Huffpost Pro-abort Screamers Cry About Standard Determination of Gestational Age

Arizona Abortion Bill: Legislators Pass Three Bills, Including One That Redefines When Life Begins.

Pharmer sometimes  feels that the reflex for breathing in leftists is connected to the reflex for lying.   The above Huff Po headline is the kind of thing which feeds this notion.

Physicians calculate gestational age from the time of the last missed period.  It’s an easier thing to do than guess the exact time of fertilization, to mark the beginning of life.   When Arizona legislators used this definition in a bill to define a limit of the age at which pre-born humans can be aborted,  John Celock shrieked that they are redefining when life begins…… two weeks before conception, he says.   (That would be an average.)   But Celock doesn’t realize that he fell off of the birth control bandwagon.   In his article he unwittingly re-connects conception with fertilization,  (as it always had been before the need to sell birth control pills.)   He forgot that the  ACOG and others  had  muddied the conception term,  and also the pregnancy term, to indicate the time of implantation  (about a week after fertilization).  This was to make the birth control pills  (all of which have  multiple mechanisms of action, some of which prevent implantation) more acceptable to women.

Pharmer notes that the left has never been able to get itself coordinated to accept  that  conception and pregnancy terms apply only after implantation.   Perhaps even they can’t totally  accept a lie that obvious. But Celock could not resist showing his ignorance of  the standard medical practice for estimating fetal age and time of expected delivery, with his dishonest headline.