Outing the Infanticide

It could finally be possible to force the media to acknowledge that Obama is an infanticidal nutcase.


Pharmer harkens back to Memorial Day weekend of 2011, when New York Congressman (D),  Anthony Wiener,  was outed in the conservative blogosphere for showing too much of himself online to very young ladies.   The lamestream media tried its very best to stuff this  revelation back into obscurity, but it was too nasty, hilarious, titillating, or otherwise entertaining to too many people.  The online tsunami of information overcame the leftie press, and the disgraced  Representative Weiner was forced to resign his position.

It could be possible with the juxtaposition of Abortionist Kermit Gosnell’s trial for multiple  infanticides, the memories of Obama vigorously opposing the Born Alive Infants Protection Act of Illinois, and the latest OUTING of Planned Parenthood’s infanticidal agenda, to finally make the low information voters understand that Obama and his pro-abort supporters are off the wall extremists.

Remember what the lefties did to Sarah Palin for refusing to kill her fifth kid, Trig, because he had a prenatal diagnosis of Down Syndrome?  They’re still at it.

Remember what the Dems did to Todd Akin, because he thought that the stress of a violent rape makes a woman infertile?  Recall what they did to Richard Mourdock for suggesting that a new life coming out of the miserable crime of rape could be God’s will?   Who would try to tell Ryan Bomberger, Rebecca Kiessling, and the rest of these people, who were conceived as a result of rape, that they should be killed?  The media, using false pretexts,  beat up two legitimately good political candidates so badly that their own cowardly party disowned them.

Don’t you think it’s time to return the favor to the abortion supporters, and their left wing media, whose war on women has killed  millions? 

Grab some links, write your own stories, spread them in your social media.  Bang the buttons below this post, or copy and  paste it into your email.  HELP YOURSELF!

Let everyone know that Obama and Planned Parenthood are not going to stop with Abortion.  They are out of the closet for infanticide.  

planned parenthood Alisa LaPolt Snow infanticide lobbyist for  Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates

Obama Should have Stayed on the Golf Course

It seems that when Obama gets out in public, it’s not all unicorns, rainbows and fainting fans anymore.   He’s experienced some audience dissatisfaction over the Easter weekend.  At Port of Miami, he gave a speech which received some negative response.   On the following Saturday, Obama appeared with his good buddy Reggie, at  an NCAA final 8 playoff, after some time on the golf course.   He was booed vigorously when the cameras focused on his visage and pasted him up on the monitors.Obama and his date at ncaa games 2013

Why do Pro-lifers Photograph Ambulances at Abortion Clinics?

If you click the image below, you’ll see a bigger death certificate of a woman killed by abortion by Reginald Sharpe in 2008.

abortion death certificate 2013-04-01_1121

The problem is that the certificate does not really specify the cause of death. Not only that, it refers to Sharpe’s abortion clinic as a BIRTHING CENTER, on the bottom line. It’s easy to see from this one example that no one is getting an accurate count of women who are killed, along with their babies, at abortion clinics.

Now that pro-lifers are using their cell phones to record the ambulance runs to abortion clinics, and using FOIA requests to obtain 911 call transcripts, people can finally begin to understand that abortion is not nearly as safe as has been represented.
This blog is searchable, and will continue to feature some of the ambulance runs. Operation Rescue, Real Choice ,  Abortion Violence, and Jill Stanek’s blog  are good places to find more information on abortion related health hazards.

abortion ambulance run 1 sharpe 3-23-13 Summit Medical Services abortion clinic

This video is taken at the Summit Medical Services where Reginald Sharpe was in attendance on March 23, 2013. Sharpe is a new hire at this clinic, after closing his own clinics in Detroit and Livonia Michigan.   Many more botched abortions can be tracked using this means, and use of 911 records,  than by ferreting out death certificates and sifting through them to reinterpret the inaccurate information.