The Doctor in Obama’s Family Opposes Obamacare

WOLF: Tawdry details of Obamacare – Washington Times.

Yes, you should read up ^.   Dr. Milton Wolf is Obama’s 2nd cousin, and for that reason calls himself 12 percent hope.    This staunch opponent of Obamacare is found at Blogspot and at the Washington times.

The above, latest output, explains what Obama thinks of his own health plan:  He’s been exempting all his best friends (investors)  from it.

The rest of less well connected businesses and individuals will suffer mightily from it.

Dr. Wolf calls health care Obama’s “big stick”, and you may expect that he and his followers will beat their opposition with it.

What Does the AP Think Will Happen Under Obamacare?

2nd person denied Ariz. transplant coverage dies – Yahoo! News.

Are these AP reporters  too stupid to connect the dots?

Government funded health care will run out of money and this will happen to everyone, including those who could have afforded their own care if it were still available.  Obamacare is structured to kill private insurance companies, leaving the government care as the only option.

Incidentally,  the first listed death, mentioned in the above article,  is not connected to the shortfall of Arizona coverage. The  prospective  bone marrow transplant  was privately funded.

Remember Ezekiel Emanuel, Rahm’s brother, who is health policy adviser at the Office of Management nd Budget?  He has the “Complete Lives System” in store for us.  Not only will budget concerns limit care, but also the expression of ideology which offends the regime, as already occurs in the UK.

Dr. Betsy McCaughey, one of the few who actually  read the Obamacare bills, reminds us of what is in store for all of US.

Keep your eye on the ball, and continue to prod the 112th Congress to financially  dismantle Obamacare, while at the same time attempting to repeal it.

New York’s Union Death Panel

We’ve been hearing that New York city spent a much longer period locked in by snow than was necessary, due to an intentional work slowdown by protesting union workers.

A group of supervisors with the Sanitation Dept. is under media fire for partying in a van, drinking beer, next to stranded snow plows and vehicles.  Reporting that they had run out of fuel, the guys decided to kick back and enjoy each other’s good company.  That the supervisors felt they could do this reveals something about the chain of command in New York City.

Highlighted in the news were the deaths of an elderly person and a newborn baby who could not receive medical attention during the paralysis of transportation.

The New York  union death panels deserve credit for hundreds of uncounted deaths, and perhaps the inaction of city government was purposeful.

New York is a bankrupt city,  heavy with dependents needing medical and other tax payer assistance.   The fastest way to be rid of these people is to allow natural disasters to take their toll.  Exacerbating problems by inactivity and unresponsiveness of course increases the number of “natural” deaths.

Your friendly Pharmer knows exactly what happens in a hospital during a snow storm.  The rate of new admissions, particularly through the emergency room drops off precipitously.  This  extends for as long as transportation remains  blocked by the weather.

Do people stop having traumatic  injuries, chest pains, diabetic keto-acidosis, psychotic episodes, suicide attempts, births, strokes, and other emergent medical conditions just because it snows?   Of course not!   They simply go unattended and many of them die.

The news will not tell you about Bloomberg’s New York, Union, Death Panel,  which has likely stripped hundreds, or even thousands  of dependent human individuals from the welfare, medicaid, and social security rolls, by delaying cleanup.

That’s one way to deal with a financial crisis.  Expect more of it, especially if health care becomes both government controlled and unionized.

Obama’s Death Panels Begin Jan 1 by Means of Regulation, Not Law

Obama enacts end-of-life plan that drew ‘death panel’ claims | Before It’s News.

Doctors will be paid to advise on end of life care options  (encourage patients to forgo treatment in favor of palliative care).

Yep, it’s the death panels through Obama’s familiar BACK DOOR.

Yes,  Medicare will cover “voluntary advance care planning”, (at which the end of life  decision) will be encouraged as part of annual visits by the elderly to their doctors.

Obamacare Mandate to Buy Health Insurance is Struck Down

U.S. Health-Care Law’s Mandate Thrown Out by Judge – Bloomberg.

Judge Henry Hudson of U.S. District Court in Richmond Virginia has struck down a central requirement of Obamacare which was set to go into effect in 2014.   The commerce clause does not give government authority to force a person to buy health care insurance, or anything else.

There are a series of court challenges to Obamacare by 20 states (so far), and this defeat  for the administration marks a significant first blow to the government takeover of one sixth of the economy.

This district  court decision defended Virginia’s Health Care Freedom Act which barred forcing citizens to purchase health care insurance.

Timothy M. Dolan Elected Head of US Conference of Catholic Bishops

Timothy M. Dolan to Lead Catholic Bishops’ Conference –

From the leftist position of the New York Times, choosing Archbishop Dolan as president of the USCCB is a conservative move.

However,  Archbishop Dolan does not appear to be an  actual conservative.

A conservative would recognize that Obamacare would destroy the goose that laid the golden egg,  and that has heavily funded the charitable outreach of the Catholic church.

No mention is made of the obvious fact that Obamacare  will make  our elderly and disabled citizens SHOVEL READY.

Medicare denies more claims for treatment than any private insurer.    The idea that Obamacare will expand coverage while taking on more patients, wasting more money in administration, and driving out health care providers, is a total joke.

Archbishop Dolan is quoted by NYT:

“We should have been doing cartwheels” when the health care bill passed, he said, because the bishops had long supported expanding coverage. But he said the bishops could not endorse the legislation because they concluded there were “unborn babies that were in danger.”

If  that quote is accurate,  it would mean that he’s Lost in the Weeds on this issue.

Paul Krugman Acknowledges the Truth of DEATH PANELS

Remember when the lefties screamed about Palin’s use of the word Death panels, to describe the government choosing who and who would not get medical treatment?

Well,  they forgot about that, and here you see the esteemed New York Times operative, Paul Krugman acknowledging Sarah Palin’s pinpoint accuracy.

KRUGMAN:  They should have said, “Okay, look, Medicare is going to have to decide what it’s going to pay for. And at least for starters, it’s going to have to decide which medical procedures are not effective at all and should not be paid for at all.” In other words, it should have endorsed the panel that was part of the health care reform.  If the commission isn’t even brave enough to take on the death panels people, then it’s doing no good at all. ……………..

No. Some years down the pike we’re gonna get the real solution, which is gonna be a combination of death panels and sales taxes.  It’s going to be that we’re actually gonna take Medicare under control and we’re gonna have to get some additional revenue, probably from a VAT.