Your Tax Dollars at Wank

It’s not a Typo.

Congressman Mark Meadows of N. Carolina wants to make it illegal for Federal employees to view porn on their tax payer funded computers, while drawing tax payer funded paychecks.  He’s worked up about the Inspector General’s reports of federal employees pornifying themselves at work all day.  The famous EPA perv, who spent 2 to 6 hours per day poring over his 7000 porno files comes to mind.  Nine months after getting caught, that guy was still being paid  at the rate of $120,000 per year, though he was on leave, and no longer allowed to enter his place of work. His superiors have said that actually firing someone from a government job is a monumental bureaucratic undertaking.

Your friendly blogger, who actually worked at the EPA for a year,  knows how deadly boring the place is, and how difficult it is to plow through the paperwork to actually accomplish something.  The solution is to get a different job, NOT to wank oneself to death!

Who me? Work???