Graphic Surveillance Video Of Kelly Thomas Beating Shown In Court. Shhhhhh it’s a Secret

Graphic Surveillance Video Of Kelly Thomas Beating Shown In Court « CBS Los Angeles.

Fullerton, CA cops beat Kelly Thomas, a  schizophrenic homeless man, to death last summer (July 2011), and  the incident is under investigation.   So far the story  has garnered only local news attention. The main reason for the disinterest is that it has no value for WAGGING the RACE WAR.

There’s a video of the proceedings at the above link.  Most are likely to conclude that the cops used excessive force.  There will be no demonstrations nor riots in response to this event.

Indiana Landslide: Mourdock sends Lugar into Retirement

Senate veteran Richard Lugar loses primary to tea party-backed GOP State Treasurer after six terms .

Yes, a 60/40 split is a true landslide.  Your friendly Pharmer has been waiting for Lugar to retire.

Signs that Lugar had been in place for two long were his approval of Obama’s Supreme court appointees and his HHS secretary.   He had lost the support of pro-lifers and the NRA.

Despite Lugar’s 10 to 1 ad expenditures, he could not defeat the strong Teaparty support behind Mourdock.  Towards the end, the incumbent was begging democrats to cross over and and support him in the primary.  He even ran a democrat-style television  ad featuring an elderly lady expressing fear that Mourdock would take away her social security.   (Note that the Ryan plan, which Mourdock supports, does not remove funding from those already on social security.)

A series of Mourdock signs have adorned  the Pharm this past month.   The one below survived regular  inspections by cattle, as well as three significant storms, to remain in place through election day.

Mourdock recycles, so Pharmer will be out collecting signs this evening.  🙂

Do you think that Lugar will spend his retirement in Indiana??


Health pills from China, the Ultimate in Recycling,

if the thought of contracting KURU doesn’t bother you.   That particular neurodegenerative disease is caused by transmission of prions, most famously through cannibalism.

China Still Selling “Health Pills” Made From Aborted, Dead Babies |

The Chinese are said to be recycling the babies from “dying rooms” and those who are aborted or miscarried.  They’re desiccating the bodies, and grinding them up for use in health pills.

The ongoing practice of the Chinese in producing and exporting these pills is related to the belief that the fetus is useful as a general tonic and an enhancer of male sexual potency.  A documentary from South Korea  depicts the customs war that nation has waged  against the importation of the fetus pills.

Raw Milk Suggested As Reason for Low Incidence of Allergies in Amish Children

Amish farm kids remarkably immune to allergies: study – Yahoo! News Canada.

The FDA, which shut down Farmer Dan Allgyer’s raw milk business, for health reasons, apparently hasn’t seen  the study which finds a remarkably low rate of allergies among Amish children.   These kids were  compared to  cohorts of other farm children and those who are not raised on farms.  U.S. Amish kids were compared to Swiss kids  in an attempt to control for common genetic factors, and still a considerable difference was seen.

Other studies point to the farm environment, exposure to certain microorganisms, and to cows.   Raw cows milk is also associated with the reduced allergy incidence.

This latest study, led by Dr. Mark Holbreich  showed 7 percent of Amish kids testing positive for a skin prick allergy test,  while  25 percent of Swiss farm kids, and 44 percent of other Swiss children tested positive.

Allergies are big medical business.  Perhaps crony capitalism is the reason that the FDA felt such a need to shut down Dan Allgyer’s farm. 

A Surprise Found in Discounted Boots Brand Tampons –

Utah Woman Discovered Cocaine Hidden Inside Tampons Purchased At Salt Lake City Store | The Smoking Gun.

A Utah shopper, Cindy Davidson  bought some discounted tampons at an NPS store in Utah.  Apparently they were a diverted lot of Boots branded tampons which had been altered by  a smuggling organization.

When she got home she discovered bags  filled with powder in the tampons,  and promptly called the police.    A field test revealed that the powder was cocaine.  The remaining product has since been removed from store shelves.

This could be a problem for less alert women who might inadvertently use similarly  altered and diverted tampons.  Vaginal delivery of cocaine is effective in producing the usual effects of the drug.  The onset of action  is delayed, and the duration of action is longer, but overdose is still quite possible. Deaths from such use have been reported.

From the Smoking Gun:

“After cops left with the narcotics and the tampons, Davidson sent her 300 friends a Facebook message “No one would ever believe what has happened 2 me 2nite. I bought a package of tampons filled with cocaine bags,” she wrote. “I have had hazmat and the police at my house all night. I will post details as they become available. Totally tripping out.”

Doesn’t Look Good for Activist Chen Guangcheng:

Activist Chen Guangcheng: Let Me Leave China on Hillary Clinton’s Plane – The Daily Beast.

Hillary appears to have more economic things in mind rather than the fate of Chen Guangcheng, China’s most well known activist.   He had escaped from house arrest in Shandong to the U.S. embassy in Beijing.  Hillary’s latest statement made during her visit in China does not mention Chen.

Various factors fueled his decision to leave the embassy and have his injuries treated at the hospital.  One of those was to prevent the Chinese from taking his family, who had come to Beijing,  back to Shandong.

Chen has changed his mind about staying in China, and now wishes for Hillary to fly him and his family out of there.

Pharmer is not expecting Hillary to grant his wish, as she does not sufficiently  share Chen’s  opposition to the forced abortion policies of China.

TX Still Denying Medicaid Funds to Planned Parenthood.

TX ban on abortion funding reinstated (

On Monday U.S. District Judge Lee Yeakel  ordered  a Texas  to resume paying planned parenthood while the challenge to its law defunding abortion providers is being considered in federal court.   The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals promptly stayed Yeakel’s order, and the policy will resume.  This cuts $17 million in funding to Planned Parenthood, while the  case is being decided.


Dan Savage: Too Gross for America’s Kids

Dan Savage of the “It Gets Better” campaign is the latest favorite of the White house. Obama dumped “Safe Schools Czar” Kevin Jennings in order to clean house for the election year.  Among Jennings problems  was the underage sex issue, and the seriously pornographic stuff he had passed out to minors as sex education materials.    The alignment of the White House with the likes of the unglued  Dan Savage would be questionable in any portion of the political cycle.

Warning….. Dan Savage is the guy who invented the “google Santorum” nastiness, and he’s nothing but gross. Bear that in mind if you choose to listen to a compendium of his public comments in the video below, which ranges from fantasies about sex with the unwilling, to extremely   inappropriate advice for minors.  (Language and content warning.)  Savage  is in recent hot water for attacking Christian students at one of his so called anti-bullying rallies.