Pregnant Colo. woman mistakenly given abortion drug – Washington Times

The Washington Times has more restrained coverage of the methotrexate mixup at Safeway pharmacy.

New in the story is that Ms. Mareena Silva has moved out of her apartment and is no longer talking to media,  supposedly on advice of her attorney.

There is no  free abortion advice from Paul Doering of the University of Florida,  as in the case of ABC reporting, though he is still referenced in this article.

Who’s in Charge in Egypt?

Hosni Mubarak resigns as president – Middle East – Al Jazeera English.

Mubarek has resigned, and has handed over control to “the armed forces”.

Who’s in charge?

Does Obama know who to call???

Probably not, because as this article indicates,  the White House is CLUELESS. The disarray of our government regarding this matter is probably one of few truths being conveyed about the media concerning the crisis in Egypt.

It would seem that Obama is not exactly sure that his marching orders from Soros were correct.

Kinky Congressman Christopher Lee of New York is OUT

Rep. Lee’s Photo Scandal Might Lead To Changes At NY SenateCBS New York.

Republican Rep. Lee, who is married, had been previously chastised by Boehner for running around with the female lobbyists in Washington.  Now’s he’s out for trying to use Craigs-list to get lucky.

It exemplifies the difference between republicans and democrats, who normally give a standing O or throw a party honoring such a person.   The Republicans had  Lee tossed out within hours of his pic popping up  on Craigs list.

Pharmacist Error, Methotrexate Dispensed to a Pregnant Woman

This story is making its way around pro-life news media because methotrexate can be used for early abortions.    Read on to get a more accurate view of why methotrexate is found in retail pharmacies,  the poor job that the media does in presenting medical stories, and an example of who the media uses as an expert for retail pharmacy practice.

A error occurred at a Safeway pharmacy in which methotrexate, a drug used for chemotherapy, treatment of severe inflammatory disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, and abortions, was dispensed to a pregnant woman. It is important to understand that the usual patient who comes to a retail pharmacy for methotrexate is getting it for inflammatory conditions.  The doses are  normally a few to several 2.5mg tablets, (although larger sizes are now available), and the drug  might  come in a dose pack called Rheumatrex.    It is usually taken once per week for those conditions.

This error occurred due to mixup in which  Mareena Silva, of Ft. Lupton, CO,  received a prescription intended for another patient, supposedly with the same last name and a similar first name.

Unanswered in most news coverage is whether Silva took a  single dose of several  tablets, which is frequently characteristic of  orally administered methotrexate treatments, and is not characteristic of most oral antibiotic treatments.   The usual dose for rheumatoid arthritis is quite a bit lower than the dose to kill a human embryo.

Yet to be found is whether Ms Silva was given methotrexate rescue treatment  (leucovorin calcium,) which might conteract the assault by methotrexate upon folate metabolism to its active form, which is the basis of its toxicity to the human embryo or fetus, (and various rapidly dividing cells throughout the body).

Safeway is acknowledging their liability, and has offered to pay all medical expenses which result from this error.

Error prevention: At many retail pharmacies, scanning, name and birthdate checks are  eliminating much of the possibility of these errors, but if the two Silva prescriptions were back to back and went into wrongly tagged bags before dispensing, nothing but extensive counseling with the bag opened and drug visible would have stopped this error. We know that many patients refuse such counseling, and that often there is not time to carry out extensive counseling on the use of medications at the pharmacy.

Expert commentary: This is a job for a person with retail pharmacy experience, as well as practical clinical knowledge. The media chosen point man of the day is one “distinguished service” professor from the University of Florida, Paul Doering M.S.. (ABC news  has given his credentials incorrectly.)   Doering is NOT quoted by ABC as suggestingTHE RESCUE TREATMENT for methotrexate. As expected is the media favorite recommendation of abortion, from ABC:

“Doering, who did his master’s thesis on the drug”, [way back in  1975]  “said methotrexate is the “poster child for why certain medicines shouldn’t be used in pregnancy. It’s such a well-known and potent cause of birth defects.”

