London Riots

» If We Let the Government Take Our Guns, We’ll Have to Run and Hide Like Londoners – Big Government.

AWR Hawkins  notes that the Londoners have little means to resist rioters and looters, due to their long standing gun bans.  He’s absolutely correct. Click above and check him out.

Niccolo Machiavelli of Big Peace wonders if a drug shortage of opiates is causing the London Riots. It seems that the heroin supply there is becoming short due to massive arrests of drug suppliers recently.

Pharmer wonders if maybe shortages of other drugs are contributing to the unruly behavior: antidepressants, for example.

The US is having shortages of prescription drugs such as Pharmer has never seen before. The  UK is also suffering from multiple drug shortages. Rapid withdrawal from the shorter acting antidepressant SSRIs, SNRIs, etcetera, can cause some significant crankiness. Foggy UK is known for significant reliance upon these meds.

“Stocks of 56 drugs, including treatments for cancer, Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia, depression, kidney disease, high blood pressure, and epilepsy have now run low” says the UK TELEGRAPH today in its health news

Beware the New UN Gun Agreement

U.N. Agreement Should Have All Gun Owners Up In Arms – Larry Bell – The Bell Tells for You – Forbes.   <—read up!

This is something that you should bring up with your senators, since they have to ratify these kinds of agreements.

Under UN RULE, the ownership, acquisition, and use of firearms would be much more restricted, difficult and expensive.

This agreement violates the Second Amendment and constitutes a major gun grab.  Over on the sidebar, and RIGHT HERE, you can find a link to get a hold of your Senators so get busy.

Walgreens Fires Pharmacist for Stopping Robbery with his Legally Carried Firearm.

Pharmacist  Gets Fired for Using a Gun to Stop Robbery – Big Government.

Pharmacist Jeremy Hoven has a concealed carry license which he obtained subsequent to having his pharmacy robbed in 2007.  Workers at that pharmacy had asked Walgreens to step up security measures there, to no avail.

On May 8th, Hoven again was confronted by armed robbers at the Walgreens on Napier Avenue in Benton Township, Michigan.  The event was recorded on store cameras.

Police Lieutenant Delmar Lange supported Hoven’s actions, saying that Hoven had no alternative.    A store manager’s family  sent Hoven a thank-you card showing a pic of his four children.

Hoven had retreated as far as possible in the situation, and fired only after a robber jumped the counter and confronted him.

Walgreens policy allows customers in the store to have concealed carry weapons, but not employees.   Hoven stated that he had not been aware of this. Concerns about non-specific OSHA  regulations are possibly  to blame for the situation forbidding employees to carry firearms in this instance.   It’s OK only for customers and criminals.

Hoven’s lawyer is determining whether to pursue a wrongful termination lawsuit, which is likely to be a complex matter, but could  go further with the involvement of a government regulation.

You can give Walgreens a piece of your mind  at [email protected]

Sen Richard Lugar of Indiana Announces Plans to Retire

Lugar pushes to renew assault weapons ban – On Congress –

Yes, it’s true,   Lugar, who has favored the START treaty, and now is calling for a ban on assault rifles, is Obviously wanting to retire from the Senate.  He just wants a little push.

Hoosier teapartiers, such as Pharmer are eager to help him find his next career.

Rep. Peter King of New York has made disgusting noises about gun control, and will likely  be removed also, for trying to politicize the Arizona shootings by the deranged leftist, Jared Lee Loughner.

Carolyn McCarthy Aims More Gun Control at You.

Carolyn McCarthy readies gun control bill – Shira Toeplitz –

You knew this was coming: milking the Arizona assassination, held to be so much more significant than that of Major Nidal Malik  Hasan, because political figures were hit, instead of military personnel.

Leftist Carolyn McCarthy wants to make sure that  crazies and criminals retain access to guns, and you don’t.   That way they can kill large numbers of law-abiding citizens easier.

Another Dem, Robert Brady wants legislation to limit speech criticizing a political figure, since it might incite leftist  loons to commit murder.

Since the  “educators” were unable to adequately  deal with, and report an obviously crazy student at  Pima Community College, all of the rest of us will be expected to surrender more of our second amendment rights, and become  more defenseless, dependent, and easily subdued by the government.

Remember,  the other leftist, Hitler, who similarly stifled his opposition making more vigorous use of  pre-existing gun  laws, and a new one targeting Jews, to disarm the citizenry.

Extra update: the unarmed group which subdued Loughner. This one, related  by the woman who apparently  grabbed Loughner’s  clip, is probably the more realistic of the tales floating about.  The group of people credited in an  ABC story:   Patricia Maisch, Bill Badger, Roger Sulzgeber, Joseph Zimudie.  Maisch’s own story differs from audio news reports, and the sheriff’s  statement.  She stated that ‘two gentlemen’   had Loughney on the ground before she grabbed at his clip.