A billion dollars of tax payer dollars go to the following group of voluntary agencies to help bring refugees to settle in the U.S..
Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services, World Relief Corporation, Church World Service, Episcopal Migration Ministries, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, International Rescue Committee, US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, and the Ethiopian Community Development Council, receive money from the government for every immigrant they help to settle, and after a few months, are not required to keep track of them in any way.
These Charities, like Planned Parenthood, have mechanisms by which they can generate further revenue from handling the settlement of refugees, and this can incentivize them to drop other charitable outreaches in favor of processing immigrants. Catholic Charities gets almost all of its immigrant resettlement budget from the U.S. government, (69 out of 70 million) and half of it’s 3.8 billion total budget is federal tax payer dollars. The Other Charities are similarly funded. A treasure trove of further information is available HERE.
Once a charity becomes majority owned by the government, it has to answer to them, and not to the private donors, nor their religious affiliates. So it’s time for any of the private donors who disagree with the money making mechanisms of these charities to let them go.