In some instances taking the drug during pregnancy warrants termination, according to Doering.

“There are downsides to that and risks,” he said. “But if it were my wife or daughter, I would recommend it.”

To exemplify the quality of drug information brought to you by media experts,   here is a blast from Paul Doering’s past  from  2006 Drug Topics magazine, which is particularly salient during the time that Planned Parenthood is being called to task  for practices related  to what Doering has been quoted as advocating.

“Pointing out that OTC Plan B will be sold only in pharmacies and in health clinics,Paul Doering M.S., Distinguished Service Professor of pharmacy practice, University of Florida College of Pharmacy, said, said, “This is one of the times the FDA has publicly acknowledged that there can be or needs to be a third class of drugs. It’s a de facto third class of drugs because you can’t get Plan B in a convenience store or a supermarket or vending machine.”

Doering is skeptical about whether women under 18 will be prevented from obtaining OTC Plan B. “There are no pill police out there to enforce things. It’s voluntary enforcement on the part of pharmacists. Someone may present false identification. If you don’t believe these things are hard to enforce, just read an article on underage drinking. The intent is good, but the so-called closed system is going to be more like a sieve with leaks.”

Doering said he’s not worried about leaks because he thinks Plan B should be available for 14- and 15-year-olds. “That’s the reality,” he said. “Keeping it behind the counter and ensuring someone is 18—I would take that as a wink and a nod. If someone has a need to get a hold of Plan B, she will.”

Pharmer is hoping that Ms. Silva is now  being offered better pharmaceutical care than is available from such media chosen experts as Paul Doering,  and that she and her unborn child are spared the consequences of this pharmacy error.

Patients  should not be afraid to call up the pharmacy and question any prescription drug  which doesn’t make sense, or has an unexplained change.

There are no infallible humans,  and we’ve only gotten infallible proclamations three times in 2 millenia from the Popes.

Live Action Sting Number Six, New York Planned Parenthood

New from Live Action…… Planned Parenthood Video number six.

In this film, the Bronx, NY, planned parenthood  employee recommends that the Pimp could act as guardian of his underage sex workers. She states that girls as young as 13 can come in on their own to get treatment.

A practitioner also appears on this film, explaining that language and immigration status  is no barrier to obtaining “insurance”  (public funding)  for  treatment.

Democrat Senators Promise to Protect Obamacare Abortion Mandates

Dem senators promise to block House abortion legislation – The Hill’s Healthwatch.

Because Obamacare really does cover abortion, and the democrats want to keep it this way.    If this were not the case, there would be no need to force health care institutions, insurance companies, and health care providers to participate in abortion.

Stopping this bill would be a moot point if the above were not the case.

We all know better, don’t we.   Thanks for reminding the American People how much you need to be replaced, DEMOCRAT senators.

2012 is coming fast.

Such A Cranky Gurl – Maria Fotopoulos

Maria Fotopolous, a transplant from Oklahoma to California, and professional writer, was caught Hot Flashing by Izzy Lyman over at Breitbart. Displayed there is a pic of Maria which looks as though a tetanic contraction of the uterine myometrium might be in progress. Maria is cranking off at the Duggars for their prodigious reproduction rate.

Ms. Maria  has not  always been so ragged-out though. You can see her in some better moods at her turbodog50 Twitter home and her Turbodog Communications business site. Not all of her writing is as whacked as what we saw in this article she wrote for the California population controllers. It’s fair to say that in some cases she has shown a respectfulness of religion. But she’s in no mood for the faith expression of the Duggars, which acknowledges God as being in charge of the reproductive output.

A toxin has poisoned Fotopoulos’s brain, and may perhaps be  potentiated  by a personal sense of failure in the reproduction department.    This Toxin exacerbates  the  Greenie Dogma  that the earth cannot sustain its current population, though it  could be packed into the state of Texas,  and will be in actual decline by 2050 or sooner.  Such whacky doomsday faith has caused her to see Margaret Sanger, (who comes complete with murderous, eugenics  agenda)  as a force for positive change.

