Where’s the Birth Certificate??

Hawaii governor says Obama’s birth record ‘exists’ but can’t produce it | Mail Online.

Hawaii’s  “helpful” governor, Niel Abercrombie,  wanted to help Obama with his documentation problem, and pledged to provide proof that Obama was born in that state.

But he can’t find a birth certificate!  You know, the one that Hawaii’s health director claimed to have seen….

I, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, have seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawaii State Department of Health verifying Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen”.

Yeah, that one….

So Abercrombie should inquire of the good Dr. Fukino… where’s the birth certificate!?

Life News Keeps Obama’s Pro Abortion Scorecard.

Life News keeps a running tally of Obama’s pro-abortion activity which is worth keeping an eye on.  Use it to remind your buddies that Obama remains the most abortion-loving politician who has ever served at the national level.  This tally will remain linked on the side bar to the right, for your reference.   Pass it around!

Obama’s pre presidential record remains at Born Alive Truth, which chronicles the history of the Born Alive Infants Protection Act.  That’s worth archiving also.  The records were mirrored at the PFLI website also.

Obamacare Mandate to Buy Health Insurance is Struck Down

U.S. Health-Care Law’s Mandate Thrown Out by Judge – Bloomberg.

Judge Henry Hudson of U.S. District Court in Richmond Virginia has struck down a central requirement of Obamacare which was set to go into effect in 2014.   The commerce clause does not give government authority to force a person to buy health care insurance, or anything else.

There are a series of court challenges to Obamacare by 20 states (so far), and this defeat  for the administration marks a significant first blow to the government takeover of one sixth of the economy.

This district  court decision defended Virginia’s Health Care Freedom Act which barred forcing citizens to purchase health care insurance.

No Surprise dept of ODD News

44 – Obama’s Indonesian gay nanny and other things from his past.

The nanny business is zero surprise,  but  this little tale below is worth some attention.  (Italics added.)

From the Washington  post article:

Finally, the Times relates a story from one of Obama’s boyhood friends that some might say presaged the future.

One time, recalled the elder son, Slamet Januadi, now 52, Mr. Obama asked a group of boys whether they wanted to grow up to be president, a soldier or a businessman. A president would own nothing while a soldier would possess weapons and a businessmen would have money, the young Obama explained.

Mr. Januadi and his younger brother, both of whom later joined the Indonesian military, said they wanted to become soldiers. Another boy, a future banker, said he would become a businessman.

“Then Barry said he would become president and order the soldier to guard him and the businessman to use his money to build him something,” Mr. Januadi said. “We told him, ‘You cheated. You didn’t give us those details.’ “

“But we all became what we said we would,” he said.

Why The Catholic Bishops Don’t Get Donations From Pharmer

Pharmer continues the boycott of the US Catholic Bishops fundraisers, and here’s just one more reason.

This appeared in Pharmer’s Church bulletin during October, Pro-life month:

“The Indiana Bishops have asked that parishes and affiliated/associated organizations NOT distribute or allow distribution of Indiana Right To Life’s or county affiliate organization’s election materials.
The Indiana Right to Life has adopted a clearly partisan policy that effectively endorses ONLY Republican candidates for elected offices.
When the Indiana Right to Life Policy and materials are again non-partisan, with a focus on education and advocacy, parishes may be able to cooperate with the local and state organization during the election campaign once more.”

The use of the word “republican” in this announcement violates it’s own supposed non-partisan message. Thus it is internally inconsistent with the supposed spirit the Indiana Bishops are pretending to convey.

The reality is that the bulk of U.S. Bishops (outside of a persistently pro life minority) are paying lip service to pro-life ideals only due to the prodding of the pro-life Pope Benedict.

The Wallbuilders have established three years running that the churches need not fear the IRS removal of tax exempt status. Those preachers doing political advocacy from the pulpits, and sending the tapes to the IRS have yet to be taken to task. The IRS knows that it will lose this case in court, so it keeps silent, allowing the IRS intimidation of most pastors to proceed.

The Catholic Church in the United States ought not to specifically ally itself with any party, but it really needs to get out of bed with the pro-abortion, pro-infanticide, pro-euthanasia, pro-gay marriage, Pro-WAR, pro-slavery, anti-civil rights, Democrat party of the KKK. Those of us who know the history of the U.S. Wars and the above mentioned misbehaviors know which party has initiated and/or supported them in our government.

Any politically conscious person knows that the Republican party is not without stain, and this is why there is a TEA-party for one example. Pharmer has been boycotting the RNC appeals for many years, and assisting individual candidates in other ways.

Pro-life politicians need to find another party, because the Democrat party at the national level has been impervious to transformation on these issues, and defunds its pro-life candidates at the national level. Democrats have moved further left with their chosen president’s inclusion of actual infanticide as an extension of abortion.


The Indiana Right to Life Voter Guide has no endorsements included on the document. It has survey questions for federal and state candidates, followed by lists of the candidates (without party affiliation) and their replies to the questions.

Indiana Right to Life has issued a statement that it will back no Democrats this year, due in part  to the cooperation of Indiana Democrats with the pro abortion Obamacare.  The Democrat state officials have not allowed pro-life legislation to proceed in the Indiana legislature as well.  The Indiana Bishops are reminded of Independents, Teapartiers, and Libertarians which are active within the state, and which are not excluded from consideration.  It is revealed that the “only republicans” statement appearing in the church bulletin really means “no democrats”.

The 2010 List of Indiana Right to Life PAC endorsements- click HERE

The Democrat Party Platform of 2008 on Abortion:
“The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v Wade and a woman’s right to choose a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay, and we oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right.”

“The Democratic Party also strongly supports access to comprehensive affordable family planning services and age-appropriate sex education which empower people to make informed choices and live healthy lives. We also recognize that such health care and education help reduce the number of unintended pregnancies and thereby also reduce the need for abortions.”

“The Democratic Party also strongly supports a woman’s decision to have a child by ensuring access to and availability of programs for pre and post natal health care, parenting skills, income support, and caring adoption programs.”

The Cojones-Caliper – for measuring, that is.

44 – Palin: Obama lacks ‘the cojones’ to tackle immigration.

Plain spoken Palin draws fans  from among the real Americans with her blunt manner of self expression.

Sarah  is not the first one to have questioned the male endowment of the president. James Carville had suggested that Hillary surpassed Obama in this area, and Evan Bayh had referenced the praise for Hillary’s greater ‘testicular fortitude’ given by a steel worker’s union official in Indiana during the Democratic primaries in 2008.   Rush and crew are credited for uncovering those tidbits in a timely manner.  Rush  suggested  blaming  the apparent presidential problem on Rev. Jesse Jackson, who had expressed a desire to perform unauthorized surgery into a live microphone at FOX.

The male hormone output  of the president is  not impressive, and  evidence suggests that the incidental testosterone issued from the adrenals and ovaries  of  the Lady Conservatives is  much  greater.

We suspect that data obtained from vernier caliper measurements  would bring further evidence of the president’s meager endowment, but certainly have no interest in the work of acquisition.

Is there anyone with sufficient curiosity to review and research the correlation of gonad size and testosterone production?  The federal government has funded stranger studies 😉

While pondering the academic possibilities using federal STIMULUS, watch Sarah telling it like it is.