Life News: Obama Continues War on Women

Obama waged another battle in his war on women during the October 16 Town Hall debate against Romney.

“There are millions of women all across the country who rely on Planned Parenthood for mammograms, for cervical cancer screenings,”  Obama lied.

He said the same thing in an interview with Glamour magazine.  The problem is that no Planned Parenthood facilities do mammograms.  Life News has assembled links to some of the evidence and admissions from Planned Parenthood that they do NOT  have mammography equipment  at any one of their facilities, and are not  certified for such procedures.  Komen Foundation had sought to cancel grants to Planned Parenthood, on this basis, but backed down due to a media assault from the abortion giant.

The tax payer  funded, non-profit Planned Parenthood has allocated six million dollars for  ads to reelect Obama and the democrats.  There’s another  half million dollar ad dump in Ohio and Virginia, and another quarter million going for ads in Colorado, newly announced by America’s largest  abortion provider.

In answer to a question on jobs for women, Obama reiterated his plan to force employers to cover birth control, abortion and sterilization, otherwise known as the HHS mandate.  To help women in their jobs, Romney suggested flexible hours and a shot in the arm for employers and the economy, to allow opportunity for unemployed women.   Obama spoke of his  mandate  to  force employers to provide for  preventing or aborting  pregnancies.

Obama’s Answer on the Issue of Jobs for Women

During tonight’s presidential Townhall debate, the issue of jobs and equal pay for women came up.  Romney discussed his own approach in recruiting women into his administration while governor of Massachusetts, and addressing their need for flexible hours in the workplace, and that bringing relief to employers would bring more opportunities for women.

Obama added another answer for the issue of jobs for women, and that involved tax funding for planned unparenthood and the need for free

Solving the issue of Jobs for Women with employer provided birth control

Maybe this could prevent the need for flexible work hours.

In Time for 2nd Debate, Hillary Takes Responsibility for Security at Benghazi

Clinton: I’m responsible for diplomats’ security –

Hillary is taking the blame for the death of U.S. ambassador to Libya in Benghazi, saying that the diplomats’  security is the job of the state department.

This is in tune with Biden and Obama’s attempt to absolve themselves from blame for removing U.S. security from the Libyan embassy, and for refusals to heed requests from ambassador Chris Stevens, who was  killed there.

Prior reports that Stevens was raped before he was killed came from (Lebanon news) which credited the AFP.   The AFP complained to Tayyar  and the news page in Arabic, as well as video claims have been scrubbed from the internet. No one wants credit for initial reports that Stevens was raped before, during or after he was murdered.

The Washington Times is keeping this view of the Google Translated article.  If this link  disappears, notify the Pharmer in comments, because it can be restored.


Lefties still burning with Palin Envy

Sarah Palin’s Hollywood Makeover – The Daily Beast.

The latest in hilarity comes from Fashion Beast which carries the latest lie that Palin has become “scary thin” or anorexic.
Palin, shown in the article in skinny jeans, is small boned, and has appropriate body mass. She’s at or near the medically ideal body weight.

Middle aged, Beastie leftists are envying Sarah Palin for having almost a teenage figure (which due to her outdoor lifestyle and attention to physical fitness).

Maybe Pharmer will take a look at Palin’s fitness program, to be available in an upcoming book, but likely won’t follow it closely. Doing martial arts is fun, but running is NOT.

There is an entire Palin photo montage at A Time for Choosing, for those who would like to envy Palin’s fitness from a friendy point of view.

Keep it Classy, ATF : Whistleblower Vince Cefalu Fired in Denny’s Parking Lot

ATF Whistleblower Fired in Denny’s Parking Lot For Exposing Corruption – Katie Pavlich. <-- CLICK! Vince Cefalu has been working for the ATF more than 25 years, and since 2005 serving as whistleblower regarding illegal wiretapping and corrupt activities within the organization.  His website at has been a place for agents to anonymously blow the whistle on their agency, but is under surveillance by the DOJ.  Cefalu was placed on administrative leave one and a half years ago for his opposition to the Fast and Furious debacle which has resulted in hundreds of deaths.

The ATF this past Tuesday has finally chosen to fire Vince Cefalu, in the parking lot of Dennys.  There’s a video of that event uploaded to Youtube.
Provided the ATF doesn’t make Vince Cefalu “disappear” he stands to recover huge financial renumeration for his suspension and firing by the ATF, due to regulations protecting government whistleblowers.

Lefties Harassing School Kids who favor Romney Ryan

FREEDOM EDEN: New Berlin School Bus Driver Tells Child He Should Have Been Aborted.

This first story was tracked on the Mark Belling radio show. Seems a New Berlin, WI school bus driver engaged a 12 year old kid in a political discussion due to the Romney Ryan sign in his front yard. The boy responded by saying that Obama is pro abortion. The boy and other students on the bus report that the bus driver replied: “Maybe your mom should have chosen abortion for you”.

The child’s mother reported this to the Durham School Service manager, Michael Bennett. Mark Belling also contacted the bus service provider.

The school bus driver has since been fired for her inappropriate comment to the student.

This incident has gotten no attention from the mainstream media, but the next story, has gotten a lot more coverage.

A 16 year old student, Samantha Pawlucy, at Charles Carroll High School in Port Richmond, PA was harassed by her geometry teacher, Lynette Gaymon, for wearing a Romney T-Shirt. She has since received additional abuse on social media as well.
Romney has made a phone call to the girl’s family, thanking the girl for her support.
Thought there has been considerable support coming from the community, Samantha’s parents are attempting to have her placed in a different school.

Pro-lifer looks at the Vice Presidential Debate

The question concerning how the vice presidential candidates’ Catholic faith informs their view on abortion was easier for Ryan to deal with than for Biden.

Paul Ryan was able to clearly give his own pro-life position, but had to hedge on the policy which the Romney campaign has to put forth, which is to remove the public funds for abortion, but continue to permit abortion for rape, incest and so-called life of the mother exceptions.

Joe Biden looked down while delivering must of his answer, since, of course his so-called Catholic faith does not support his own pro-abortion position. It also does not support the extreme position of the Obama administration, which supports late term and post-birth abortion, and forces religiously run institutions and private businesses to pay for abortion, birth control and sterilizations through insurance.
Biden blatantly lied when he said that Catholic run institutions were not being affected by the HHS mandate.

Ryan asked: Then why is the Catholic Church still suing the Obama administration???