So one must wonder………. who put the PCP in Maria’s kombuchu tea  last  week??

Protect Life Act HR 358 Has A Conscience Clause

H.R.358: Protect Life Act – U.S. Congress – OpenCongress.

Take a look at the actual bill.  The hysterical pro-aborts are whining that women will die on hospital steps because some hospitals don’t grind up babies in  utero, and suck out the chucks and juice.  Rather they keep the kid in there as long as the mom can sustain it,  deliver the kid early if the mom can’t,  and try to keep both the mom and kid alive. Pro aborts seem to passionately hate any legitimate medical intervention that doesn’t result in the kid’s death.  Otherwise why would it bother them that some people believe in preserving the mom’s life  without PURPOSELY  killing the kid?

NARAL finds it extremely offensive that some hospitals don’t grind up the kids instead of delivering them whole.

NARAL wants more dead kids, and wants you to pay for it.

Here’s the Non-descrimination language that has pro-aborts foaming at the mouth.

‘(1) NONDISCRIMINATION- A Federal agency or program, and any State or local government that receives Federal financial assistance under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act), may not subject any institutional or individual health care entity to discrimination, or require any health plan created or regulated under this Act (or an amendment made by this Act) to subject any institutional or individual health care entity to discrimination, on the basis that the health care entity refuses to
‘(A) undergo training in the performance of induced abortions;
‘(B) require or provide such training;
‘(C) perform, participate in, provide coverage of, or pay for induced abortions;  or

‘(D) provide referrals for such training or such abortions.
‘(2) DEFINITION- In this subsection, the term ‘health care entity’ includes an individual physician or other health care professional, a hospital, a provider-sponsored organization, a health maintenance organization, a health insurance plan, or any other kind of health care facility, organization, or plan.

‘(A) IN GENERAL- The courts of the United States shall have jurisdiction to prevent and redress actual or threatened violations of this section by issuing any form of legal or equitable relief, including–

‘(i) injunctions prohibiting conduct that violates this subsection; and
‘(ii) orders preventing the disbursement of all or a portion of Federal financial assistance to a State or local government, or to a specific offending agency or program of a State or local government, until such time as the conduct prohibited by this subsection has ceased.

‘(B) COMMENCEMENT OF ACTION- An action under this subsection may be instituted by–

‘(i) any health care entity that has standing to complain of an actual or threatened violation of this subsection; or
‘(ii) the Attorney General of the United States.CommentsClose CommentsPermalink

‘(4) ADMINISTRATION- The Secretary shall designate the Director of the Office for Civil Rights of the Department of Health and Human Services

‘(A) to receive complaints alleging a violation of this subsection;
‘(B) to pursue investigation of such complaints in coordination with the Attorney General.’.

(b) Conforming Amendment- Section 1334(a)(6) of such Act is amended to read as follows:

‘(6) COVERAGE CONSISTENT WITH FEDERAL POLICY- In entering into contracts under this subsection, the Director shall ensure that no multi-State qualified health plan offered in an Exchange provides coverage for abortions for which funding is prohibited under subsection 1303(c) of this Act

This Mom Gamed the System to Get Her Kids into Safer Schools.

» Ohio Mother is Modern Day Rosa Parks – Big Government.

Kelley Williams-Bolar fibbed about the residence of her kids so they could go to a safer school than the one in her own home district.  For that she got a felony conviction, 10 days of jail, and probation.  She was studying to be a teacher, and now might  be excluded from that profession in her state of Ohio.

Kelly, it’s hard to  blame you for trying to find a safer school for your kids, so they survive their primary school years.   The Pharmer’s family spent  many thousands of bucks putting the kids through a better grade school.  Not everyone can raise  the funds for that.

You need money …. WRITE A BOOK!!  Start right now, while your story is hot.  Pharmer will advertise it for free.

And you have just been given a helluva a good reason to become a home schooling MOM.

Be assimilated into the RIGHT SIDE of the force………