*153* Bishops (Over 80% of Dioceses) Have Spoken Out Against Obama/HHS Mandate | CatholicVote.org

Updated: *153* Bishops (Over 80% of Dioceses) Have Spoken Out Against Obama/HHS Mandate | CatholicVote.org.

At the above link a list is being compiled of Bishops statements protesting Obama’s health care mandate  for religiously affiliated employers to cover birth control, abortifacients and sterilizations.

The bolded links on the list lead to letters which were to be read at every parish in the diocese.   As of Sunday there are 153 out of  183 diocesan leaders who have made statements.

The Assembly of Orthodox Bishops has also made a statement representing all 53 of their U.S. Bishops, which protests the action of Obama and his HHS.

Expect more statements to be coming out as some of the Bishops get a reminder of their job function from the Vatican.

As a result of prior decisions to go  along with the Government and accept grants from them,  the Bishops now find themselves, and the society in which they live, in dire straits.  Says Francis Cardinal George, Archbishop of Chicago:   “I expect to die in bed, my successor will die in prison and his successor will die a martyr in the public square.”

2/8/12 UPDATE    169 Dioceses have  submitted letters of protest


One thought on “*153* Bishops (Over 80% of Dioceses) Have Spoken Out Against Obama/HHS Mandate | CatholicVote.org

  1. Glad they're FINALLY showing some moral leadership, but they are late to the party by 45 yrs or so…squandered all cred capital with modernism and liberalism post V2 and pederasty and sodomite spree in last decade….but, glad they're finally being strong for the right reasons. Maybe they'll decide, en banc, to vote pro-life in 2012 instead of O'Bama like thye did in 2008?

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