Deb Butler, NC State Senate Candidate Waves ‘Transvaginal Wand’

NC Senate Candidate Waves ‘Transvaginal Wand’ in Campaign Ad |

Click above to see a video of NC State Senate Candidate Deb Butler Whining about her opponent Thom Goolsby.

Take a look at Deb Butler’s Endorsements from Planned Parenthood, NARAL, NOW, and Lillians List.

Deb thinks the ultrasound is invasive but TAX PAYER FUNDED ABORTIONS are not.
Deb thinks that informing women before aborting their baby is invasive, but laminaria and suction cannulas are not.
Perhaps Deb also thinks that the TSA grope method, for which Planned Parenthood Charges Medicaid and the tax payers, is vital for cancer screening, but mammograms are extra. Her own party’s administration has cut the mammogram recommendation to every other year.

Pharmer thinks it’s stupid to do an abortion without knowing if the pregnancy is ectopic or not. Men wouldn’t tolerate such unguided surgical intervention as Deb Butler approves as the standard for women.

Pharmer thinks Deb Butler is every bit the fraud that Planned Parenthood is. Her ad is below.

Returned to Sender – Dung Dropped at Warren County Democrat Headquarters

Returned Manure to Democrat Headquarters, Warren County Ohio
It’s Horse Manure, not Cow Manure so this prank can’t be blamed on the Pharmer, who incidentally was at work at the time. 😉 Tuesday Morning, Warren County Democratic Party workers were greeted with a ginormous pile of dung, blocking their entryway. The All American Blogger suggests that this was more a Return, than a Delivery.

Giant Manure Pile Dumped Outside Democrat Headquarters in Ohio | All American Blogger.

TSA Gropers Harass Dying Woman at Sea-Tak Airport

Drudge devoted two headlines to this story:

Michelle Dunaj, near the end of her battle with Leukemia, decided to take a last trip to Hawaii to see family and friends. Though she took efforts to inquire and comply with rules covering the handling of her medications, TSA agents punctured and contaminated one of her bags of IV fluids. Though she asked to be screened in private, the TSA gropers refused (which is said to be against policy, and did their dirty work in public, pulling up her top and inspecting under bandages that held her feeding tube in place.
How much more of the TSA will Americans tolerate?

This video provides further details of Ms. Dunaj’s humiliating experience with the TSA.

Thanks to Michelle Dunaj for taking some of her precious last moments to inform the public and justifiably trash the TSA.

Dying woman gets security pat-down at Sea-Tac –

Greenies Should be Losing Their Minds Over This

Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley and and Sons is a case before the Supreme Court this fall which threatens aspects of the 1908 First Sale Doctrine. That older ruling allows people who own a copyrighted item to resell the item without getting permission from the copyright holder. This new case before the court, depending on how broadly the Court writes the ruling, could require resellers of copyrighted items made in Europe, or Asia to get permission from the copyright holders before they sell such products. It could affect resale of numerous products and items which bear copyrighted programming, content and logos.

This case is touched off by the fact that books published outside the country, by American publishers, for use in other countries, are being purchased and brought back into the U.S. for resale.

The publishers, for example, of Pharmer’s son’s anatomy and biochemistry texts, have a version in the U.S., priced more than double that of the version they sell in other countries. Obviously students, who are being bilked unconscionably for tuition costs, are trying to save hundreds of dollars each semester on their book bills, and buying versions published in Southeast Asia or India, etc.

A Court decision against the right of first sale in this case could have far reaching implications:

1) It could impede the ability of individuals to recycle textbooks, and electronic devices, or buy international versions for cheaper prices.
2) It will encourage manufacturers and publishers to produce shoddier merchandise and/or increase planned obsolescence in order to push new items to a consumer less inclined to buy new if they can’t sell the old one.
3) Most significantly, it will exacerbate the problem of often toxic waste and mountainous landfills.

The greenies ought to be camped outside the Supreme Court building throughout the fall over this.

Your right to resell your own stuff is in peril – Jennifer Waters's Consumer Confidential – MarketWatch.

The Voice of John

Nurse MaryAnn Lawhon,  found a baby who had survived an abortion, left to die of exposure.  She rocked him as he died, baptized him, and named him John.  She promised that she would carry his message, and this has inspired the title of upcoming movie, “The Voice of John”.

The Voice of John will be released on Nov 4, this year, hopefully not too late for people to respond by voting to remove Obamacare from our lives on November 6th.

Celebrate Pulpit Freedom Sunday

Pastors Prepare to Fight IRS Through Pulpit Freedom Sunday |

October 7 is Pulpit Freedom Sunday, in which the Alliance Defending Freedom and numerous other religious organizations are backing this effort.

Many of the pastors send tapes of their sermons to the IRS, attempting to trigger an audit.   The IRS has acted against non profits engaging in politically partisan activity before, but generally shy away before the issue goes to court. The agency fears losing the power to suppress speech by losing their case on constitutional 1st amendment grounds.

Knowing that the IRS does not go after Planned Parenthood for its blatant campaign activity for the Democrats, and Cecile Richards current tour of the swing states for Obama, should bolster the courage of any religious groups and churches which would like to engage in free political speech from the pulpit.

Some courageous Catholic Priests have taken on the task of defending the sanctity of  life in their sermons. This could be interpreted directly as anti-democrat speech since abortion is firmly entrenched in that party’s platform, and Obamacare includes a death panel, (IPAB).   These priests have therefore taken on the IRS, and the current administration itself.

Other members of  of United States Catholic Clergy might shy away from giving their own interpretations of scripture as it impinges upon politics, for fear of  chasing off their congregations. Some of them subscribe to the idea that it’s OK to vote for a politician who supports killing the unborn, the elderly and the disabled, so long as the candidate  promises to redistribute the wealth.  This type of confused thinking  has morphed  from Seamless Garment teaching of Cardinal Joseph Bernardin.

Besides Pulpit Freedom Sunday,  October is Pro Life Month and the Fall  edition of the 40 Days for Life,  is underway.

Don’t forget to Defend your Freedom with your VOTE on Nov 6th.

Indiana: Just Say NO to Justice Steven David

According to the Indiana Constitution, Supreme Court  Justice Steven David is up for reappointment  by the People on Nov 6th.

JUST SAY NO to Justice Steven David.

Remember his decision to remove citizen’s right to resist unlawful entry of law enforcement officers into our homes.

Here’s the background you need to evaluate Pharmer’s advice. Click those links!

Indiana Judicial Elections, 2012  Note that Justice Robert Rucker, who dissented against the decision written by Justice Steven David, is also up for reappointment.  With respect to this particular constitutional issue, Rucker survives the flush test.

Mitch Daniels Appointee, Indiana Supreme Court Justice Steven David rules contrary to 4th Amendment

The Indiana legislative bodies and Governor Mitch Daniels (who appointed Justice David) passed another law to negate that horrible Supreme Court decision.

Effort to Undo the Indiana Supreme Court Decision Overturning 4th Amendment Rights