Forced Abortion in America: Not New, but Becoming More Entrenched

Court May Force Mentally Disabled Nevada Woman to Have Abortion | <–click for the details.

Elisa Bauer, of Washoe County in Nevada, suffers multiple disabilities from fetal alcohol syndrome. As an adult she lives in a group home, but remains under the guardianship of her adoptive family. She’s pregnant, and Washoe County social services has requested a court hearing which could override the decision of Elisa and her family to have her baby. The family has six potential adoptive families already lined up, and they are providing prenatal care for Elisa, whose  pregnancy is considered high risk.
It appears that Social Services and the Court might prefer that Elisa abort, and may force this issue. In order to proceed, Washoe County would have to petition for guardianship, so that they could force her to abort.

Harry Reid taken to ER after six car accident

Reid's condition unknown after traffic accident – News –

As of now, the condition of Senator Harry Reid is unknown, even to his son Rory.
Reid had just visited the National Atomic Testing Museum in Las Vegas prior to the auto accident. He was headed to an editorial board meeting of El Tiempo, a Las Vegas news publication. The live feed of the traffic alert system was shut down shortly after the accident. A photo of the accident scene is HERE.

Update: Politico sez Reid is not hurt.