Gary Wilson, a psychology teacher, has been studying the effects of internet porn use on today’s males. He discusses the over abundance of extreme versions of natural rewards, which lead to binge behavior, and then desensitization to the natural stimuli.
This kind of addictive effect, stemming from excessive dopamine production, and an accumulation of delta-FosB, (a transcription factor and molecular marker of addiction), has lead to a pervasive problem of sexual dysfunction, particularly among young males.
While older guys recover from porn use in a few months after abstinence begins, it takes younger guys much longer to recover. This is believed to be due to stimulation by internet porn while their brains are still plastic, and remodeling themselves to adapt to the environment.
See Gary’s website HERE, to learn more about the scientific study of porn users .
A plethora of sites have sprung up to assist those who have recognized that porn use plus SEK (sex singular) has impaired their ability to do almost everything else, including relating with other people.
Fapstronauts (another term for those who wank to the porn) are congregating at a reddit site called NOFAP This is an online support group for those who wish to give up the practice.
Internet resources for recovering porn users are increasing exponentially, as people seek to escape the spiritual and physical stagnation, banana breakdown, and general Bad Karma associated with singular support of the sex slave (porn) industry.
Find sites with Christian affiliation here.
If you Bing search “support for recovering porn addicts, you will get millions of results. There’s something for anyone.