Tiny Anti-Gun Rally in Washington DC gets Big Coverage, While the Huge March for Life is Ignored

Reuters carefully kept the camera angles low to conceal the fact that the Anti-gun rally on Saturday, in Washington DC was less than a hundredth of the size of the annual March for Life.   “Thousands” were said to have attended.  See for yourself by checking out their slide show HERE.   This would be considered a mandate from the people for the Obama administration.

But 40 years of THIS  happening every January in the capitol means absolutely nothing to the Obama administration and its useless media.  Check out the 2013 March for life slide show found by Bing image search.
Nothing for the media to see here.  NYT had been ignoring it for years, but published just a little bit on it this time.
Here’s a video by Rico Viqueira at ground level, which gives some views of March for Life 2013 passing through.


Now…….. take a look at Telegraph TV, showing you  the “1 percent” at the anti-gun rally in DC, on the day after the March for Life.

Who do you think has the ear of the Obama administration?

A contemptible race-monger in chief

A contemptible race-monger in chief.

Click above to read Mychal Massie call out Obama on his race baiting.

“Like a fly to fresh horse manure or his wife to a hot-buttered biscuit, Obama wasted no time injecting himself into the cruel tragedy of the Trayvon Martin shooting. The shooting and subsequent loss of life is a tragedy, but it is a tragedy that could be used to draw people together. Instead, contemptible race-mongers like Obama use it as currency to both divide and further their agenda.”

Bozell Compares the Media Treatment of Sex Allegations against Clinton Vs Cain

Remember Clinton had rape accusations, which the media all but ignored entirely. Only Sam Donaldson asked Clinton directly about those, and rather than saying:
“Aaah did not rape that woman, Juanita Broaddrick a single time, not a single time…….”, Clinton referred the question to his attorney.

Brent Bozell reviews the media suppression of Clinton’s Bimbo eruptions and compares them to the current treatment of Herman Cain. There’s quite a difference.

This can be attributed to the fact that Cain is a conservative, or possibly that the lefties are offended at the thought of a Black man having even the opportunity of access to white women.

So far we are not seeing real evidence of Cain actually having sexual interaction with these women, but the media has declared Cain’s campaign to be dead. Many of Clinton’s accusers were able to produce corroboration and evidence to accompany their stories, yet he was elected twice.

Gloria Allred, the lawyer of Sharon Bialek, seems to have pretty much disappeared from the media eye after hearing from Cain’s lawyer. Could be Allred is good with media but not with actual law. Hmmmmm.

Woman Eaten Alive by Maggots

Here’s a gross media contribution from just across the state line, about a Cincinnati woman’s untimely death. Apparently Jorene White, a sufferer from severe arthritis, was found in bed, with maggots eating the dead flesh of her bedsores, after a call to the police from her husband Darrell White.

Mr. White is in prison, accused of causing her death by neglect. Upon his arrest, he stated that his wife refused medical help, they did not have money for that help, and that he cared for her the best he could.

The woman in some audible reports was said to have been bedridden for 15 years.

There are a number of problems in this story of neglect. Two adults other than Mr. White and his wife are said to have shared that abode. He is the only one charged. While it is certain that Jorene White’s care was inadequate, it is not at all certain that any malice or intention to cause harm was involved. Obviously Mr. White was not well equipped for the exhausting, 24/7  job, and this condition applies to the majority of people.

The news story details no background leading up to this sad state of affairs.

The news story (styled for shock value) fails to acknowledge that many people, of little means, die from neglect due to lack of awareness that medical care is available for them. The media lie that 49 million Americans have no access to care has deeply sunken roots, and has caused many not to seek the existing medical help. We look forward now to the looming, rationed obama-care which that media lie was designed to bring about.

Maggots abound in the summer and are happy to offer free debridement services, removing necrotic tissue from any open sore which is not visible and regularly cleaned by professionals or other caregivers. Jorene White is among multitudes who have been found in this condition, in the U.S..

A note on the correct way to obtain medical maggot therapy, so as to avoid the extra media flagellation suffered by Mr. White:
Maggots are classed as a medical device, and a prescription is required to obtain them for wound debridement. For those without means to pay click here to learn about financial assistance for maggot therapy.

Psssst……… Nashville Record Flood SECRET is out

Normally Pharmer doesn’t cover disasters too much because everybody else does.

There are not too many country music fans in the mainstream media,   so the fact that Nashville was very rapidly submerged  in its biggest flood on record, and over 30 lives were lost, has been upstaged by  the oil rig explosion,  and such momentous things as Chaz Bono’s  happiness with the sex change operation.

Newsweek magazine  (yes, the one that is up for sale now)  apparently took some time to flagellate itself over the lack of media coverage.

People picking themselves up from disaster and moving on is  certainly not as exciting as listening to the caterwauling of those who could not live and breath without government help.

Country Music performer, John Rich has written a song dedicated to Nashville and  is pushing for donations to the Red Cross.  So if you want to help those who are helping themselves,   here’s a  conglomeration of  local relief efforts which are accepting donations of money,   material goods, and  time.

The Mainstream Media Finally Noticed The Disproportionately High Abortion Rate Among Black Women

Their first coverage of what Black Pro-lifers placed before them for Years, is an attempt to claim that Blacks are being used by the Pro-life movement to push our horrible agenda against killing.

Tanya M Acker blogs at CNN  that Black women don’t need help from the pro-lifers who have reported  for decades  that American Blacks are aborting at a vastly higher rate than Whites.  It’s worth giving her commentary a read, before proceeding to  the reply Pharmer  offered on that site, and below:

Both breast cancer and fetal mortality ( loss of subsequent children due to prematurity) are linked to abortion.
This might help to explain the higher incidence this author cites among Blacks.

Almost half of Black children are aborted and Alan Guttmacher Institute has recently reported that the rate of abortion among Blacks is approaching 5 times that of Whites in the U.S.

Among sexually active teens, contraceptive failure is quite high, due to notoriously imperfect compliance. and pregnancy is a  usual result within a few years.   The incidence of unplanned pregnancy and abortion in the college years are  also astronomically high. Truly, most of planned parenthood’s services become abortion related. Abby Johnson, former director of a planned parenthood clinic, informs us that this is by design. There is pressure from above to drum up more of the profitable abortion business.

The author appears to concur with Margaret Sanger that abortion is “needed” by the lower income and the minority women, hence there is approval of the location of clinics primarily in urban areas.

The assumption that abortion is most often a “freely made choice” for a woman suggests a disconnect with reality. Do women choose to be under the pressure of bad social and economic circumstances such that they feel a need to kill their unborn child?
Where are these women who have FREELY CHOSEN to kill their own offspring prior to, during, or shortly after birth?

Among abortion supporters there’s a vacillation between presenting abortion as a sad thing that some women feel they have to do, and the above suggestion that it’s just a freely taken option, (a walk in the park, no big deal).

There’s also the suggestion that Black pro-lifers who brought up this disparity decades ago, to be ignored by all except the pro-life news media, are being paternalistic. Or even the recognition from the rest of pro lifers that something is wrong with this, is considered paternalistic. In the same article is the suggestion that Blacks NEED to be CARED FOR in so many other ways, by the government, but attention to this abortion disparity, and the health problems it brings, should be ignored.

Who is being paternalistic? What good have governments done for any of the peoples, around the world, whom they have taken under the wing and to whom they have provided “care” ?