Trump Mocks NYT Reporter- Call a Waaaaaaaaaaambulance

Brought to you by the people who think it’s OK to kill disabled people before, during, and shortly after birth, is incessant whining over Trump’s apparent insensitivity to NYT reporter, Serge Kovaleski.

Trump had been making fun of Kovaleski’s reporting, using hand gestures that were interpreted as mocking the reporter’s physical disability.   Trump claims to have never seen the reporter, and to not know what he looks like.

The burning question to the left is:   Without the right to life, how is it that hurt feelings have any significance??  Until they can control atheir own behaviors, such as making fun of Trig Palin, and telling Sarah that she should have aborted him, there is only one appropriate response to today’s whiners:

taking Gloria awaaaaaaaay!