in court.

By laying low, the IRS hopes to keep most pastors living in fear of them so as to allow only the more bold leftist pastors to exhort their congregations to political activism.

Wake Up America!!