Video – BREAKING News Videos from

Video – Breaking News Videos from

Notice the BREAKING NEWS of a crime done on JUNE 26th by some White racists against a random  Black victim. They beat him up and ran over him with a truck, killing him.   This news is “Breaking” on August 5 2011,  well over a month after the fact.  By this time, the ringleader has been processed thoroughly and faces a very miserable life in prison…… for however long he lasts there.

Why did the news come out on August 5th?   Was it the alternative to covering the events which happened at the Wisconsin state fair, or is CNN just incredibly SLOW?

This would not have been national news except for the need to counter  the internet promulgation of a local news story of race based  mob violence in Wisconsin.

Yes, the Uniter, who promised to lower the sea level, and bring harmony to the world has done us no good at all.